CPU 8086 ORG 0x2000 ;List the files on a drive ;Store the drive number mov [drive], dl ;Check for an empty tail cmp byte [si], 0x0 je start ;Change the drive if needed ;Check for a drive specification and print an error message and abort if ;the tail is not one cmp byte [si + 0x1], ":" jne error cmp byte [si + 0x2], 0x0 je changedrive cmp byte [si + 0x2], 0x20 je changedrive jmp error ;Check which drive to change to changedrive: cmp byte [si], "a" je cha cmp byte [si], "A" je cha cmp byte [si], "b" je chb cmp byte [si], "B" je chb cmp byte [si], "c" je chc cmp byte [si], "C" je chc cmp byte [si], "d" je chd cmp byte [si], "D" je chd ;Print an error message and abort if the drive is unknown jmp error ;Change cha: mov dl, 0x0 mov byte [drive], dl jmp start chb: mov dl, 0x1 mov byte [drive], dl jmp start chc: mov dl, 0x2 mov byte [drive], dl jmp start chd: mov dl, 0x3 mov byte [drive], dl start: ;Load the disk description table ;Set the source mov dl, [drive] mov ch, 0x0 mov dh, 0x0 mov cl, 0x1 ;Set the destination mov si, buffer mov bx, si ;Set the size mov al, 0x1 ;Load mov ah, 0x2 int 0x13 ;Store the disk values used for the rest of the call mov ax, word [buffer + 0xb] mov word [sectorsize], ax mov ax, word [buffer + 0xe] mov word [bootsectors], ax mov al, byte [buffer + 0x10] mov byte [fats], al mov ax, word [buffer + 0x11] mov word [rootentries], ax mov ax, word [buffer + 0x16] mov word [sectorsperfat], ax mov ax, word [buffer + 0x18] mov word [sectorspertrack], ax mov ax, word [buffer + 0x1a] mov word [sides], ax ;Load the root ;Set the source mov ah, 0x0 mov al, [fats] mul word [sectorsperfat] add ax, [bootsectors] push ax call calcsource ;Set the destination mov si, buffer mov bx, si ;Set the size push dx mov ax, [rootentries] mov dx, 0x20 mul dx mov dx, 0x0 div word [sectorsize] pop dx push ax ;Load mov ah, 0x2 int 0x13 ;List ;Set SI to the root mov si, buffer ;Initialise the loop mov cx, word [rootentries] mov ax, 0x0 loop: ;Store CX in the stack push cx ;Check for an empty entry cmp byte [si], 0xe5 je skip ;Check for the end of entries cmp byte [si], 0x0 je done ;store AX in the stack push ax ;Print the main part of the name mov cx, 0x8 push ax printname: mov al, [si] mov ah, 0xe int 0x10 inc si loop printname ;Print a space mov al, 0x20 mov ah, 0xe int 0x10 ;Print the extension mov cx, 0x3 printext: mov al, [si] mov ah, 0xe int 0x10 inc si loop printext ;Print a newline mov al, 0xd mov ah, 0xe int 0x10 mov al, 0xa mov ah, 0xe int 0x10 ;Load AX from the stack pop ax skip: ;Set SI to the next entry add ax, 0x20 mov si, buffer add si, ax ;Load CX from the stack pop cx loop loop done: int 0x20 error: mov si, driverrormsg mov ah, 0x2 int 0x21 int 0x20 ;Data drive db 0x0 sectorsize dw 0x0 ;bytes bootsectors dw 0x0 fats db 0x0 rootentries dw 0x0 sectorsperfat dw 0x0 sectorspertrack dw 0x0 sides dw 0x0 driverrormsg db "Drive not found", 0x0 ;Calculate the source arguments for loading data from the disk calcsource: push ax push bx mov bx, ax mov dx, 0x0 div word [sectorspertrack] add dl, 0x1 mov cl, dl mov ax, bx mov dx, 0x0 div word [sectorspertrack] mov dx, 0x0 div word [sides] mov dh, dl mov ch, al pop bx pop ax mov dl, byte [drive] ret ;Buffer buffer: