.Dd July 29, 2018 .Dt INIT 5 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm init .Nd system initialization configuration .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm /etc/init/ .Nm /share/init/ .Sh DESCRIPTION .Xr init 8 starts each .Xr daemon 7 (system background process) according to the daemon's configuration file, which specifies the daemon's dependencies and how to run the daemon. .Pp Configuration files are searched for in the .Pa /etc/init/ directory (local initialization configuration owned by the system administrator, which may be modified) and the .Pa /share/init/ directory (default initialization configuration owned by the operating system, which should not be modified). The file name of each configuration file is that of the daemon without any file extension. For instance, the daemon .Sy exampled might come with the default configuration file .Pa /share/init/exampled that the system administrator can override in .Pa /etc/init/exampled . .Pp .Xr init 8 initially starts the .Sy default daemon which is configured in .Pa /etc/init/default , which then depends on the daemons constituting the operating system (which in turn depend on the .Sy local daemon). The .Pa /etc/init/default file also defines default settings such as logging that are implicitly inherited by all other deamons, as well as .Xr init 8 Ns 's own .Pa /var/log/init.log file. .Pp Local system daemons should be started by overriding the .Sy local daemon in .Pa /etc/init/local , which then depends on the locally required daemons. System provided daemons can be customized by making .Pa /etc/init/exampled which starts with the .Sy furthermore statement to include the default .Pa /etc/share/exampled configuration and then change the desired properties. .Sh DAEMONS The .Sy default daemon should .Sy require exactly one top level daemon with .Sy exit-code and nothing else. .Pp The following daemons are top level daemons that start the operating system. They are mutually exclusive and only a single one should be depended on: .Bl -tag -width "12345678" .It Sy multi-user Starts the operating system in the multi-user mode. It starts the .Sy login foreground daemon that provides a login screen and exits with login's exit code when login exits. This is a secure operating system mode where only authorized users have access. It depends on the .Sy base and .Sy local daemons. .It Sy no-user Starts the operating system in the no-user mode. This is a secure operating system mode where no user is granted access. Additional daemons can be started by configuring the .Sy local daemon. It depends on the .Sy base and .Sy local daemons. The dependency on .Sy local is marked .Sy exit-code , letting the system administrator fully control the .Sy default daemon's exit code and when the system completes. .It Sy single-user Starts the operating system in the single user mode. This foreground daemon starts the .Sy sh program that directly provides a root shell and exits with the shell's exit code when the shell exits. This operating system mode is insecure because it boots straight to root access without a password. It depends on the .Sy base and .Sy local daemons. .It Sy single-user-gui Like .Sy single-user , but runs the root shell in .Xr terminal 1 inside the .Xr display 8 graphical user interface environment. This operating system mode is insecure because it boots straight to root access without a password. .It Sy sysinstall Starts the operating system installer. This foreground daemon starts the .Sy sysinstall program that provides the operating system installer and exits with the installer's exit code when the installer exits. This operating system mode is insecure because it boots straight to root access without a password. It depends on the .Sy base and .Sy local daemons. .It Sy sysinstall-gui Like .Sy sysinstall , but runs it in .Xr terminal 1 inside the .Xr display 8 graphical user interface environment. This operating system mode is insecure because it boots straight to root access without a password. .It Sy sysupgrade Starts the operating system upgrader. This foreground daemon starts the .Sy sysupgrade program that provides the operating system upgrader and exits with the upgrader's exit code when the upgrader exits. This operating system mode is insecure because it boots straight to root access without a password. It depends on the .Sy base and .Sy local daemons. .It Sy sysupgrade-gui Like .Sy sysupgrade , but runs it in .Xr terminal 1 inside the .Xr display 8 graphical user interface environment. This operating system mode is insecure because it boots straight to root access without a password. .El .Pp The following daemons are provided by the system: .Bl -tag -width "12345678" .It