
58 lines
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2019-05-05 20:39:50 +00:00
import json
import random
import urllib.request
base_url = 'https://api.cardcastgame.com/v1/decks/'
class CodeValidationError(Exception): pass
def check_code(code):
def accepted_character(char):
# Upper case letters and numbers are allowed
return ord('A') <= ord(char) <= ord('Z') or ord('0') <= ord(char) <= ord('9')
if len(code) != 5:
raise CodeValidationError('Code %s not 5 characters long' % code)
elif any(not accepted_character(char) for char in code):
raise CodeValidationError('Code %s contains disallowed characters (0-9 and A-Z are allowed' % code)
def request(additional, timeout):
url = base_url + additional
with urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout = timeout) as r:
return json.loads(r.read())
def info(code, *, timeout = 10):
return request(code, timeout)
def cards(code, *, timeout = 10):
data = request(code + '/cards', timeout)
calls = [i['text'] for i in data['calls']]
responses = [i['text'] for i in data['responses']]
# Both calls and responses are stored as a list of parts
# For calls, the blanks go between the parts so that ['foo', 'bar'] is
# "foo _ bar", but for resposes there is never more than one part
# Therefore, remove the additional layer of list
responses = [i for (i,) in responses]
return (calls, responses)
def random_code(*, timeout = 10, count = None):
if count is None:
# Get number of cards
results = request('?category=&direction=desc&limit=1&sort=rating&offset=0', timeout)
count = results['results']['count']
# Generate a random number [0, count[
offset = random.randint(0, count - 1)
# Get the data on the selected deck
results = request('?category=&direction=desc&limit=1&sort=rating&offset=%i' % offset, timeout)
return (results['results']['data'][0]['code'], count)