set -e make_dir_path_absolute() { (cd "$1" && pwd) } has_command() { which "$1" > /dev/null } # Detect if the environment isn't set up properly. if [ -z "$PACKAGES" -a "${PACKAGES+x}" = 'x' ]; then exit 0 elif [ -z "$HOST" ]; then echo "$0: error: You need to set \$HOST" >&2 exit 1 elif [ -z "$SYSROOT" ]; then echo "$0: error: You need to set \$SYSROOT" >&2 exit 1 elif [ -z "$SORTIX_PORTS_DIR" ]; then echo "$0: error: You need to set \$SORTIX_PORTS_DIR" >&2 exit 1 elif [ -z "$SORTIX_REPOSITORY_DIR" ]; then echo "$0: error: You need to set \$SORTIX_REPOSITORY_DIR" >&2 exit 1 elif ! [ -d "$SORTIX_PORTS_DIR" ]; then echo "Warning: No ports directory found, third party software will not be built" exit 0 elif ! has_command tix-collection || ! has_command tix-build || ! has_command tix-install; then echo "$0: error: You need to have installed Tix locally to compile ports." >&2 exit 1 fi # Add the platform triplet to the binary repository path. SORTIX_REPOSITORY_DIR="$SORTIX_REPOSITORY_DIR/$HOST" mkdir -p "$SORTIX_REPOSITORY_DIR" # Make paths absolute for later use. SYSROOT=$(make_dir_path_absolute "$SYSROOT") SORTIX_PORTS_DIR=$(make_dir_path_absolute "$SORTIX_PORTS_DIR") SORTIX_REPOSITORY_DIR=$(make_dir_path_absolute "$SORTIX_REPOSITORY_DIR") # Create a temporary directory in which out-of-directory builds will happen. if [ -z "$BUILDTMP" ]; then export BUILDTMP=$(mktemp -d) fi # Decide the optimization options with which the ports will be built. if [ -z "${OPTLEVEL+x}" ]; then OPTLEVEL="-Os"; fi if [ -z "${PORTS_OPTLEVEL+x}" ]; then PORTS_OPTLEVEL="$OPTLEVEL"; fi if [ -z "${PORTS_CFLAGS+x}" ]; then PORTS_CFLAGS="$PORTS_OPTLEVEL"; fi if [ -z "${PORTS_CXXFLAGS+x}" ]; then PORTS_CXXFLAGS="$PORTS_OPTLEVEL"; fi if [ -z "${CFLAGS+x}" ]; then CFLAGS="$PORTS_CFLAGS"; fi if [ -z "${CXXFLAGS+x}" ]; then CXXFLAGS="$PORTS_CXXFLAGS"; fi export CFLAGS export CXXFLAGS # Detect all packages. get_all_packages() { for PACKAGE in $(ls "$SORTIX_PORTS_DIR"); do ! [ -f "$SORTIX_PORTS_DIR/$PACKAGE/tixbuildinfo" ] || echo $PACKAGE done } # Detect which packages are available if not specified. if [ -z "${PACKAGES+x}" ]; then PACKAGES=$(get_all_packages | sort -R) fi # Simply stop if there is no packages available. if [ -z "$PACKAGES" ]; then exit 0 fi # Detect the build-time dependencies for a package. get_package_dependencies_raw() {( PACKAGE_DIR=$(echo $1 | grep -Eo '^[^\.]*') ! [ -f "$SORTIX_PORTS_DIR/$PACKAGE_DIR/tixbuildinfo" ] || grep -E "^pkg\.build-libraries=.*" "$SORTIX_PORTS_DIR/$PACKAGE_DIR/tixbuildinfo" | \ sed 's/^pkg\.build-libraries=//' )} # Detect the build-time dependencies for a package with missing optional # dependencies removed. get_package_dependencies() {( PRINTED_ANY=false for DEPENDENCY in $(get_package_dependencies_raw $1); do if [ "$DEPENDENCY" != "${DEPENDENCY%\?}" ]; then DEPENDENCY="${DEPENDENCY%\?}" FOUND=false for PACKAGE in $PACKAGES; do if [ "$PACKAGE" = "$DEPENDENCY" ]; then FOUND=true break fi done if ! $FOUND; then continue fi fi if $PRINTED_ANY; then printf ' '; fi printf "%s" "$DEPENDENCY" PRINTED_ANY=true done if $PRINTED_ANY; then echo; fi )} # Decide the order the packages are built in according to their dependencies. DEPENDENCY_MAKEFILE=$(mktemp) (for PACKAGE in $PACKAGES; do echo "$PACKAGE: $(get_package_dependencies $PACKAGE)" echo " @echo $PACKAGE" done; printf ".PHONY:" for PACKAGE in $PACKAGES; do printf " $PACKAGE" done; echo) > "$DEPENDENCY_MAKEFILE" BUILD_LIST=$(unset MAKE; unset MFLAGS; unset MAKEFLAGS; make -Bs -f "$DEPENDENCY_MAKEFILE" $PACKAGES) rm -f "$DEPENDENCY_MAKEFILE" PACKAGES="$BUILD_LIST" # Create the system root if absent. mkdir -p "$SYSROOT" # Create the binary package repository. mkdir -p "$SORTIX_REPOSITORY_DIR" # Initialize Tix package management in the system root if absent. [ -e "$SYSROOT/tix/collection.conf" ] || tix-collection "$SYSROOT" create --platform=$HOST --prefix= --disable-multiarch --generation=2 # Build all the packages (if needed) and otherwise install them. for PACKAGE in $PACKAGES; do [ -f "$SORTIX_REPOSITORY_DIR/$PACKAGE.tix.tar.xz" ] || # TODO: After releasing Sortix 1.0, remove the --exec-prefix option after fixing # the tix-build exec-prefix default to just the prefix rather than the # prefix plus a host subdirectory. tix-build \ --sysroot="$SYSROOT" \ --host=$HOST \ --prefix= \ --exec-prefix= \ --destination="$SORTIX_REPOSITORY_DIR" \ --generation=2 \ "$SORTIX_PORTS_DIR/$PACKAGE" tix-install \ --collection="$SYSROOT" \ --reinstall \ "$SORTIX_REPOSITORY_DIR/$PACKAGE.tix.tar.xz" done