/* dns.c * (c) 2002 Mikulas Patocka * This file is a part of the Links program, released under GPL */ #include "links.h" #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6 int support_ipv6; #endif #if !defined(USE_GETADDRINFO) && (defined(HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_BUG) || !defined(HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME)) #define EXTERNAL_LOOKUP #endif #if defined(WIN) || defined(INTERIX) #define EXTRA_IPV6_LOOKUP #endif #ifdef OPENVMS_64BIT /* 64-bit getaddrinfo with _SOCKADDR_LEN is broken and returns garbage */ #undef addrinfo #undef getaddrinfo #undef freeaddrinfo #define addrinfo __addrinfo32 static int my_getaddrinfo(const char *host, const char *service, const struct addrinfo *hints, struct addrinfo **res) { int r; #pragma __pointer_size 32 char *host_32; struct addrinfo hints_32; struct addrinfo *res_32; #pragma __pointer_size 64 host_32 = _malloc32(strlen(host) + 1); if (!host_32) { errno = ENOMEM; return EAI_SYSTEM; } strcpy(host_32, host); memcpy(&hints_32, hints, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); r = __getaddrinfo32(host_32, NULL, &hints_32, &res_32); free(host_32); if (!r) *res = res_32; return r; } static void my_freeaddrinfo(struct addrinfo *res) { #pragma __pointer_size 32 struct addrinfo *res_32 = (struct addrinfo *)res; #pragma __pointer_size 64 __freeaddrinfo32(res_32); } #define getaddrinfo my_getaddrinfo #define freeaddrinfo my_freeaddrinfo #endif struct dnsentry { list_entry_1st uttime absolute_time; struct lookup_result addr; list_entry_last unsigned char name[1]; }; #ifndef THREAD_SAFE_LOOKUP struct dnsquery *dns_queue = NULL; #endif struct dnsquery { #ifndef THREAD_SAFE_LOOKUP struct dnsquery *next_in_queue; #endif void (*fn)(void *, int); void *data; int h; struct dnsquery **s; struct lookup_result *addr; int addr_preference; unsigned char name[1]; }; static int dns_cache_addr_preference = -1; static struct list_head dns_cache = {&dns_cache, &dns_cache}; static void end_dns_lookup(struct dnsquery *q, int a); static int shrink_dns_cache(int u); static int get_addr_byte(unsigned char **ptr, unsigned char *res, unsigned char stp) { unsigned u = 0; if (!(**ptr >= '0' && **ptr <= '9')) return -1; while (**ptr >= '0' && **ptr <= '9') { u = u * 10 + **ptr - '0'; if (u >= 256) return -1; (*ptr)++; } if (stp != 255 && **ptr != stp) return -1; (*ptr)++; *res = (unsigned char)u; return 0; } int numeric_ip_address(unsigned char *name, unsigned char address[4]) { unsigned char dummy[4]; if (!address) address = dummy; if (get_addr_byte(&name, address + 0, '.')) return -1; if (get_addr_byte(&name, address + 1, '.')) return -1; if (get_addr_byte(&name, address + 2, '.')) return -1; if (get_addr_byte(&name, address + 3, 0)) return -1; return 0; } #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6 static int extract_ipv6_address(struct addrinfo *p, unsigned char address[16], unsigned *scope_id) { /*{ int i; for (i = 0; i < p->ai_addrlen; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x%c", ((unsigned char *)p->ai_addr)[i], i != p->ai_addrlen - 1 ? ':' : '\n'); }*/ if (p->ai_family == AF_INET6 && (socklen_t)p->ai_addrlen >= (socklen_t)sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6) && p->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { memcpy(address, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)p->ai_addr)->sin6_addr, 16); #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6_SCOPE *scope_id = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)p->ai_addr)->sin6_scope_id; #else *scope_id = 0; #endif return 0; } return -1; } int numeric_ipv6_address(unsigned char *name, unsigned char address[16], unsigned *scope_id) { unsigned char dummy_a[16]; unsigned dummy_s; int r; #ifdef HAVE_INET_PTON struct in6_addr i6a; #endif struct addrinfo hints, *res; if (!address) address = dummy_a; if (!scope_id) scope_id = &dummy_s; #ifdef HAVE_INET_PTON if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, cast_const_char name, &i6a) == 1) { memcpy(address, &i6a, 16); *scope_id = 0; return 0; } if (!strchr(cast_const_char name, '%')) return -1; #endif memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; if (getaddrinfo(cast_const_char name, NULL, &hints, &res)) return -1; r = extract_ipv6_address(res, address, scope_id); freeaddrinfo(res); return r; } #endif #ifdef EXTERNAL_LOOKUP static int do_external_lookup(unsigned char *name, unsigned char *host) { unsigned char buffer[1024]; unsigned char sink[16]; int rd; int pi[2]; pid_t f; unsigned char *n; int rs; if (c_pipe(pi) == -1) return -1; EINTRLOOP(f, fork()); if (f == -1) { EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pi[0])); EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pi[1])); return -1; } if (!f) { #ifdef HAVE_SETSID /* without setsid it gets stuck when on background */ EINTRLOOP(rs, setsid()); #endif EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pi[0])); EINTRLOOP(rs, dup2(pi[1], 1)); if (rs == -1) _exit(1); EINTRLOOP(rs, dup2(pi[1], 2)); if (rs == -1) _exit(1); EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pi[1])); EINTRLOOP(rs, execlp("host", "host", cast_const_char name, (char *)NULL)); EINTRLOOP(rs, execl("/usr/sbin/host", "host", cast_const_char name, (char *)NULL)); _exit(1); } EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pi[1])); rd = hard_read(pi[0], buffer, sizeof buffer - 1); if (rd >= 0) buffer[rd] = 0; if (rd > 0) { while (hard_read(pi[0], sink, sizeof sink) > 0); } EINTRLOOP(rs, close(pi[0])); /* Don't wait for the process, we already have sigchld handler that * does cleanup. * waitpid(f, NULL, 0); */ if (rd < 0) return -1; /*fprintf(stderr, "query: '%s', result: %s\n", name, buffer);*/ while ((n = strstr(buffer, name))) { memset(n, '-', strlen(cast_const_char name)); } for (n = buffer; n < buffer + rd; n++) { if (*n >= '0' && *n <= '9') { if (get_addr_byte(&n, host + 0, '.')) goto skip_addr; if (get_addr_byte(&n, host + 1, '.')) goto skip_addr; if (get_addr_byte(&n, host + 2, '.')) goto skip_addr; if (get_addr_byte(&n, host + 3, 255)) goto skip_addr; return 0; skip_addr: if (n >= buffer + rd) break; } } return -1; } #endif #if MAX_ADDRESSES > 1 static int memcmp_host_address(struct host_address *a, struct host_address *b) { if (a->af != b->af || a->scope_id != b->scope_id) return 1; return memcmp(a->addr, b->addr, sizeof a->addr); } #endif static void add_address(struct lookup_result *host, int af, unsigned char *address, unsigned scope_id, int preference) { struct host_address neww; struct host_address *e, *t; #if MAX_ADDRESSES > 1 struct host_address *n; #endif if (af != AF_INET && preference == ADDR_PREFERENCE_IPV4_ONLY) return; #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6 if (af != AF_INET6 && preference == ADDR_PREFERENCE_IPV6_ONLY) return; #endif if (host->n >= MAX_ADDRESSES) return; memset(&neww, 0, sizeof(struct host_address)); neww.af = af; memcpy(neww.addr, address, af == AF_INET ? 