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No commits in common. "4e5a9537eaaa36df07cfa4bcf1d1c8dfc2e8b8ab" and "5e86db71550371bdb48855f0eb4b4e18d1846665" have entirely different histories.

2 changed files with 16 additions and 208 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ BINS := ethermess
LIBEXECS := ethermess-backend
TOOLS := ethertype-dump arp-request
MAN1S := ethermess.1
MAN7S := ethermess.7
.SUFFIXES: .c .o
@ -44,15 +43,12 @@ ethermess-backend: ethermess-backend.o
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $<
install: $(BINS) $(LIBEXECS) $(MAN1S) $(MAN7S)
install: $(BINS) $(LIBEXECS) $(MANS)
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man7
install $(BINS) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
cp $(MAN1S) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1
cp $(MAN7S) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man7
@echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
@echo 'To finish the installation, set the CAP_NET_RAW on $(LIBEXECDIR)/ethermess-backend with'
@ -68,7 +64,6 @@ uninstall:
cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) && rm $(BINS)
cd $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1 && rm $(MAN1S)
cd $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man7 && rm $(MAN7S)
rm -f $(BINS) $(LIBEXECS) $(TOOLS) *.o

View file

@ -7,11 +7,7 @@
is a protocol for direct messaging over raw Ethernet frames.
.Ss Byte order
uses network byte order when representing values larger than 8 bits.
That is, 0xAABB will be encoded as 0xAA 0xBB.
.Ss Packet format
The structure of an Ethernet frame containing an EtherMess packet is as
@ -30,21 +26,19 @@ Ethernet header Destination 6 Recipient's MAC
EtherType 2 0xDA7A
EtherMess header Version 1 0x00
Packet type 1 (defined below)
Payload 0 - 1498 (depends on packet type)
Padding 0 - 1498 0x00
Payload 0 - 1494 (depends on packet type)
Padding 0 - 1494 0x00
Padding may always be present, and it can be any length that fits into the
Ethernet frame after the headers and the payload.
Only requirement for padding is that it has to be all zero bytes.
If this requirement is violated, the packet must be ignored even if it
otherwise parses fine.
NOTE: Frame check sequence is not present in the table above, as at least
on Linux if raw Ethernet frames are read and written using
on Linux if you read and write raw Ethernet frames using
.Xr packet 7
it gets stripped off and added by the lower level drivers.
.Ss Packet types
.Ss Packet type
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Speak version (0x00)
@ -56,8 +50,8 @@ Version 1 EtherMess protocol version
Tells the recipient to speak the given version of the protocol.
Should be generated whenever an EtherMess packet with a version one doesn't
speak is received.
Should be generated whenever you receive an EtherMess packet with a version
you don't speak.
.It Status request (0x01)
Requests the recipient to tell its status and nick.
Upon receiving this packet, a status packet should be sent to the sender.
@ -85,205 +79,24 @@ Offline
The nick field must contain valid utf-8.
That is, it must not contain overlong encoding, codepoints over U+10FFFF,
That is, it may not contain overlong encodings, codepoints over U+10FFFF,
or surrogate pairs.
Additionally, the nick must not contain any non-characters (U+xxFFFE,
Additionally, the nick may not contain any non-characters (U+xxFFFE,
U+xxFFFF, U+FDD0 - U+FDED), C0 control characters (U+00 - U+1F), C1 control
characters (U+80 - U+9F), or the codepoints U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR and
The packet must be ignored if
.Bl -bullet
Status is not one of the recognized values.
Nick length is more than the remaining size of the packet
Nick is not valid utf-8.
Nick contains disallowed codepoints.
If the message has a status that is not recognized or the nick is not valid
utf-8 or contains disallowed codepopoints, the message must be ignored.
.It Msgid request (0x03)
Requests the recipient to tell the message ID of the next message it is
expecting from the sender.
Upon receiving this packet, a msgid packet should be sent to the sender.
.It Msgid (0x04)
lb lb lb
l l l.
Field Length (B) Contents
Msgid 2 Expected ID of next message
Informs the recipient of the expected ID of next message the recipient will
send to the sender.
Generally speaking, this should be one greater than the message ID of the
message sender last received from the recipient.
For special cases, see the Msgid section.
.It Message (0x05)
lb lb lb
l l l.
Field Length (B) Contents
Msgid 2 ID of the message
Length 2 Length of the message field in bytes
Message 0 - 1494 Message encoded as utf-8
Is used to transmit messages.
Upon receiving this packet, an ACK packet should be sent to the sender.
If the message ID is considered to be in the future (for details see the
Msgid section), the message should be displayed to the user and the next
message ID to expect should be made msgid + 1.
If instead the ID is considered to be in the past, the message should be
skipped as a repeat.
Note however than even in this case an ACK should be generated.
The message field has similar requirements to the nick field in its
encoding and contents, except that the message field may additionally
contain the codepoints U+0A LINE FEED and U+09 CHARACTER TABULATION.
The packet must be fully ignored (no ACK) if
.Bl -bullet
