2014-03-17 19:22:11 +01:00

632 lines
15 KiB

Copyright(C) Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 2011, 2012, 2013.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see <>.
A simple and hacky Sortix shell.
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/termmode.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int status = 0;
const char* getenv_safe(const char* name, const char* def = "")
const char* ret = getenv(name);
return ret ? ret : def;
void on_sigint(int /*signum*/)
void updatepwd()
const size_t CWD_SIZE = 512;
char cwd[CWD_SIZE];
const char* wd = getcwd(cwd, CWD_SIZE);
if ( !wd ) { wd = "?"; }
setenv("PWD", wd, 1);
void updateenv()
char str[128];
struct winsize ws;
if ( tcgetwinsize(0, &ws) == 0 )
sprintf(str, "%zu", ws.ws_col);
setenv("COLUMNS", str, 1);
sprintf(str, "%zu", ws.ws_row);
setenv("LINES", str, 1);
bool matches_simple_pattern(const char* string, const char* pattern)
size_t wildcard_index = strcspn(pattern, "*");
if ( !pattern[wildcard_index] )
return strcmp(string, pattern) == 0;
if ( pattern[0] == '*' && string[0] == '.' )
return false;
size_t string_length = strlen(string);
size_t pattern_length = strlen(pattern);
size_t pattern_last = pattern_length - (wildcard_index + 1);
return strncmp(string, pattern, wildcard_index) == 0 &&
strcmp(string + string_length - pattern_last,
pattern + wildcard_index + 1) == 0;
int runcommandline(const char** tokens, bool* exitexec, bool interactive)
int result = 127;
size_t cmdnext = 0;
size_t cmdstart;
size_t cmdend;
bool lastcmd = false;
int pipein = 0;
int pipeout = 1;
int pipeinnext = 0;
char** argv;
size_t cmdlen;
const char* execmode;
const char* outputfile;
pid_t childpid;
pid_t pgid = -1;
bool internal;
int internalresult;
size_t num_tokens = 0;
while ( tokens[num_tokens] )
// Collect any pending zombie processes.
while ( 0 < waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) );
cmdstart = cmdnext;
for ( cmdend = cmdstart; true; cmdend++ )
const char* token = tokens[cmdend];
if ( !token ||
strcmp(token, ";") == 0 ||
strcmp(token, "&") == 0 ||
strcmp(token, "|") == 0 ||
strcmp(token, ">") == 0 ||
strcmp(token, ">>") == 0 ||
false )
cmdlen = cmdend - cmdstart;
if ( !cmdlen ) { fprintf(stderr, "expected command\n"); goto out; }
execmode = tokens[cmdend];
if ( !execmode ) { lastcmd = true; execmode = ";"; }
tokens[cmdend] = NULL;
if ( strcmp(execmode, "|") == 0 )
int pipes[2];
if ( pipe(pipes) ) { perror("pipe"); goto out; }
if ( pipeout != 1 ) { close(pipeout); } pipeout = pipes[1];
if ( pipeinnext != 0 ) { close(pipeinnext); } pipeinnext = pipes[0];
outputfile = NULL;
if ( strcmp(execmode, ">") == 0 || strcmp(execmode, ">>") == 0 )
outputfile = tokens[cmdend+1];
if ( !outputfile ) { fprintf(stderr, "expected filename\n"); goto out; }
const char* nexttok = tokens[cmdend+2];
if ( nexttok ) { fprintf(stderr, "too many filenames\n"); goto out; }
for ( size_t i = cmdstart; i < cmdend; i++ )
const char* pattern = tokens[i];
size_t wildcard_pos = strcspn(pattern, "*");
if ( !pattern[wildcard_pos] )
bool found_slash = false;
size_t last_slash = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < wildcard_pos; i++ )
if ( pattern[i] == '/' )
last_slash = i, found_slash = true;
size_t match_from = found_slash ? last_slash + 1 : 0;
DIR* dir;
size_t pattern_prefix = 0;
if ( !found_slash )
if ( !(dir = opendir(".")) )
char* dirpath = strdup(pattern);
if ( !dirpath )
dirpath[last_slash] = '\0';
pattern_prefix = last_slash + 1;
dir = opendir(dirpath);
if ( !dir )
size_t num_inserted = 0;
size_t last_inserted_index = i;
while ( struct dirent* entry = readdir(dir) )
if ( !matches_simple_pattern(entry->d_name, pattern + match_from) )
// TODO: Memory leak.
char* name = (char*) malloc(pattern_prefix + strlen(entry->d_name) + 1);
memcpy(name, pattern, pattern_prefix);
strcpy(name + pattern_prefix, entry->d_name);
if ( !name )
if ( num_inserted )
// TODO: Reckless modification of the tokens array.
for ( size_t n = num_tokens; n != last_inserted_index; n-- )
tokens[n+1] = tokens[n];
// TODO: Reckless modification of the tokens array.
