/* * form.c * * libhtml - HTML->X renderer * * Copyright (c) 1996-1997, John Kilburg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "port_before.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #ifndef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "port_after.h" #include "TextField.h" #include "html.h" typedef struct InputStateP InputState; typedef struct FormStateP FormState; typedef struct RadioStateP RadioState; typedef struct OptionStateP OptionState; struct OptionStateP { char *value; bool selected; char *text; Widget sme; }; typedef enum { INPUT_TEXT, INPUT_PASSWORD, INPUT_CHECKBOX, INPUT_RADIO, INPUT_SUBMIT, INPUT_RESET, INPUT_RANGE, INPUT_AUDIO, INPUT_FILE, INPUT_SCRIBBLE, INPUT_HIDDEN, INPUT_IMAGE, INPUT_TEXTAREA, INPUT_SELECT } InputType; struct InputStateP { /* generic stuff */ InputType id; Widget w; /* the widget */ MLElement p; /* input tag */ FormState *fs; HTMLBox box; char *name; /* for image input */ HTMLInline img; /* select stuff */ bool multi; /* multi-select? */ GList oplist; ChimeraTimeOut iot; int x, y, button; /* coordinates if image clicked */ }; struct FormStateP { MLElement p; /* form tag info */ GList rslist; /* radio list */ GList islist; GList oplist; /* building option list */ HTMLInfo li; char *action; }; /* * * Private function prototypes * */ static InputState *CreateInputState _ArgProto((FormState *, MLElement, InputType)); static HTMLBox CreateInputBox _ArgProto((HTMLInfo, HTMLEnv, InputState *, unsigned int, unsigned int)); static void DestroyInput _ArgProto((HTMLInfo, HTMLBox)); static void CreateHidden _ArgProto((FormState *, HTMLEnv, MLElement)); static void CreateText _ArgProto((FormState *, HTMLEnv, MLElement, InputType)); static void CreateCheckbox _ArgProto((FormState *, HTMLEnv, MLElement)); static void CreateRadio _ArgProto((FormState *, HTMLEnv, MLElement)); static void CreateImage _ArgProto((FormState *, HTMLEnv, MLElement)); static void CreateCommand _ArgProto((FormState *, HTMLEnv, MLElement, InputType)); static char *NameValueToURLEncoded _ArgProto((MemPool, char **, char **, int)); static void MakeSelectWidget _ArgProto((HTMLInfo, FormState *, HTMLEnv)); static char *GetAsciiText _ArgProto((Widget)); static XFontStruct *GetFont _ArgProto((Widget)); static void SetupInput _ArgProto((HTMLInfo, HTMLBox)); static bool FormImageSelectCallback _ArgProto((void *, int, int, char *)); bool FormImageMotionCallback _ArgProto((void *, int, int)); static void SubmitCallback _ArgProto((Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer)); static void HandleSubmit _ArgProto((HTMLInfo, FormState *, InputState *, char *)); /* * Functions */ static XFontStruct * GetFont(w) Widget w; { XFontStruct *font; XtVaGetValues(w, XtNfont, &font, NULL); return(font); } static char * GetAsciiText(w) Widget w; { char *s; XtVaGetValues(w, XtNstring, &s, NULL); return(s); } /* * NameValueToURLEncoded */ static char * NameValueToURLEncoded(mp, names, values, count) MemPool mp; char **names; char **values; int count; { int i; char *finfo; char *sep; char *n, *v; size_t flen, alen; char *format = "%s%s=%s"; char *nf; sep = ""; finfo = ""; flen = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (names[i] == NULL) continue; n = URLEscape(mp, names[i], 0); if (values[i] != NULL) v = URLEscape(mp, values[i], 1); else v = ""; alen = flen + strlen(n) + strlen(v) + strlen(sep) + strlen(format) + 1; nf = (char *)MPGet(mp, alen); snprintf (nf, alen, "%s%s%s=%s", finfo, sep, n, v); finfo = nf; sep = "&"; flen = strlen(finfo); } return(finfo); } /* * HandleSubmit */ static void HandleSubmit(li, fs, ci, action) HTMLInfo li; FormState *fs; InputState *ci; char *action; { InputState *xi; int i; char **names; char **values; char *n; Boolean checked; int count; OptionState *co; ChimeraRequest *wr; if (fs->action == NULL) return; wr = RequestCreate(li->cres, fs->action, li->burl); if ((wr->input_method = MLFindAttribute(fs->p, "method")) != NULL) { wr->input_method = MPStrDup(wr->mp, wr->input_method); } wr->input_type = MPStrDup(wr->mp, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); count = 0; for (xi = (InputState *)GListGetHead(fs->islist); xi != NULL; xi = (InputState *)GListGetNext(fs->islist)) { count += 2; if (xi->id == TAG_SELECT) { for (co = (OptionState *)GListGetHead(xi->oplist); co != NULL; co = (OptionState *)GListGetNext(xi->oplist)) { if (co->selected) count++; } } } if (count == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "SubmitCallback error.\n"); return; } names = (char **)MPGet(wr->mp, sizeof(char **) * count); values = (char **)MPGet(wr->mp, sizeof(char **) * count); i = 0; for (xi = (InputState *)GListGetHead(fs->islist); xi != NULL; xi = (InputState *)GListGetNext(fs->islist)) { names[i] = NULL; values[i] = NULL; if ((n = MLFindAttribute(xi->p, "name")) == NULL) continue; if (xi->id == INPUT_TEXT || xi->id == INPUT_PASSWORD) { names[i] = n; values[i] = TextFieldGetString(xi->w); if (values[i] != NULL) values[i] = MPStrDup(wr->mp, values[i]); i++; } else if (xi->id == INPUT_TEXTAREA) { names[i] = n; values[i] = GetAsciiText(xi->w); if (values[i] != NULL) values[i] = MPStrDup(wr->mp, values[i]); i++; } else if (xi->id == INPUT_CHECKBOX || xi->id == INPUT_RADIO) { XtVaGetValues(xi->w, XtNstate, &checked, NULL); if (checked) { names[i] = n; values[i] = MLFindAttribute(xi->p, "value"); i++; } } else if (xi->id == INPUT_HIDDEN) { names[i] = n; values[i] = MLFindAttribute(xi->p, "value"); i++; } else if (xi->id == INPUT_SELECT) { for (co = (OptionState *)GListGetHead(xi->oplist); co != NULL; co = (OptionState *)GListGetNext(xi->oplist)) { if (co->selected) { names[i] = n; if (co->value != NULL) values[i] = co->value; else values[i] = co->text; i++; } } } } /* * Add data from the submit button/image */ if (ci->id == INPUT_IMAGE) { if ((n = MLFindAttribute(ci->p, "name")) != NULL) { names[i] = (char *)MPGet(wr->mp, strlen(n) + strlen(".x") + 1); strcpy(names[i], n); strcat(names[i], ".x"); values[i] = (char *)MPGet(wr->mp, 25); snprintf (values[i], 25, "%d", ci->x); i++; names[i] = (char *)MPGet(wr->mp, strlen(n) + strlen(".y") + 1); strcpy(names[i], n); strcat(names[i], ".y"); values[i] = (char *)MPGet(wr->mp, 25); snprintf (values[i], 25, "%d", ci->y); i++; } } else if (ci->id == INPUT_SUBMIT) { if ((n = MLFindAttribute(ci->p, "name")) != NULL) { names[i] = n; values[i] = MLFindAttribute(ci->p, "value"); i++; } } else { fprintf (stderr, "UNKNOWN SUBMIT INPUT\n"); MPDestroy(wr->mp); return; } if (i > 0) { wr->input_data = NameValueToURLEncoded(wr->mp, names, values, i); wr->input_len = strlen((char *)wr->input_data); } else { wr->input_data = NULL; wr->input_len = 0; } RenderAction(li->wn, wr, action); return; } /* * SubmitCallback */ static void SubmitCallback(w, cldata, cbdata) Widget w; XtPointer cldata, cbdata; { InputState *ci = (InputState *)cldata; FormState *fs = ci->fs; HTMLInfo li = fs->li; HandleSubmit(li, fs, ci, "open"); return; } /* * ResetCallback * * Do something about this later. */ static void ResetCallback(w, cldata, cbdata) Widget w; XtPointer cldata, cbdata; { return; } /* * SmeCallback */ static void SmeCallback(w, cldata, cbdata) Widget w; XtPointer cldata, cbdata; { InputState *ci = (InputState *)cldata; String str; OptionState *co; for (co = (OptionState *)GListGetHead(ci->oplist); co != NULL; co = (OptionState *)GListGetNext(ci->oplist)) { if (co->sme == w) { if (co->selected) { if (ci->multi) co->selected = false; } else { co->selected = true; XtVaGetValues(w, XtNlabel, &str, NULL); XtVaSetValues(ci->w, XtNlabel, str, NULL); } } else if (!ci->multi) co->selected = false; } return; } /* * SetupInput */ static void SetupInput(li, box) HTMLInfo li; HTMLBox box; { InputState *ci = (InputState *)box->closure; /* if (ci->img != NULL) HTMLSetInlinePosition(ci->img, box->x, box->y); */ if (ci->w != NULL) { XtConfigureWidget(ci->w, (Position)box->x, (Position)box->y, (Dimension)(box->width - 10), (Dimension)(box->height - 5), (Dimension)1); XtManageChild(ci->w); } return; } /* * CreateInputBox */ static HTMLBox CreateInputBox(li, env, ci, width, height) HTMLInfo li; HTMLEnv env; InputState *ci; unsigned int width, height; { HTMLBox box; box = HTMLCreateBox(li, env); box->setup = SetupInput; box->destroy = DestroyInput; box->width = width + 10; box->height = height + 5; box->baseline = height; box->closure = ci; HTMLEnvAddBox(li, env, box); return(box); } /* * CreateInputState */ static InputState * CreateInputState(fs, p, type) FormState *fs; MLElement p; InputType type; { InputState *ci; ci = (InputState *)MPCGet(fs->li->mp, sizeof(InputState)); ci->p = p; ci->id = type; ci->fs = fs; GListAddTail(fs->islist, ci); return(ci); } /* * DestroyInput */ static void DestroyInput(li, box) HTMLInfo li; HTMLBox box; { InputState *ci = (InputState *)box->closure; if (ci->id == INPUT_RADIO) GListRemoveItem(ci->fs->rslist, ci); GListRemoveItem(ci->fs->islist, ci); if (ci->w != NULL) XtDestroyWidget(ci->w); if (ci->img != NULL) HTMLInlineDestroy(ci->img); if (ci->iot != NULL) TimeOutDestroy(ci->iot); return; } /* * CreateHidden */ static void CreateHidden(fs, env, p) FormState *fs; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; { CreateInputState(fs, p, INPUT_HIDDEN); return; } /* * CreateText */ static void CreateText(fs, env, p, type) FormState *fs; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; InputType type; { Widget w; int width, height; XFontStruct *font; char *value; HTMLBox box; InputState *ci; Boolean echo; char *name; if (type == INPUT_PASSWORD) { name = "password"; echo = False; } else { name = "text"; echo = True; } w = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(name, textfieldWidgetClass, fs->li->widget, XtNecho, echo, XtNlength, 500, NULL); if ((value = MLFindAttribute(p, "value")) != NULL) { value = MPStrDup(fs->li->mp, value); HTMLStringSpacify(value, strlen(value)); TextFieldSetString(w, value); } else { TextFieldSetString(w, ""); } if ((font = GetFont(w)) == NULL) height = 20; else height = font->ascent + font->descent + 5; /* Addition by LRD. tweaked to john's weird style */ if ((width = MLAttributeToInt(p, "size")) > 0) { if (width > 200) width = 200; } else width = 25; if (font == NULL) width = width * 8; else width = width * XTextWidth(font, "0", 1); /* End: replaces "width = 100;" */ ci = CreateInputState(fs, p, type); box = CreateInputBox(fs->li, env, ci, width, height); ci->w = w; return; } /* * CreateCheckbox */ static void CreateCheckbox(fs, env, p) FormState *fs; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; { Widget w; Boolean state; HTMLBox box; InputState *ci; if (MLFindAttribute(p, "checked") != NULL) state = True; else state = False; w = XtVaCreateWidget("checkbox", toggleWidgetClass, fs->li->widget, XtNstate, state, XtNlabel, " ", NULL); ci = CreateInputState(fs, p, INPUT_CHECKBOX); box = CreateInputBox(fs->li, env, ci, 15, 15); ci->w = w; return; } /* * CreateRadio */ static void CreateRadio(fs, env, p) FormState *fs; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; { Widget w; Boolean state; char *name; InputState *ci, *peer; HTMLBox box; if (MLFindAttribute(p, "checked") != NULL) state = True; else state = False; if ((name = MLFindAttribute(p, "name")) == NULL) name = "bozo"; for (peer = (InputState *)GListGetHead(fs->rslist); peer != NULL; peer = (InputState *)GListGetNext(fs->rslist)) { if (strlen(name) == strlen(peer->name) && strcasecmp(name, peer->name) == 0) break; } w = XtVaCreateWidget("radio", toggleWidgetClass, fs->li->widget, XtNstate, state, XtNlabel, " ", NULL); ci = CreateInputState(fs, p, INPUT_RADIO); box = CreateInputBox(fs->li, env, ci, 15, 15); ci->w = w; ci->name = (char *)MPStrDup(fs->li->mp, name); if (peer == NULL) { GListAddHead(fs->rslist, ci); XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL); } else XtVaSetValues(w, XtNradioGroup, peer->w, NULL); return; } /* * CreateCommand */ static void CreateCommand(fs, env, p, type) FormState *fs; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; InputType type; { Arg args[10]; int argcnt; int width, height; char *value; XFontStruct *font; Widget w; InputState *ci; char *name; HTMLBox box; argcnt = 0; name = type == INPUT_SUBMIT ? "submit":"reset"; if ((value = MLFindAttribute(p, "value")) != NULL) { value = MPStrDup(fs->li->mp, value); HTMLStringSpacify(value, strlen(value)); XtSetArg(args[argcnt], XtNlabel, value); argcnt++; } w = XtCreateWidget(name, commandWidgetClass, fs->li->widget, args, argcnt); XtVaGetValues(w, XtNlabel, &value, NULL); XtVaGetValues(w, XtNfont, &font, NULL); if (font == NULL) { width = 50; height = 20; } else { width = XTextWidth(font, value, strlen(value)) + 10; height = font->ascent + font->descent + 3; } ci = CreateInputState(fs, p, type); box = CreateInputBox(fs->li, env, ci, width, height); ci->w = w; if (type == INPUT_SUBMIT) { XtAddCallback(w, XtNcallback, SubmitCallback, (XtPointer)ci); } else if (type == INPUT_RESET) { XtAddCallback(w, XtNcallback, ResetCallback, (XtPointer)ci); } return; } /* * * Public functions * */ /* * HandleFormEnd */ void HTMLFormEnd(li, env, p) HTMLInfo li; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; { HTMLAddLineBreak(li, env); return; } /* * HandleFormBegin */ void HTMLFormBegin(li, env, p) HTMLInfo li; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; { FormState *fs; HTMLAddLineBreak(li, env); fs = (FormState *)MPCGet(li->mp, sizeof(FormState)); fs->p = p; fs->li = li; fs->islist = GListCreateX(li->mp); fs->rslist = GListCreateX(li->mp); fs->action = MLFindAttribute(p, "action"); env->closure = fs; return; } /* * HTMLInput */ void HTMLInput(li, env, p) HTMLInfo li; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; { char *type; HTMLEnv fenv; FormState *fs; if ((fenv = HTMLGetIDEnv(env, TAG_FORM)) == NULL) return; fs = (FormState *)fenv->closure; type = MLFindAttribute(p, "type"); if (type == NULL || strcasecmp(type, "text") == 0) { CreateText(fs, env, p, INPUT_TEXT); } else if (strcasecmp(type, "checkbox") == 0) CreateCheckbox(fs, env, p); else if (strcasecmp(type, "hidden") == 0) CreateHidden(fs, env, p); else if (strcasecmp(type, "image") == 0) CreateImage(fs, env, p); else if (strcasecmp(type, "password") == 0) { CreateText(fs, env, p, INPUT_PASSWORD); } else if (strcasecmp(type, "radio") == 0) CreateRadio(fs, env, p); else if (strcasecmp(type, "reset") == 0) { CreateCommand(fs, env, p, INPUT_RESET); } else if (strcasecmp(type, "submit") == 0) { CreateCommand(fs, env, p, INPUT_SUBMIT); } return; } /* * HTMLTextareaEnd */ void HTMLTextareaEnd(li, env, p) HTMLInfo li; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; { HTMLEnv fenv; FormState *fs; char *tatext; InputState *ci; int width, height; XFontStruct *font; int rows, cols; Widget w; HTMLBox box; HTMLObject obj; if ((fenv = HTMLGetIDEnv(env, TAG_FORM)) == NULL) return; fs = (FormState *)fenv->closure; if ((tatext = HTMLGetEnvText(li->mp, env)) == NULL) tatext = NULL; obj = (HTMLObject)GListGetHead(env->slist); w = XtVaCreateWidget("textarea", asciiTextWidgetClass, li->widget, XtNeditType, XtEtextEdit, XtNecho, True, XtNdisplayCaret, True, XtNstring, tatext, NULL); font = GetFont(w); if (font == NULL) height = 20; else height = font->ascent + font->descent + 2; width = XTextWidth(font, "X", 1); if ((rows = MLAttributeToInt(obj->o.p, "rows")) <= 0) rows = 5; height *= rows; if ((cols = MLAttributeToInt(obj->o.p, "cols")) <= 0) cols = 20; width *= cols; ci = CreateInputState(fs, obj->o.p, INPUT_TEXTAREA); box = CreateInputBox(fs->li, env, ci, width, height); ci->w = w; return; } /* * * SELECT input * */ /* * MakeSelectWidget */ static void MakeSelectWidget(li, fs, env) HTMLInfo li; FormState *fs; HTMLEnv env; { InputState *ci; int width, twidth; XFontStruct *font; Widget w, smw; HTMLBox box; OptionState *c; GList oplist = fs->oplist; HTMLObject obj; fs->oplist = NULL; if (GListEmpty(oplist)) return; for (c = (OptionState *)GListGetHead(oplist); c != NULL; c = (OptionState *)GListGetNext(oplist)) { if (c->selected) break; } if (c == NULL) { c = (OptionState *)GListGetHead(oplist); c->selected = true; } w = XtVaCreateWidget("menubutton", menuButtonWidgetClass, li->widget, XtNmenuName, "simplemenu", XtNlabel, c->text, NULL); smw = XtVaCreatePopupShell("simplemenu", simpleMenuWidgetClass, w, XtNwidth, 0, XtNheight, 0, NULL); XtVaGetValues(w, XtNfont, &font, NULL); width = 0; for (c = (OptionState *)GListGetHead(oplist); c != NULL; c = (OptionState *)GListGetNext(oplist)) { c->sme = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(c->text, smeBSBObjectClass, smw, NULL); twidth = XTextWidth(font, c->text, strlen(c->text)); if (width < twidth) width = twidth; } obj = (HTMLObject)GListGetHead(env->slist); ci = CreateInputState(fs, obj->o.p, INPUT_SELECT); box = CreateInputBox(fs->li, env, ci, width + 10, font->ascent + font->descent + 4); ci->w = w; ci->oplist = oplist; if (MLFindAttribute(obj->o.p, "multiple") != NULL) ci->multi = true; for (c = (OptionState *)GListGetHead(oplist); c != NULL; c = (OptionState *)GListGetNext(oplist)) { XtAddCallback(c->sme, XtNcallback, SmeCallback, (XtPointer)ci); } return; } /* * HTMLOptionEnd */ void HTMLOptionEnd(li, env, p) HTMLInfo li; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; { HTMLEnv fenv; FormState *formstate; OptionState *n; HTMLObject obj; if ((fenv = HTMLGetIDEnv(env, TAG_FORM)) == NULL) return; formstate = (FormState *)fenv->closure; obj = (HTMLObject)GListGetHead(env->slist); n = (OptionState *)MPCGet(li->mp, sizeof(OptionState)); if ((n->text = HTMLGetEnvText(li->mp, env)) == NULL) n->text = ""; n->value = MLFindAttribute(obj->o.p, "value"); if (MLFindAttribute(obj->o.p, "selected") != NULL) n->selected = true; GListAddTail(formstate->oplist, n); return; } /* * HTMLSelectBegin */ void HTMLSelectBegin(li, env, p) HTMLInfo li; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; { HTMLEnv fenv; FormState *fs; if ((fenv = HTMLGetIDEnv(env, TAG_FORM)) == NULL) return; fs = (FormState *)fenv->closure; if (fs->oplist == NULL) fs->oplist = GListCreateX(li->mp); return; } /* * HTMLSelectEnd */ void HTMLSelectEnd(li, env, p) HTMLInfo li; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; { HTMLEnv fenv; FormState *fs; if ((fenv = HTMLGetIDEnv(env, TAG_FORM)) == NULL) return; fs = (FormState *)fenv->closure; MakeSelectWidget(li, fs, env); return; } /* * * Image Input stuff * */ /* * FormImageSelectCallback */ static bool FormImageSelectCallback(closure, x, y, action) void *closure; int x, y; char *action; { InputState *ci = (InputState *)closure; ci->x = x; ci->y = y; HandleSubmit(ci->fs->li, ci->fs, ci, action); return(true); } bool FormImageMotionCallback(closure, x, y) void *closure; int x, y; { InputState *ci = (InputState *)closure; HTMLInfo li = ci->fs->li; if (ci->fs->action != NULL) HTMLPrintURL(li, ci->fs->action); return(true); } /* * CreateImage */ void CreateImage(fs, env, p) FormState *fs; HTMLEnv env; MLElement p; { char *url; HTMLInlineInfo ii; InputState *ci; ChimeraRenderHooks orh; if ((url = MLFindAttribute(p, "src")) == NULL) return; memset(&ii, 0, sizeof(ii)); ii.p = p; ii.closure = ci; memset(&orh, 0, sizeof(orh)); orh.select = FormImageSelectCallback; orh.motion = FormImageMotionCallback; ci = CreateInputState(fs, p, INPUT_IMAGE); ci->img = HTMLCreateInline(fs->li, env, url, &ii, &orh, ci); return; }