Message length is more than 1494 or the remaining size of the packet.
Message is not valid utf-8.
Message contains disallowed codepoints.
.It ACK (0x06)
lb lb lb
l l l.
Field Length (B) Contents
Msgid 2 ID of the received message
Confirms that the sender has received a message with the given message ID
from the recipient.
If the message ID matches a message sent by the recipient, the recipient
should consider that message to be received and not transmit it again in
the future.
On the other hand if the recipient doesn't recognize that message ID, the
packet should be ignored.
.Ss Msgid
Message IDs in
are unsigned 16 bit integers.
They are unique to each sender and recipient pair.
This means that the message IDs of messages A sends to B are completely
unrelated to the IDs of messages A sends to C or messages B sends to A.
Because they are 16 bit, there is a possibility of a rollover.
For that reason, a simple comparison whether the ID of the message received
is equal or greater than the ID the recipient was expecting next doesn't
The correct way to test if a message ID is considered to be in the future
is to do
.Li (received_msgid - next_expected_msgid) modulus 2^16
and see if the result is in the range of [0, 0x8000].
There are special cases for if the recipient doesn't know what the ID of
the next message they receive should be.
If they have received a message, it should be accepted and the next ID to
expect should be set to the ID of the message plus one, just like if the
message ID was considered to be in the future.
(Though it may be marked as a possible repeat.)
If they have received an msgid request packet, they should set the next ID
to expect to a random value and send that value in the msgid packet.
Implementations should not store the next message IDs to use in any
persistent storage.
This is because if those values are out of date, messages sent by the
implementation may be silently dropped.
Storing next message ID to expect is safer, though a value more than 0x8000
out of date will lead to valid messages being dropped by the implementation
.Ss Sending a message
To send a message, the sender should first figure out the correct message
ID to use.
If they have cached the next message ID to use for the recipient, they
should use it.
Otherwise they should send an msgid request packet to the recipient.
If the recipient doesn't answer the msgid request, the sender should retry
the transmission a few times.
The reference implementation,
.Xr ethermess 1 ,
will attempt to transmit at most 5 times, and uses a randomized timeout
around 1 to 1.5 seconds.
Implementations should randomize the retry timeout to reduce chances of
packet collisions with other
If there is still no msgid packet, the message should be considered to have
failed to send.
Once the message ID to use is known, the sender should send the message to
the recipient and wait for an ACK with the same message ID.
(Note that the sender might receive ACKs for different messages.)
The transmission should have a similar timeout and retry mechanism as with
the msgid request.
If no matching ACK is received, the message should be considered to have
failed to send, but the implementation may keep it around in case an ACK
with its message ID is received later.
After sending the message, regardless of if an ACK was received for it or
not, the sender should update its cached value of the next message ID to
use when sending to the target to the message ID of the message that was
send plus one.
.Ss Changing one's own nick or status
When a user changes their nick or status, they should broadcast (send to
the MAC FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) the status and nick with the status packet.
.Ss Offline timeout
An implementation should keep track of when it has last received a valid
packet from its peers.
If it has been more than 5 minutes, the implementation should consider the
peer to have quit.
The quit notification displayed to the user should mark that this was
because of the timeout and not due to a status packet with an offline
To avoid being considered to have quit, an implementation should
periodically broadcast a status packet containing its current status and
The period used by
.Xr ethermess 1
is in the range of 60 to 64 seconds.
The period should be randomized in order to avoid packet collisions with
.Ss Finding peers
To find peers, an implementation should broadcast a status request package.
Alternatively it may wait until it receives a keep-alive status broadcast
from all of its peers.
.Ss Getting the status of a peer
An implementation should keep a cache of statuses and nicks that is updated
whenever a status packet is received.
If the cache doesn't have a given peer, the implementation may request the
status using the status request packet targeted at that peer.
The timeout and retry mechanism should be designed to avoid spammyness and
minimize the possibility of packet collisions.
An implementation may also implement a user-initiated status check by first
looking at the cache and then regardless of whether it was in the cache or
not sending a status request packet.
This way the user can both receive an answer fast and in case the cached
value was outdated get the correct result once it arrives.
.Ss Shutting down
When an implementation exits, it should broadcast a status packet with the
status set to 0x02 (offline) and nick set to the current nick.
.Xr ethermess 1