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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Juhani Krekelä 95d5901852 Line prefixes for listings 2021-07-31 00:08:04 +03:00
Juhani Krekelä 0b46aa1336 Flip the command_addresses table the right way around 2021-07-30 23:13:00 +03:00
1 changed files with 112 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -49,6 +49,18 @@ int_ctrl_break equ 0x23
%macro addw 2
db 0x03, 0xc0 + 8 * %1 + %2
%macro adcb 2
db 0x12, 0xc0 + 8 * %1 + %2
%macro cmpw 2
db 0x3b, 0xc0 + 8 * %1 + %2
%macro movw 2
db 0x8b, 0xc0 + 8 * %1 + %2
%macro movb 2
db 0x8a, 0xc0 + 8 * %1 + %2
%macro orw 2
db 0x0b, 0xc0 + 8 * %1 + %2
@ -58,15 +70,12 @@ int_ctrl_break equ 0x23
%macro subw 2
db 0x2b, 0xc0 + 8 * %1 + %2
%macro subb 2
db 0x2a, 0xc0 + 8 * %1 + %2
%macro xorw 2
db 0x33, 0xc0 + 8 * %1 + %2
%macro cmpw 2
db 0x3b, 0xc0 + 8 * %1 + %2
%macro movw 2
db 0x8b, 0xc0 + 8 * %1 + %2
; Sign extended byte to byte
%macro cmpb_addr_ext 2
@ -223,7 +232,7 @@ initialize_editor: ; 0240
test byte [new_file_flag], 0xff
jnz editor_mainloop
call __0370
call command_a
editor_mainloop: ; 0273
mov sp, stack.end
@ -278,6 +287,8 @@ editor_mainloop: ; 0273
repne scasb
jne print_entry_error ; Not found
; CX counts down, so first entry matching gives cx=9, second cx=8, etc.
movw r_bx, r_cx
mov ax, [__0a82]
orw r_ax, r_ax
@ -366,17 +377,19 @@ parse_line_specifier: ; 02f9
commands db 'QWASRDLIE', 13 ; 0340
; This is reversed in regards to commands table due to implementation of matching
command_addresses: ; 034a
dw command_q ; Q
dw command_w ; W
dw command_a ; A
dw command_s ; S
dw command_r ; R
dw command_d ; D
dw command_l ; L
dw __0370 ; I
dw command_e ; E
dw command_cr ; CR
dw command_e ; E
dw command_i ; I
dw command_l ; L
dw command_d ; D
dw command_r ; R
dw command_s ; S
dw command_a ; A
dw command_w ; W
dw command_q ; Q
find_file_end_char: ; 035e
push di
@ -397,7 +410,7 @@ find_file_end_char: ; 035e
jmp print_eof_str
test byte [new_file_flag], 0xff
jnz __036d
@ -487,7 +500,7 @@ __0406:
_trampoline_oom_1: ; 0414
jmp oom
command_e: ; 0417
command_w: ; 0417
db 0x8B, 0x1E, 0x80, 0x0A ; 0417 mov bx,[0xa80]
db 0x0B, 0xDB ; 041B or bx,bx
db 0x75, 0x1C ; 041D jnz 0x43b
@ -557,51 +570,81 @@ db 0x42 ; 04AC inc dx