Sy base Virtual daemon that depends on the core operating system daemons. It depends on the .Sy network and .Sy time daemons. .It Sy dhclient Daemon that starts .Xr dhclient 8 on each network interface and becomes ready when each network interface has been attempted configured. .It Sy local Virtual daemon that starts daemons pertinent to the local system. The system provides a default implementation that does nothing. The system administrator is meant to override the daemon in .Pa /etc/init/local by depending on daemons outside of the base system that should run on the local system. .It Sy network Virtual daemon that becomes ready when an attempt has been made to establish network connectivity. It depends on the .Sy dhclient deamon. Daemons can depend on this daemon if they need the network to have been established before they start. .It Sy time Virtual daemon that becomes ready when the current date and time has been established. The system provides a default implementation that does nothing, as the base system does not contain a daemon that obtains the current date and time. The system administrator is meant to override the daemon in .Pa /etc/init/time by depending on a daemon such as .Xr ntpd 8 that obtains the current date and time and sets the system time. Daemons can depend on this daemon if they need the current date and time to have been established before they start. .El .Sh FORMAT Daemon configuration files are processed line by line. Each line specifies a property of the daemon. Lines are tokenized like shell commands on white space with support for single qoutes, double quotes, and backslash escape sequences (\\\\, \\', \\", \\a, \\b, \\e, \\f, \\n, \\r, \\t, \\v). The # character starts a comment and the rest of the line is ignored. .Bl -tag -width "12345678" .It Sy cd Ar directory The working directory to run the deamon inside. (Default is .Pa / ) .It Sy exec Ar command The command line that starts the daemon. The daemon becomes ready when it writes a newline to the file descriptor mentioned in the .Ev READYFD environment variable as described in .Xr daemon 7 . .Pp If this property isn't specified, then the daemon is a virtual daemon. Virtual deamons become ready when all their dependencies are ready and finish when all their dependencies are finished. Virtual daemons exit 0 (success) if every dependency finished successfully, otherwise they exit 3 (failed). .It Sy exit-code-meaning Oo Sy default "|" poweroff-reboot Oc This property specifies how to interpret the exit code. .Pp The .Sy default meaning is that exiting 0 is successful. Any other exit means the daemon failed. .Pp The .Sy poweroff-reboot meaning is that exiting 0 means the system should power off, exiting 1 means the system should reboot, exiting 2 means the system should halt, exit means system should reload its configuration and reinitialize, and any other exit means the daemon failed. .Pp Daemons are considered successful if they exit by .Sy SIGTERM if .Xr init 8 stopped the daemon by sending .Sy SIGTERM. .It Sy furthermore The current daemon configuration file extends an existing daemon that is defined in a configuration file by the same name later in the search path. The later configuration file is included into the current configuration file. This statement can only be used once per configuration file, any subsequent uses are silently ignored, but it can be used recursively. Customizing an existing daemon should be done by adding a new daemon file earlier in the search path that starts with the .Sy furthermore statement, followed by additional configuration. .Pp This is not a property and cannot be .Sy unset . .It Sy log-control-messages Oo Sy false "|" true Oc Includes control messages such as the start and stop of the daemon and loss of log data. Control messages are inserted as entries from the daemon .Sy init . .Pp The default is .Sy true and is inherited from the .Sy default deamon. .It Sy log-file-mode Ar octal Sets the log file permissions to the .Ar octal mode with .Xr chmod 2 . .Pp The default value is .Sy 644 and is inherited from the .Sy default deamon. .It Sy log-format Ar format Selects the .Ar format of the log: .Bl -tag -width "nanoseconds" .It Sy none The log is exactly as written by the daemon with no additional formatting. .It Sy seconds "YYYY-dd-mm HH:MM:SS +0000: " .Pp Each line is prefixed with a timestamp with second precision and the timezone offset. .It Sy nanoseconds "YYYY-dd-mm HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn +0000: " .Pp Each line is prefixed with a timestamp with nanosecond precision and the timezone offset. .It Sy basic "YYYY-dd-mm HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn +0000 daemon: " .Pp Each line is prefixed with a timestamp with nanosecond precision and the timezone offset followed by the name of the daemon. .It Sy full "YYYY-dd-mm HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn +0000 hostname daemon: " .Pp Each line is prefixed with a timestamp with nanosecond precision and the timezone offset followed by the hostname and name of the daemon. .It Sy syslog "1 YYYY-dd-mmTHH:MM:SS.uuuuuuZ hostname daemon pid - - " .Pp Each line is prefixed in the RFC 5424 syslog version 1 format with the priority, the timestamp with microsecond precision and the timezone offset, the hostname, the daemon name, and the process id. .El .Pp The default format is .Sy nanoseconds and is inherited from the .Sy default deamon. .It Sy log-line-size Ar line-size When using the .Sy rotate log method, log files are cut at newlines if the lines don't exceed .Ar line-size bytes. .Pp The default value is 4096 bytes and is inherited from the .Sy default deamon. .It Sy log-method Oo Sy none "|" append "|" rotate Oc Selects the method for logging: .Bl -tag -width "12345678" .It Sy none Disable logging. .It Sy append Always append the log data to the log file without any rotation. For instance, .Pa exampled.log will contain all the log entries ever produced by the .Sy exampled daemon. .Pp This method does not lose log data but it will fail when filesystem space is exhausted. .It Sy rotate Append lines to the log file until it becomes too large, in which case the daemon's logs are rotated. .Pp Rotation is done by deleting the oldest log (if there are too many), each of the remaining log files are renamed with the subsequent number, and a new log file is begun. The logs are cut on a newline boundary if the lines doesn't exceed .Sy log-line-size . .Pp For instance, .Pa exampled.log.2 is deleted, .Pa exampled.log.1 becomes .Pa exampled.log.2 , .Pa exampled.log.1 becomes .Pa exampled.log.2 , and a new .Pa exampled.log is begun. .Pp This method will lose old log data. .El .Pp The default format is .Sy rotate and is inherited from the .Sy default deamon. .It Sy log-rotate-on-start Oo Sy false "|" true Oc When starting the daemon, rotate the logs (when using the .Sy rotate log method) or empty the log (when using the .Sy append log method), such that the daemon starts out with a new log. .Pp The default value is .Sy false and is inherited from the .Sy default deamon. .It Sy log-size Ar size When using the .Sy rotate log method, keep each log file below .Ar size bytes. .Pp The default value is 1048576 bytes and is inherited from the .Sy default deamon. .It Sy need tty Specifies that the daemon is not a background daemon, but instead is the foreground daemon controlling the terminal in the .Sy tty property. The daemon is made a process group leader. The terminal's foreground process group is set to that of the daemon. The terminal is enabled by setting .Sy CREAD . The daemon is not logged, and the standard input, output, and error are instead connected to the terminal Foreground daemons are automatically considered ready and don't participate in the .Ev READYFD daemon readiness protocol. Upon exit, the original terminal settings are restored and .Xr init 8 reclaims ownership of the terminal. .It Sy per if Specifies that an instance of the daemon should run for each network interface. The daemon becomes a virtual daemon that depends on on the instantiated daemons for each network interface. The name of each instantiated daemon is the name of the virtual daemon plus .Sq "." plus the name of the network interface (e.g. .Sy exampled running on the loopback interface .Sy lo0 would be .Sy example.lo0 ) . The name of the network interface is appended as a command line argument on the command line of each instantiated daemon. It is not possible to depend on the instantiated daemons. .It Sy require Ar dependency Oo Ar flag ... Oc When the daemon is needed, start the .Ar dependency first. The daemon starts when all its dependencies have become ready or have finished. Dependencies are started in parallel whenever possible. If the daemon hasn't started yet, and any non-optional dependency finishes unsuccessfully, then the daemon doesn't start and instead directly finishes unsuccessfully. If the daemon has started, it is the daemon's responsibility to detect failures in its dependencies. .Pp The dependency can be customized with zero or more flags: .Bl -tag -width "12345678" .It Sy exit-code If the daemon is a virtual daemon, then the daemon's exit code is that of the specific .Ar dependency rather than whether all dependencies succeeded. The daemon exits as soon as the .Ar dependency exits, rather than waiting for all dependencies to exit. The .Sy exit-code-meaning field is set to that of