tokens[last_inserted_index = i + num_inserted++] = name;
cmdnext = cmdend + 1;
argv = (char**) (tokens + cmdstart);
char statusstr[32];
sprintf(statusstr, "%i", status);
setenv("?", statusstr, 1);
for ( char** argp = argv; *argp; argp++ )
char* arg = *argp;
if ( arg[0] != '$' )
arg = getenv(arg+1);
if ( !arg )
arg = (char*) "";
*argp = arg;
internal = false;
internalresult = 0;
if ( strcmp(argv[0], "cd") == 0 )
internal = true;
const char* newdir = getenv_safe("HOME", "/");
if ( argv[1] ) { newdir = argv[1]; }
if ( chdir(newdir) )
error(0, errno, "cd: %s", newdir);
internalresult = 1;
if ( strcmp(argv[0], "exit") == 0 )
int exitcode = argv[1] ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
*exitexec = true;
return exitcode;
if ( strcmp(argv[0], "unset") == 0 )
internal = true;
unsetenv(argv[1] ? argv[1] : "");
if ( strcmp(argv[0], "clearenv") == 0 )
internal = true;
childpid = internal ? getpid() : fork();
if ( childpid < 0 ) { perror("fork"); goto out; }
if ( childpid )
if ( !internal )
if ( pgid == -1 )
pgid = childpid;
setpgid(childpid, pgid);
if ( pipein != 0 ) { close(pipein); pipein = 0; }
if ( pipeout != 1 ) { close(pipeout); pipeout = 1; }
if ( pipeinnext != 0 ) { pipein = pipeinnext; pipeinnext = 0; }
if ( strcmp(execmode, "&") == 0 && !tokens[cmdnext] )
result = 0; goto out;
if ( strcmp(execmode, "&") == 0 )
pgid = -1;
if ( strcmp(execmode, "&") == 0 || strcmp(execmode, "|") == 0 )
goto readcmd;
status = internalresult;
int exitstatus;
tcsetpgrp(0, pgid);
if ( !internal && waitpid(childpid, &exitstatus, 0) < 0 )
return 127;
tcsetpgrp(0, getpgid(0));
// TODO: HACK: Most signals can't kill processes yet.
if ( WEXITSTATUS(exitstatus) == 128 + SIGINT )
if ( WTERMSIG(status) == SIGKILL )
status = WEXITSTATUS(exitstatus);
if ( strcmp(execmode, ";") == 0 && tokens[cmdnext] && !lastcmd )
goto readcmd;
result = status;
goto out;
setpgid(0, pgid != -1 ? pgid : 0);
if ( pipeinnext != 0 ) { close(pipeinnext); }
if ( pipein != 0 )
if ( pipeout != 1 )
if ( outputfile )
int flags = O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND;
if ( strcmp(execmode, ">") == 0 ) { flags |= O_TRUNC; }
if ( open(outputfile, flags, 0666) < 0 )
error(127, errno, "%s", outputfile);
if ( !strcmp(argv[0], "env") )
for ( size_t i = 0; environ[i]; i++ )
printf("%s\n", environ[i]);
execvp(argv[0], argv);
if ( interactive )
int errno_saved = errno;
execlp("command-not-found", "command-not-found", argv[0], NULL);
errno = errno_saved;
error(127, errno, "%s", argv[0]);
return 127;
if ( pipein != 0 ) { close(pipein); }
if ( pipeout != 1 ) { close(pipeout); }
if ( pipeinnext != 0 ) { close(pipeout); }
return result;
int get_and_run_command(FILE* fp, const char* fpname, bool interactive,
bool exit_on_error, bool* exitexec)
int fd = fileno(fp);
if ( interactive )
unsigned termmode = TERMMODE_UNICODE
settermmode(fd, termmode);
const char* print_username = getlogin();
if ( !print_username )
print_username = getuid() == 0 ? "root" : "?";
const char* print_hostname = getenv_safe("HOSTNAME", "sortix");
const char* print_dir = getenv_safe("PWD", "?");
const char* home_dir = getenv_safe("HOME", "");
size_t home_dir_len = strlen(home_dir);
printf("%s", print_username);
printf("%s", print_hostname);
printf(" ");
if ( home_dir_len && strncmp(print_dir, home_dir, home_dir_len) == 0 )
printf("~%s", print_dir + home_dir_len);
printf("%s", print_dir);
printf(" ");
printf("\e[37m ");
static char* command = NULL;
static size_t commandlen = 1024;
if ( !command )
commandlen = 1024,
command = (char*) malloc((commandlen+1) * sizeof(char));
if ( !command )
error(64, errno, "malloc");
size_t commandused = 0;
bool commented = false;
bool escaped = false;
while (true)
char c;
ssize_t bytesread = read(fd, &c, sizeof(c));
if ( bytesread < 0 && errno == EINTR )
return status;
if ( bytesread < 0 )
error(64, errno, "read %s", fpname);
if ( !bytesread )
if ( !interactive )
*exitexec = true;
return status;
const char* init_pid_str = getenv("INIT_PID");
if ( !init_pid_str)
init_pid_str = "1";
pid_t init_pid = (pid_t) atol(init_pid_str);
if ( !init_pid )
init_pid = 1;
if ( getppid() == init_pid )
printf("\nType exit to shutdown the system.\n");
