The Story of Beginning In the beginning there was nothing. A god came across the nothingness and laid down for they were tired. The body of the god started to be consumed into the nothingness and they could not longer rise up again. The body of this god, known as Lomoti Aran which means 'source of earth', became the land that we live on. A second god came across the body and was horrified to see what had happened. They swore to unmake this emptiness, but Lomoti Aran spoke to them and said: "Do not forsake what is left of me". This made the second god pause, and they agreed to not unmake the emptiness. The two gods spoke for a while about what they ought to do, and eventually decided that they ought to make the emptiness empty no more. The second god got to work filling it with all kinds of marvels: lights in the sky we now know as stars, the sun, and the moon; valleys that we call our home; the mountains in the west; the rivers that we get our sustenance from. However, they could see what they had created was empty still. Then Lomoti Aran had an idea, and told the other god: "This world needs something that is of us, but is not broken. Become a part of this world with me, and give fill it with life". The other god hesitated, but eventually agreed. We know this god as Ritul, 'life', itself. > index (Back to start)