Juhani Krekelä faea86bc8c First commit
Status of the project as it was on 2025-03-07. The commit date is based
on the modification time of the files.
2025-03-07 23:56:06 +02:00

209 lines
6.5 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package :chipgr8)
(defmacro match-opcode (word &body body)
(let ((n1-name (gensym)) (n2-name (gensym)) (n3-name (gensym)) (n4-name (gensym)))
`(destructuring-bind (,n1-name ,n2-name ,n3-name ,n4-name) (num->digits ,word 16 :min-length 4)
(lambda (case)
(let ((condition (car case)) (statements (cdr case)) (matches ()) (binds ()))
(destructuring-bind (c1 c2 c3 c4) condition
(if (symbolp c1)
(push (list c1 n1-name) binds)
(push `(equal ,n1-name ,c1) matches))
(if (symbolp c2)
(push (list c2 n2-name) binds)
(push `(equal ,n2-name ,c2) matches))
(if (symbolp c3)
(push (list c3 n3-name) binds)
(push `(equal ,n3-name ,c3) matches))
(if (symbolp c4)
(push (list c4 n4-name) binds)
(push `(equal ,n4-name ,c4) matches))
`((and ,@matches) (let ,binds ,@statements)))))
(defvar *memory* (make-array (* 4 1024) :initial-element 0)) ; 4kB of memory
(defvar *register* (make-array 16 :initial-element 0)) ; V0 - VF
(defvar *pc* 512) ; First 512 bytes are reserved for internal use
(defvar *i* 0) ; I
(defvar *stack* ())
(defvar *delay-timer* 0)
(defvar *sound-timer* 0)
(defvar *last-timer-update* 0)
(defun initialize-emulator ()
; TODO: (load-font)
(defun set-delay-timer (duration)
(setf *delay-timer* duration))
(defun get-delay-timer ()
(defun set-sound-timer (duration)
(setf *sound-timer* duration))
;;; Most significant nybble first
(defun num->digits (num base &key (min-length 0))
(let ((list ()))
(do () ((= num 0) list)
(push (mod num base) list)
(setf num (floor (/ num base))))
(do () ((>= (length list) min-length))
(push 0 list))
(defun digits->num (digits base)
(let ((num 0))
(do () ((null digits) num)
(setf num (+ (* num base) (car digits)))
(setf digits (cdr digits)))))
(defun fetch-word (addr)
(let (
(high (aref *memory* addr))
(low (aref *memory* (1+ addr))))
(digits->num (list high low) 256)))
(defun store-word (addr word)
(destructuring-bind (high low) (num->digits word 256)
(setf (aref *memory* addr) high)
(setf (aref *memory* (1+ addr)) low)))
(defun overflowp (num)
(or (< num 0) (>= num (* 256 256))))
(defun word-coerce (num)
(mod num (* 256 256)))
(defun run-opcode ()
(match-opcode (fetch-word *pc*)
((0 0 #xE 0)
(inc *pc* 2))
((0 0 #xE #xE)
(setf *pc* (pop *stack*)))
((1 n1 n2 n3)
(setf *pc* (digits->num (list n1 n2 n3) 16)))
((2 n1 n2 n3)
(push (+ *pc* 2) *stack*)
(setf *pc* (digits->num (list n1 n2 n3) 16)))
((3 x n1 n2)
(when (= (aref *register* x) (digits->num (list n1 n2) 16))
(inc *pc* 2))
(inc *pc* 2))
((4 x n1 n2)
(when (/= (aref *register* x) (digits->num (list n1 n2) 16))
(inc *pc* 2))
(inc *pc* 2))
((5 x y 0)
(when (= (aref *register* x) (aref *register* y))
(inc *pc* 2))
(inc *pc* 2))
((6 x n1 n2)
(setf (aref *register* x) (digits->num (list n1 n2) 16))
(inc *pc* 2))
((7 x n1 n2)
(setf (aref *register* x) (word-coerce (+ (aref *register* x) (digits->num (list n1 n2) 16))))
(inc *pc* 2))
((8 x y 0)
(setf (aref *register* x) (aref *register* y))
(inc *pc* 2))
((8 x y 1)
(setf (aref *register* x) (boole boole-ior (aref *register* x) (aref *register* y)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((8 x y 2)
(setf (aref *register* x) (boole boole-and (aref *register* x) (aref *register* y)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((8 x y 3)
(setf (aref *register* x) (boole boole-xor (aref *register* x) (aref *register* y)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((8 x y 4)
(let ((result (+ (aref *register* x) (aref *register* y))))
(setf (aref *register* x) (word-coerce result))
(setf (aref *register* #xF) (if (overflowp result) 1 0)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((8 x y 5)
(let ((result (- (aref *register* x) (aref *register* y))))
(setf (aref *register* x) (word-coerce result))
(setf (aref *register* #xF) (if (overflowp result) 0 1)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((8 x y 6) ; y is not used for anyhing, but lets include it just in case
(setf (aref *register* x) (floor (/ (aref *register* x) 2)))
(setf (aref *register* #xF) (mod (aref *register* x) 2))
(incp *pc* 2))
((8 x y 5)
(let ((result (- (aref *register* y) (aref *register* y))))
(setf (aref *register* x) (word-coerce result))
(setf (aref *register* #xF) (if (overflowp result) 0 1)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((8 x y #xE) ; y is not used for anyhing, but lets include it just in case
(setf (aref *register* x) (word-coerce (* (aref *register* x) 2)))
(setf (aref *register* #xF) (floor (/ (aref *register* x) (* 256 256))))
(incp *pc* 2))
((9 x y 0)
(when (/= (aref *register* x) (aref *register* y))
(inc *pc* 2))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xA n1 n2 n3)
(setf *i* (digits->num (list n1 n2 n3) 16))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xB n1 n2 n3)
(setf *pc* (word-coerce (+ (digits->num (list n1 n2 n3) 16) (aref *register* 0))))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xC x n1 n2)
(setf (aref *register* x) (random (digits->num (list n1 n2) 16)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xD x y n)
(draw-sprite (aref *register* x) (aref *register* y) (subseq *i* (+ *i* (* 8 n)) 2))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xE x 9 #xE)
(when (key-pressedp (aref *register* x)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xE x A 1)
(when (key-pressedp (aref *register* x)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xF x 0 7)
(setf (aref *register* x) (get-delay-timer))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xF x 0 #xA)
(wait-keypress (lambda (key) (setf (aref *register* x) key)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xF x 1 5)
(set-sound-timer (aref *register* x))
(int *pc* 2))
((#xF x 1 #xE)
(setf *i* (mod (+ *i* (aref *register* x)) (* 256 256 16)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xF x 2 9)
(setf *i* (get-char-sprite (aref *register* x)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xF x 3 3)
(destructuring-bind (high middle low) (num->digits (aref *register* x) 10)
(setf (aref *memory* *i*) high)
(setf (aref *memory* (1+ *i*)) middle)
(setf (aref *memory* (+ *i* 2)) low))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xF x 5 5)
(dotimes (index (+ x 1))
(setf (aref *memory* (+ *i* index)) (aref *register* index)))
(inc *pc* 2))
((#xF x 6 5)
(dotimes (index (+ x 1))
(setf (aref *register* index) (aref *memory* (+ *i* index))))
(inc *pc* 2))))
(defun update-timers ()
(let ((time (sdl:system-ticks)))
(when (>= time (+ *last-timer-update* 1000/60)) ; 60MHz
(when (> *delay-timer* 0) (decf *delay-timer*))
(when (> *sound-timer* 0) (decf *sound-timer*))
(setf *last-timer-update* time))))
(defun emulator-step ()