return status;
*exitexec = true;
return status;
if ( !c ) { continue; }
if ( c == '\n' && !escaped )
if ( commented )
if ( c == '\\' && !escaped )
escaped = true;
if ( !escaped )
if ( c == '#' )
commented = true;
escaped = false;
if ( commandused == commandlen )
size_t newlen = commandlen * 2;
size_t newsize = (newlen+1) * sizeof(char);
char* newcommand = (char*) realloc(command, newsize);
if ( !newcommand )
error(64, errno, "realloc");
command = newcommand;
commandlen = newsize;
command[commandused++] = c;
command[commandused] = '\0';
if ( command[0] == '\0' )
return status;
if ( strchr(command, '=') && !strchr(command, ' ') && !strchr(command, '\t') )
const char* key = command;
char* equal = strchr(command, '=');
*equal = '\0';
const char* value = equal + 1;
if ( setenv(key, value, 1) < 0 )
error(1, errno, "setenv");
return status = 0;
int argc = 0;
const size_t ARGV_MAX_LENGTH = 2048;
const char* argv[ARGV_MAX_LENGTH];
argv[0] = NULL;
bool lastwasspace = true;
escaped = false;
for ( size_t i = 0; i <= commandused; i++ )
switch ( command[i] )
case '\\':
if ( !escaped )
memmove(command + i, command + i + 1, commandused+1 - (i-1));
escaped = true;
case '\0':
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\n':
if ( !command[i] || !escaped )
command[i] = 0;
lastwasspace = true;
escaped = false;
if ( lastwasspace )
if ( argc == ARGV_MAX_LENGTH )
fprintf(stderr, "argv max length of %zu entries hit!\n",
argv[argc++] = command + i;
lastwasspace = false;
if ( !argv[0] )
return status;
argv[argc] = NULL;
status = runcommandline(argv, exitexec, interactive);
if ( status && exit_on_error )
*exitexec = true;
return status;
void load_argv_variables(int argc, char* argv[])
char varname[sizeof(int) * 3];
for ( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
sprintf(varname, "%i", i),
setenv(varname, argv[i], 1);
int run(FILE* fp, int argc, char* argv[], const char* name, bool interactive,
bool exit_on_error)
load_argv_variables(argc, argv);
bool exitexec = false;
int exitstatus;
exitstatus = get_and_run_command(fp, name, interactive, exit_on_error,
while ( !exitexec );
return exitstatus;
int run_interactive(int argc, char* argv[], bool exit_on_error)
signal(SIGINT, on_sigint);
return run(stdin, argc, argv, "<stdin>", true, exit_on_error);
int run_stdin(int argc, char* argv[], bool exit_on_error)
return run(stdin, argc, argv, "<stdin>", false, exit_on_error);
int run_string(int argc, char* argv[], const char* str, bool exit_on_error)
// TODO: Implement fmemopen and open_memstream.
char unique_ish[64];
snprintf(unique_ish, sizeof(unique_ish), "/tmp/shinput.%ji", (intmax_t) getpid());
FILE* fp = fopen(unique_ish, "w");
if ( !fp ) { error(0, errno, "write-open: %s", unique_ish); return 1; }
if ( fputs(str, fp) == EOF ) { fclose(fp); error(0, errno, "write: %s", unique_ish); return 1; }
if ( fputs("\n", fp) == EOF ) { fclose(fp); error(0, errno, "write: %s", unique_ish); return 1; }
fp = fopen(unique_ish, "r");
if ( !fp ) { error(0, errno, "read-open: %s", unique_ish); return 1; }
int ret = run(fp, argc, argv, "<command-line>", false, exit_on_error);
return ret;
int run_script(const char* path, int argc, char* argv[], bool exit_on_error)
FILE* fp = fopen(path, "r");
if ( !fp ) { error(0, errno, "%s", path); return 127; }
int ret = run(fp, argc, argv, path, false, exit_on_error);
return ret;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
bool exit_on_error = false;
if ( 2 <= argc && !strcmp(argv[1], "-e") )
exit_on_error = true;
for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
argv[i] = argv[i+1];
argv[argc] = NULL;
char pidstr[3 * sizeof(pid_t)];
char ppidstr[3 * sizeof(pid_t)];
sprintf(pidstr, "%ji", (intmax_t) getpid());
sprintf(ppidstr, "%ji", (intmax_t) getppid());
setenv("SHELL", argv[0], 1);
setenv("$", pidstr, 1);
setenv("PPID", ppidstr, 1);
setenv("?", "0", 1);
if ( 2 <= argc && !strcmp(argv[1], "-c") )
return run_string(argc, argv, argv[2], exit_on_error);
if ( 1 < argc )
return run_script(argv[1], argc-1, argv+1, exit_on_error);
if ( isatty(0) )
return run_interactive(argc, argv, exit_on_error);
return run_stdin(argc, argv, exit_on_error);