the dependency. .Sy exit-code can at most be used on a single dependency for a daemon. .It Sy no-await Don't wait for the .Ar dependency to become ready before starting this daemon. This flag is meant for dependencies that the daemon can make use of, but isn't essential to the daemon itself becoming ready. It shouldn't be used if the daemon polls for the dependency to come online, as it is more efficient to only start the daemon once the dependency is ready. .It Sy optional Start the daemon even if the .Ar dependency fails. The dependency is assumed to exist and a warning occurs if it doesn't exist. .El .Pp Dependencies can be forgotten using .Sy unset require Ar dependency . Flags on a dependency can be be unset using .Sy unset require Ar dependency flag ... . .It Sy unset Ar property Reset the given property to its default value. .It Sy tty Ar device If the daemon is a foreground daemon .Sy ( need tty is set), then connect the daemon to the terminal named .Ar device . .Pp The default value is the terminal .Xr init 8 is attached to, usually .Pa tty1 . .El .Sh ENVIRONMENT Daemons inherit their environment from .Xr init 8 with this additional environment: .Bl -tag -width "READYFD" .It Ev READYFD Daemons signal they are ready by writing a newline to the file descriptor mentioned in the .Ev READYFD environment variable as described in .Xr daemon 7 . .El .Sh FILES .Bl -tag -width /share/init/default -compact .It Pa /etc/init/ Daemon configuration for the local system (first in search path). .It Pa /etc/init/default The configuration file for the .Sy default daemon. .It Pa /etc/init/local The configuration file for the .Sy local daemon which depends on the installation's local daemons. .It Pa /share/init/ Default daemon configuration provided by the operating system (second in search path). .It Pa /var/log/ Daemon log files. .El .Sh EXAMPLES .Ss Configuring a daemon to start on boot The local system can be configured to start the .Sy exampled daemon by creating .Pa /etc/init/local with the following contents: .Bd -literal require exampled optional .Ed .Pp Additional lines can be included for any daemon you wish to start. The .Sy optional flag means the .Sy local daemon doesn't fail if the daemon fails. The top level daemons .Sy ( multi-user , single-user , ... ) fails if the .Sy local daemon fails, which will shut down the operating system. The .Sy optional flag should only be omitted if a local daemon is critical and the boot should fail if the daemon fails. .Ss Disable network auto-configuration (DHCP) The .Sy network daemon depends by default on .Sy dhclient , which does DHCP configuration of the network. This dependency can be removed by creating .Pa /etc/init/network with the following contents: .Bd -literal furthermore unset require dhclient .Ed .Pp This example extends the existing configuration in .Pa /share/init/network by removing a dependency. .Ss Creating a new daemon The .Sy exampled daemon, which depends on the .Sy food , bard , and .Sy quxd daemons and whose program file is called .Pa exampled , can then be configured by creating .Pa /etc/init/exampled with the following contents: .Bd -literal require food require bard require quxd exec exampled .Ed .Ss Changing the log format The default log format of daemons and .Xr init 8 Ns 's own can be set by setting the properties in .Pa /etc/init/default . A few examples: .Bd -literal log-format full log-method append .Ed .Pp Uses the .Sy full log format and grows the log without limit, never losing data unless the filesystem space is exhausted. .Bd -literal log-control-messages false log-format none log-method rotate log-rotate-on-start true .Ed .Pp Provides plain rotated log files, by disabling control messages from .Xr init 8 about starting/stopping the daemon, turning off log metadata, and also rotates the log when the deamon is started. .Ss Configuring a multi-user system The system can be configured to boot into multi-user mode by creating .Pa /etc/init/default with the following contents: .Bd -literal require multi-user exit-code .Ed .Ss Configuring an unattended system A fully unattended system that only starts the base system and the .Sy exampled daemon, shutting down when the .Sy exampled daemon finishes, can be done by first creating .Pa /etc/init/default with the following contents: .Bd -literal require no-user exit-code .Ed .Pp And then secondly creating .Pa /etc/init/local with the following contents: .Bd -literal require exampled exit-code .Ed .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr daemon 7 , .Xr init 8 .Sh BUGS The control messages mentioned in .Sy log-control-messages aren't implemented yet. .Pp The .Sy tty property isn't implemented yet and must be .Pa tty1 if set.