4 : 16); neww.scope_id = scope_id; e = &host->a[host->n]; t = e; #if MAX_ADDRESSES > 1 for (n = host->a; n != e; n++) { if (!memcmp_host_address(n, &neww)) return; if (preference == ADDR_PREFERENCE_IPV4 && af == AF_INET && n->af != AF_INET) { t = n; break; } #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6 if (preference == ADDR_PREFERENCE_IPV6 && af == AF_INET6 && n->af != AF_INET6) { t = n; break; } #endif } memmove(t + 1, t, (e - t) * sizeof(struct host_address)); #endif memcpy(t, &neww, sizeof(struct host_address)); host->n++; } #ifdef USE_GETADDRINFO static int use_getaddrinfo(unsigned char *name, struct addrinfo *hints, int preference, struct lookup_result *host) { int gai_err; struct addrinfo *res, *p; #ifdef OPENVMS struct addrinfo default_hints; if (!hints) { memset(&default_hints, 0, sizeof default_hints); default_hints.ai_flags = AI_V4MAPPED | AI_ADDRCONFIG; hints = &default_hints; } #endif gai_err = getaddrinfo(cast_const_char name, NULL, hints, &res); if (gai_err) return gai_err; for (p = res; p; p = p->ai_next) { if (p->ai_family == AF_INET && (socklen_t)p->ai_addrlen >= (socklen_t)sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) && p->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { add_address(host, AF_INET, (unsigned char *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)p->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr, 0, preference); continue; } #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6 { unsigned char address[16]; unsigned scope_id; if (!extract_ipv6_address(p, address, &scope_id)) { add_address(host, AF_INET6, address, scope_id, preference); continue; } } #endif } freeaddrinfo(res); return 0; } #endif void rotate_addresses(struct lookup_result *host) { #if MAX_ADDRESSES > 1 int first_type, first_different, i; if (host->n <= 2) return; first_type = host->a[0].af; for (i = 1; i < host->n; i++) { if (host->a[i].af != first_type) { first_different = i; goto do_swap; } } return; do_swap: if (first_different > 1) { struct host_address ha; memcpy(&ha, &host->a[first_different], sizeof(struct host_address)); memmove(&host->a[2], &host->a[1], (first_different - 1) * sizeof(struct host_address)); memcpy(&host->a[1], &ha, sizeof(struct host_address)); } #endif } void do_real_lookup(unsigned char *name, int preference, struct lookup_result *host) { unsigned char address[16]; #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6 size_t nl; #endif memset(host, 0, sizeof(struct lookup_result)); if (strlen(cast_const_char name) >= 6 && !casestrcmp(name + strlen(cast_const_char name) - 6, cast_uchar ".onion")) goto ret; if (!support_ipv6) preference = ADDR_PREFERENCE_IPV4_ONLY; if (!numeric_ip_address(name, address)) { add_address(host, AF_INET, address, 0, preference); goto ret; } #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6 nl = strlen(cast_const_char name); if (name[0] == '[' && name[nl - 1] == ']') { unsigned char *n2 = cast_uchar strdup(cast_const_char(name + 1)); if (n2) { unsigned scope_id; n2[nl - 2] = 0; if (!numeric_ipv6_address(n2, address, &scope_id)) { free(n2); add_address(host, AF_INET6, address, scope_id, preference); goto ret; } free(n2); } } else { unsigned scope_id; if (!numeric_ipv6_address(name, address, &scope_id)) { add_address(host, AF_INET6, address, scope_id, preference); goto ret; } } #endif #if defined(USE_GETADDRINFO) use_getaddrinfo(name, NULL, preference, host); #if defined(SUPPORT_IPV6) && defined(EXTRA_IPV6_LOOKUP) if ((preference == ADDR_PREFERENCE_IPV4 && !host->n) || preference == ADDR_PREFERENCE_IPV6 || preference == ADDR_PREFERENCE_IPV6_ONLY) { struct addrinfo hints; int i; for (i = 0; i < host->n; i++) if (host->a[i].af == AF_INET6) goto