#define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include char hexify(int nybble) { assert(0 <= nybble && nybble <= 16); return "0123456789abcdef"[nybble]; } void format_mac(const unsigned char binary_address[6], char formatted[18]) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { unsigned char byte = binary_address[i]; formatted[3*i] = hexify(byte >> 4); formatted[3*i + 1] = hexify(byte & 0xf); formatted[3*i + 2] = ':'; } formatted[17] = '\0'; } void drop_privileges(void) { uid_t uid = getuid(); gid_t gid = getgid(); errno = 0; if (setresgid(gid, gid, gid) == -1) { err(1, "setresgid"); } errno = 0; if (setresuid(uid, uid, uid) == -1) { err(1, "setresuid"); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s interface\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } // Create a packet socket errno = 0; int packet_socket = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL)); if (packet_socket == -1) { err(1, "socket"); } // Only creating the socket requires root privs drop_privileges(); // Find the index of the network interface struct ifreq ifr; strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, argv[1], IFNAMSIZ); errno = 0; if (ioctl(packet_socket, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr) == -1) { err(1, "ioctl"); } // Bind to the network interface struct sockaddr_ll sll; sll.sll_family = AF_PACKET; sll.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ALL); sll.sll_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex; errno = 0; if (bind(packet_socket, (const struct sockaddr*)&sll, sizeof(sll)) == -1) { err(1, "bind"); } for(;;) { unsigned char frame[1518]; // 1518 is the largest a 802.3 frame can be without FCS (which we apparently don't get) if (fflush(stdout) == -1) { err(1, "fflush"); } errno = 0; ssize_t frame_length = recv(packet_socket, frame, sizeof(frame), MSG_TRUNC); if (frame_length == -1) { err(1, "recv"); } size_t frame_data_length = (size_t)frame_length < sizeof(frame) ? (size_t)frame_length : sizeof(frame); frame_length += 4; // Include the FCS in the true length if (frame_data_length < 14) { errno = 0; if (printf("Frame too short to contain header (%zdB)\n", frame_length) == -1) { err(1, "printf"); } continue; } // Extract the MACs // 012345 012345 // dest source char destination_mac[18], source_mac[18]; format_mac(&frame[0], destination_mac); format_mac(&frame[6], source_mac); // Extract EtherType / length field // 012345 012345 01 // dest source ^^ // It is stored in the network byte order, that is, high byte 1st uint16_t ethertype = (frame[12] << 8) | frame[13]; const char *ethertype_meaning = NULL; if (ethertype <= 1500) { ethertype_meaning = "packet length"; } else if (ethertype < 0x0600) { ethertype_meaning = "undefined"; } else if (ethertype == 0x0800) { ethertype_meaning = "IPv4"; } else if (ethertype == 0x0806) { ethertype_meaning = "ARP"; } else if (ethertype == 0x86dd) { ethertype_meaning = "IPv6"; } errno = 0; if(printf("%s -> %s ethertype: %04" PRIx16, source_mac, destination_mac, ethertype) == -1) { err(1, "printf"); } errno = 0; if (ethertype_meaning == NULL) { if (printf(", length: %zd", frame_length) == -1) { err(1, "printf"); } } else { if (printf(" (%s), length: %zd", ethertype_meaning, frame_length) == -1) { err(1, "printf"); } } errno = 0; if ((size_t)frame_length > sizeof(frame) + 4) { // +4 for the FCS if (printf(" (overlong)\n") == -1) { err(1, "printf"); } } else if(frame_length < 64) { if (printf(" (runt)\n") == -1) { err(1, "printf"); } } else { if (printf("\n") == -1) { err(1, "printf"); } } } return 0; }