A Sacrifice of Bread As Arattavesh gives you grain, you shall give her back. A slice of every loaf made before the next new moon shall be hers, and the bakers will be giving their share starting tomorrow. But this loaf is special, the first loaf baked from new grain, and it is reserved for the junior priest of the temple. Which is you. You know that you shall not be too stingy and cut only the skin. You also know you have to be exact and not cut a too big of a slice off. But that is no issue. You end up with a slice that is just right, and place it in the bowl before the idol. After this is done, you lay the knife back down, and recite one of the old hymns, too old for people to understand anymore. You feel that Arattavesh is pleased in you as you walk up to the roof of the temple house and then across to the end of the block. > index Return back to the beginning