already_have_inet6; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; hints.ai_flags = 0; use_getaddrinfo(name, &hints, preference, host); } already_have_inet6:; #endif #elif defined(HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME) { int i; struct hostent *hst; if ((hst = gethostbyname(cast_const_char name))) { if (hst->h_addrtype != AF_INET || hst->h_length != 4 || !hst->h_addr) goto ret; #ifdef h_addr for (i = 0; hst->h_addr_list[i]; i++) { add_address(host, AF_INET, cast_uchar hst->h_addr_list[i], 0, preference); } #else add_address(host, AF_INET, cast_uchar hst->h_addr, 0, preference); #endif goto ret; } } #endif #ifdef EXTERNAL_LOOKUP if (!do_external_lookup(name, address)) { add_address(host, AF_INET, address, 0, preference); goto ret; } #endif ret: return; } #ifndef NO_ASYNC_LOOKUP static void lookup_fn(void *q_, int h) { struct dnsquery *q = (struct dnsquery *)q_; struct lookup_result host; do_real_lookup(q->name, q->addr_preference, &host); /*{ int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct lookup_result); i++) { if (i == 1) portable_sleep(1000); hard_write(h, (unsigned char *)&host + i, 1); } }*/ hard_write(h, (unsigned char *)&host, sizeof(struct lookup_result)); } static void end_real_lookup(void *q_) { struct dnsquery *q = (struct dnsquery *)q_; int r = 1; int rs; if (!q->addr || hard_read(q->h, (unsigned char *)q->addr, sizeof(struct lookup_result)) != sizeof(struct lookup_result) || !q->addr->n) goto end; r = 0; end: set_handlers(q->h, NULL, NULL, NULL); EINTRLOOP(rs, close(q->h)); end_dns_lookup(q, r); } #endif static int do_lookup(struct dnsquery *q, int force_async) { /*debug("starting lookup for %s", q->name);*/ #ifndef NO_ASYNC_LOOKUP if (!async_lookup && !force_async) { #endif #ifndef NO_ASYNC_LOOKUP sync_lookup: #endif do_real_lookup(q->name, q->addr_preference, q->addr); end_dns_lookup(q, !q->addr->n); return 0; #ifndef NO_ASYNC_LOOKUP } else { q->h = start_thread(lookup_fn, q, (int)((unsigned char *)strchr(cast_const_char q->name, 0) + 1 - (unsigned char *)q), 1); if (q->h == -1) goto sync_lookup; set_handlers(q->h, end_real_lookup, NULL, q); return 1; } #endif } static int do_queued_lookup(struct dnsquery *q) { #ifndef THREAD_SAFE_LOOKUP q->next_in_queue = NULL; if (!dns_queue) { dns_queue = q; /*debug("direct lookup");*/ #endif return do_lookup(q, 0); #ifndef THREAD_SAFE_LOOKUP } else { /*debug("queuing lookup for %s", q->name);*/ if (dns_queue->next_in_queue) internal_error("DNS queue corrupted"); dns_queue->next_in_queue = q; dns_queue = q; return 1; } #endif } static void check_dns_cache_addr_preference(void) { if (dns_cache_addr_preference != ipv6_options.addr_preference) { shrink_dns_cache(SH_FREE_ALL); dns_cache_addr_preference = ipv6_options.addr_preference; } } static int find_in_dns_cache(unsigned char *name, struct dnsentry **dnsentry) { struct dnsentry *e; struct list_head *le; check_dns_cache_addr_preference(); foreach(struct dnsentry, e, le, dns_cache) if (!casestrcmp(e->name, name)) { del_from_list(e); add_to_list(dns_cache, e); *dnsentry = e; return 0; } return -1; } static void free_dns_entry(struct dnsentry *dnsentry) { del_from_list(dnsentry); mem_free(dnsentry); } static void end_dns_lookup(struct dnsquery *q, int a) { struct dnsentry *dnsentry; size_t sl; void (*fn)(void *, int); void *data; /*debug("end lookup %s", q->name);*/ #ifndef THREAD_SAFE_LOOKUP if (q->next_in_queue) { /*debug("processing next in queue: %s", q->next_in_queue->name);*/ do_lookup(q->next_in_queue, 1); } else dns_queue = NULL; #endif if (!q->fn || !q->addr) { free(q); return; } if (!find_in_dns_cache(q->name, &dnsentry)) { if (a) { memcpy(q->addr, &dnsentry->addr, sizeof(struct lookup_result)); a = 0; goto e; } free_dns_entry(dnsentry); } if (a) goto e; if (q->addr_preference != ipv6_options.addr_preference) goto e; check_dns_cache_addr_preference(); sl = strlen(cast_const_char q->name); if (sl > MAXINT - sizeof(struct dnsentry)) overalloc(); dnsentry = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct dnsentry) + sl); strcpy(cast_char dnsentry->name, cast_const_char q->name); memcpy(&dnsentry->addr, q->addr, sizeof(struct lookup_result)); dnsentry->absolute_time = get_absolute_time(); add_to_list(dns_cache, dnsentry); e: if (q->s) *q->s = NULL; fn = q->fn; data = q->data; free(q); fn(data, a); } int find_host_no_cache(unsigned char *name, struct lookup_result *addr, void **qp, void (*fn)(void *, int), void *data) { struct dnsquery *q; retry: q = (struct dnsquery *)malloc(sizeof(struct dnsquery) + strlen(cast_const_char name)); if (!q) { if (out_of_memory(0, NULL, 0)) goto retry; fn(data, 1); return 0; } q->fn = fn; q->data = data; q->s = (struct dnsquery **)qp; q->addr = addr; q->addr_preference = ipv6_options.addr_preference; strcpy(cast_char q->name, cast_const_char name); if (qp) *qp = q; return do_queued_lookup(q); } int find_host(unsigned char *name, struct lookup_result *addr, void **qp, void (*fn)(void *, int), void *data) { struct dnsentry *dnsentry; if (qp) *qp = NULL; if (!find_in_dns_cache(name, &dnsentry)) { if (get_absolute_time() - dnsentry->absolute_time > DNS_TIMEOUT) goto timeout; memcpy(addr, &dnsentry->addr, sizeof(struct lookup_result)); fn(data, 0); return 0; } timeout: return find_host_no_cache(name, addr, qp, fn, data); } void kill_dns_request(void **qp) { struct dnsquery *q = *qp; q->fn = NULL; q->addr = NULL; *qp = NULL; } #ifndef NO_ASYNC_LOOKUP static void dns_prefetch_end(void *addr_, int status) { struct lookup_result *addr = (struct lookup_result *)addr_; free(addr); } #endif void dns_prefetch(unsigned char *name) { #ifndef NO_ASYNC_LOOKUP struct lookup_result *addr; if (!async_lookup) return; addr = (struct lookup_result *)malloc(sizeof(struct lookup_result)); if (!addr) return; find_host(name, addr, NULL, dns_prefetch_end, addr); #endif } #if MAX_ADDRESSES > 1 void dns_set_priority(unsigned char *name, struct host_address *address, int prefer) { int i; struct dnsentry *dnsentry; if (find_in_dns_cache(name, &dnsentry)) return; for (i = 0; i < dnsentry->addr.n; i++) if (!memcmp_host_address(&dnsentry->addr.a[i], address)) goto found_it; return; found_it: if (prefer) { memmove(&dnsentry->addr.a[1], &dnsentry->addr.a[0], i * sizeof(struct host_address)); memcpy(&dnsentry->addr.a[0], address, sizeof(struct host_address)); } else { memmove(&dnsentry->addr.a[i], &dnsentry->addr.a[i + 1], (dnsentry->addr.n - i - 1) * sizeof(struct host_address)); memcpy(&dnsentry->addr.a[dnsentry->addr.n - 1], address, sizeof(struct host_address)); } } #endif void dns_clear_host(unsigned char *name) { struct dnsentry *dnsentry; if (find_in_dns_cache(name, &dnsentry)) return; free_dns_entry(dnsentry); } unsigned long dns_info(int type) { switch (type) { case CI_FILES: return list_size(&dns_cache); default: internal_error("dns_info: bad request"); } return 0; } static int shrink_dns_cache(int u) { uttime now = get_absolute_time(); struct dnsentry *d; struct list_head *ld; int f = 0; if (u == SH_FREE_SOMETHING && !list_empty(dns_cache)) { d = list_struct(dns_cache.prev, struct dnsentry); goto delete_last; } foreach(struct