db 0x3B, 0xDA ; 04AD cmp bx,dx
db 0x75, 0xF7 ; 04AF jnz 0x4a8
db 0xC3 ; 04B1 ret
db 0x53 ; 04B2 push bx
db 0xB0, 0x20 ; 04B3 mov al,0x20
db 0xE8, 0x6C, 0x04 ; 04B5 call 0x924
db 0xE8, 0x13, 0x00 ; 04B8 call 0x4ce
db 0xB0, 0x3A ; 04BB mov al,0x3a
db 0xE8, 0x64, 0x04 ; 04BD call 0x924
db 0xB0, 0x2A ; 04C0 mov al,0x2a
db 0x5B ; 04C2 pop bx
db 0x3B, 0x1E, 0x90, 0x0A ; 04C3 cmp bx,[0xa90]
db 0x74, 0x02 ; 04C7 jz 0x4cb
db 0xB0, 0x20 ; 04C9 mov al,0x20
db 0xE9, 0x56, 0x04 ; 04CB jmp 0x924
db 0x33, 0xC0 ; 04CE xor ax,ax
db 0x8A, 0xD0 ; 04D0 mov dl,al
db 0xB9, 0x10, 0x00 ; 04D2 mov cx,0x10
db 0xD1, 0xE3 ; 04D5 shl bx,1
db 0x12, 0xC0 ; 04D7 adc al,al
db 0x27 ; 04D9 daa
db 0x86, 0xC4 ; 04DA xchg al,ah
db 0x12, 0xC0 ; 04DC adc al,al
db 0x27 ; 04DE daa
db 0x86, 0xC4 ; 04DF xchg al,ah
db 0x12, 0xD2 ; 04E1 adc dl,dl
db 0xE2, 0xF0 ; 04E3 loop 0x4d5
db 0xB3, 0x10 ; 04E5 mov bl,0x10
db 0x92 ; 04E7 xchg ax,dx
db 0xE8, 0x16, 0x00 ; 04E8 call 0x501
db 0x8A, 0xC6 ; 04EB mov al,dh
db 0xE8, 0x02, 0x00 ; 04ED call 0x4f2
db 0x8A, 0xC2 ; 04F0 mov al,dl
db 0x8A, 0xF0 ; 04F2 mov dh,al
db 0xD0, 0xE8 ; 04F4 shr al,1
db 0xD0, 0xE8 ; 04F6 shr al,1
db 0xD0, 0xE8 ; 04F8 shr al,1
db 0xD0, 0xE8 ; 04FA shr al,1
db 0xE8, 0x02, 0x00 ; 04FC call 0x501
db 0x8A, 0xC6 ; 04FF mov al,dh
db 0x24, 0x0F ; 0501 and al,0xf
db 0x74, 0x02 ; 0503 jz 0x507
db 0xB3, 0x00 ; 0505 mov bl,0x0
db 0x04, 0x30 ; 0507 add al,0x30
db 0x2A, 0xC3 ; 0509 sub al,bl
db 0xE9, 0x16, 0x04 ; 050B jmp 0x924
command_s: ; 050e
print_line_prefix: ; 04b2
push bx
mov al, ' '
call print_char
call print_number
mov al, ':'
call print_char
mov al, '*'
pop bx
cmp bx, [current_line]
je .end
mov al, ' '
.end: jmp print_char
print_number: ; 04ce
; Input in bx
; Zero out the 5-digit BCD number
xorw r_ax, r_ax
movb r_dl, r_al
mov cx, 16
.loop: ; 04d5
shl bx, 1
; Double al (bcd), and add in carry out from the shift
adcb r_al, r_al
; Double ah (bcd) and propagate carry
xchg al, ah
adcb r_al, r_al
xchg al, ah
; Double dl (bcd) and propagate carry
adcb r_dl, r_dl
loop .loop
; Prints a 5-digit BCD number stored in DX:AX as such (x is ignored)
; dh dl ah al
; xx x1 23 45
mov bl, '0' - ' ' ; If value is zero, replace with space
xchg ax, dx
; First digit, low nybble of dl
call print_bcd_digit
; Next two digits, ah
movb r_al, r_dh
