import enum import random import unicodedata import sqlite3 from collections import namedtuple from passlib.hash import argon2 import config UserInfo = namedtuple('UserInfo', ('id', 'parent', 'status', 'username', 'email', 'comment')) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # General # ------------------------------------------------------------------ class userstatus(enum.Enum): # These will be stored in the database, be mindful of not changing the numbers deleted = 0 normal = 1 admin = 2 csprng = random.SystemRandom() def connect(): """Connect to the database Requires config.load() to have been called beforehand""" return sqlite3.connect(config.database_file) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Users # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def add_user(db, *, username, password, email, parent, status): # TODO: Ensure users are unique """Add a user to the database Will not commit the changes itself, so run .commit() on the database object yourself""" global csprgn assert type(username) == str assert type(password) == str assert type(email) == str assert type(parent) == int or parent is None assert status in userstatus # Generate a user ID. SQLite uses 64 bit signed ints, so generate at max 2⁶³-1 userid = csprng.randrange(2**63) # Unicode normalize the username username = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', username) # First unicode normalize the password, then hash it with argon2 password = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', password) password = argon2.hash(password) # Convert status into an int for storage status = status.value # Add the user into the database cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;') # Fail if we insert a user with bogus parent field cursor.execute('INSERT INTO users VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);', (userid, parent, status, password, username, email, '')) def get_userid(db, username): """Returns the user ID associated with given username If no user was found, returns None""" # Unicode normalize the username username = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', username) # Get the user ID cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ?', (username,)) results = cursor.fetchall() # If no user was found, return None if len(results) != 1: return None return results[0][0] def check_password(db, userid, password): """Checks the password for given userid Will return True if the password matches and False otherwise""" # Unicode normalize the password password = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', password) # Get the password and status cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT password, status FROM users WHERE id = ?', (userid,)) results = cursor.fetchall() # If no user of that name, fail if len(results) != 1: return False hashed, status = results[0] # If user has been deleted, fail if status == userstatus.deleted: return False # Check the password return argon2.verify(password, hashed) def get_user_info(db, userid): """Returns a UserInfo object representing the data associated with a user If no user was found, returns None""" cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT id, parent, status, username, email, comment FROM users WHERE id = ?', (userid,)) results = cursor.fetchall() # If no user was found, return None if len(results) != 1: return None userid, parent, status, username, email, comment = results[0] # Translate status into enum status = userstatus(status) return UserInfo(userid, parent, status, username, email, comment) def initialize_users(db, admin_user, admin_password): """Creates a bare-bones user table with only admin user This should never be run outside of the initialization script""" cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE users ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, parent integer, status integer NOT NULL, password text NOT NULL, username text NOT NULL, email text NOT NULL, comment text NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(parent) REFERENCES users(id) );''') add_user(db, username = admin_user, password = admin_password, email = '', parent = None, status = userstatus.admin) db.commit() # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Boards # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def list_boards(db): # TODO: Implement this ... def initialize_boards(db, boards): """Creates a table of boards This should never be run outside of the initialization script""" cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE boards ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL );''') # .executemany() wants them in the format [("board1",), ("board2",), …] boards = [(board_name,) for board_name in boards] # Use NULL to have SQLite generate the IDs automatically cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO boards VALUES (NULL, ?);', boards) db.commit()