dnsentry, d, ld, dns_cache) if (u == SH_FREE_ALL || now - d->absolute_time > DNS_TIMEOUT) { delete_last: ld = d->list_entry.prev; free_dns_entry(d); f = ST_SOMETHING_FREED; } return f | (list_empty(dns_cache) ? ST_CACHE_EMPTY : 0); } unsigned char *print_address(struct host_address *a) { #define SCOPE_ID_LEN 11 #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6 static unsigned char buffer[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + SCOPE_ID_LEN]; #else static unsigned char buffer[INET_ADDRSTRLEN + SCOPE_ID_LEN]; #endif #ifdef HAVE_INET_NTOP union { struct in_addr in; #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6 struct in6_addr in6; #endif char pad[16]; } u; memcpy(&u, a->addr, 16); if (!inet_ntop(a->af, &u, cast_char buffer, sizeof buffer - SCOPE_ID_LEN)) return NULL; #else if (a->af == AF_INET) snprintf(cast_char buffer, sizeof buffer, "%d.%d.%d.%d", a->addr[0], a->addr[1], a->addr[2], a->addr[3]); #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6 else if (a->af == AF_INET6) snprintf(cast_char buffer, sizeof buffer, "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", (a->addr[0] << 8) | a->addr[1], (a->addr[2] << 8) | a->addr[3], (a->addr[4] << 8) | a->addr[5], (a->addr[6] << 8) | a->addr[7], (a->addr[8] << 8) | a->addr[9], (a->addr[10] << 8) | a->addr[11], (a->addr[12] << 8) | a->addr[13], (a->addr[14] << 8) | a->addr[15]); #endif else return NULL; #endif if (a->scope_id) { unsigned char *end = cast_uchar strchr(cast_const_char buffer, 0); snprintf(cast_char end, buffer + sizeof(buffer) - end, "%%%u", a->scope_id); } return buffer; } int ipv6_full_access(void) { #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6 /* * Test if we can access global IPv6 address space. * This doesn't send anything anywhere, it just creates an UDP socket, * connects it and closes it. */ struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; int h, c, rs; if (!support_ipv6) return 0; h = c_socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (h == -1) return 0; memset(&sin6, 0, sizeof sin6); sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sin6.sin6_port = htons(1024); memcpy(&sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, "\052\001\004\060\000\015\000\000\002\314\236\377\376\044\176\032", 16); c = blocking_connect(h, (struct sockaddr *)(void *)&sin6, sizeof sin6); EINTRLOOP(rs, close(h)); if (!c) return 1; #endif return 0; } #ifdef FLOOD_MEMORY void flood_memory(void) { struct list_head list; size_t s = 32768 * 32; struct dnsentry *de; dns_cache_addr_preference = ipv6_options.addr_preference; #if defined(HAVE__HEAPMIN) _heapmin(); #endif init_list(list); while (!list_empty(dns_cache)) { de = list_struct(dns_cache.prev, struct dnsentry); del_from_list(de); add_to_list(list, de); } while (1) { while ((de = mem_alloc_mayfail(s))) { de->absolute_time = get_absolute_time(); memset(&de->addr, 0, sizeof de->addr); de->name[0] = 0; add_to_list(list, de); } if (s == sizeof(struct dnsentry)) break; s = s / 2; if (s < sizeof(struct dnsentry)) s = sizeof(struct dnsentry); } while (!list_empty(list)) { de = list_struct(list.prev, struct dnsentry); del_from_list(de); add_to_list(dns_cache, de); } } #endif void init_dns(void) { register_cache_upcall(shrink_dns_cache, 0, cast_uchar "dns"); #ifdef FLOOD_MEMORY flood_memory(); #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_IPV6 { int h, rs; h = c_socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (h == -1) { support_ipv6 = 0; } else { EINTRLOOP(rs, close(h)); support_ipv6 = 1; } } #endif }