call print_bcd_byte
; Final two digits, al
movb r_al, r_dl
print_bcd_byte: ; 04f2
movb r_dh, r_al
times 4 shr al, 1
call print_bcd_digit
movb r_al, r_dh
print_bcd_digit: ; 0501
and al, 0xf
jz .to_ascii
mov bl, 0 ; Only apply replacement to zero values
add al, '0'
subb r_al, r_bl
jmp print_char
command_l: ; 050e
db 0x8B, 0x1E, 0x80, 0x0A ; 050E mov bx,[0xa80]
db 0x0B, 0xDB ; 0512 or bx,bx
db 0x75, 0x0C ; 0514 jnz 0x522
@ -668,7 +711,7 @@ db 0xAA ; 0591 stosb
db 0xC3 ; 0592 ret
db 0xE9, 0xC9, 0x00 ; 0593 jmp 0x65f
command_d: ; 0596
command_r: ; 0596
db 0xE8, 0xFD, 0x00 ; 0596 call 0x696
db 0x75, 0xF8 ; 0599 jnz 0x593
db 0x8B, 0x36, 0x8C, 0x0A ; 059B mov si,[0xa8c]
@ -725,7 +768,7 @@ db 0xC3 ; 0621 ret
db 0xBA, 0x21, 0x0A ; 0622 mov dx,0xa21
db 0xEB, 0x3B ; 0625 jmp short 0x662
command_l: ; 0627
command_s: ; 0627
db 0xE8, 0x6C, 0x00 ; 0627 call 0x696
db 0x75, 0x33 ; 062A jnz 0x65f
db 0x8B, 0x1E, 0x8A, 0x0A ; 062C mov bx,[0xa8a]
@ -841,7 +884,7 @@ db 0xAA ; 074A stosb
db 0x41 ; 074B inc cx
db 0xEB, 0xF3 ; 074C jmp short 0x741
command_r: ; 074e
command_d: ; 074e
db 0x8B, 0x1E, 0x80, 0x0A ; 074E mov bx,[0xa80]
db 0x0B, 0xDB ; 0752 or bx,bx
db 0x75, 0x04 ; 0754 jnz 0x75a
@ -866,7 +909,7 @@ db 0x33, 0xC9 ; 077E xor cx,cx
db 0xEB, 0x55 ; 0780 jmp short 0x7d7
db 0xE9, 0x6A, 0xFB ; 0782 jmp 0x2ef
command_q: ; 0785
command_cr: ; 0785
db 0x8B, 0x1E, 0x80, 0x0A ; 0785 mov bx,[0xa80]
db 0x0B, 0xDB ; 0789 or bx,bx
db 0x75, 0x05 ; 078B jnz 0x792
@ -931,7 +974,7 @@ oom: ; 080c
int 0x21
jmp editor_mainloop
command_a: ; 08cd
command_i: ; 0816
db 0xB8, 0x23, 0x25 ; 0816 mov ax,0x2523
db 0xBA, 0x7D, 0x08 ; 0819 mov dx,0x87d
db 0xCD, 0x21 ; 081C int 0x21
@ -994,7 +1037,7 @@ db 0x4F ; 089E dec di
db 0x89, 0x3E, 0x9A, 0x0A ; 089F mov [0xa9a],di
db 0xE9, 0xCD, 0xF9 ; 08A3 jmp 0x273
command_cr: ; 08a6
command_q: ; 08a6
db 0xBA, 0x45, 0x0A ; 08A6 mov dx,0xa45
db 0xB4, 0x09 ; 08A9 mov ah,0x9
db 0xCD, 0x21 ; 08AB int 0x21
@ -1012,7 +1055,7 @@ db 0xCD, 0x20 ; 08C2 int 0x20
db 0xC7, 0x06, 0x80, 0x0A, 0xFF, 0xFF ; 08C4 mov word [0xa80],0xffff
db 0xE8, 0xA3, 0xFA ; 08CA call 0x370
command_w: ; 08cd
command_e: ; 08cd
db 0xC6, 0x06, 0x7F, 0x0A, 0x01 ; 08CD mov byte [0xa7f],0x1
db 0xBB, 0xFF, 0xFF ; 08D2 mov bx,0xffff
db 0xE8, 0x63, 0xFB ; 08D5 call 0x43b