
115 lines
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import datetime
import select
import threading
import channel
commchan = None
commchan_lock = threading.Lock()
class Clock(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, irc, commchan):
self.irc = irc
self.commchan = commchan
def send_time(self, hour, half_past):
# Convert to 12h clock
hour = hour % 12
# Deal with the fact that unicode has 1…12
if hour == 0: hour = 12
clockface = chr(0x1F550 - 1 + hour + (12 if half_past else 0))
for chan in self.irc.get_channels():
self.irc.bot_response(chan, clockface)
def run(self):
poll = select.poll()
poll.register(self.commchan, select.POLLIN)
last_hour = None
last_half_past = None
quit = False
while not quit:
now =
half_past = now.minute >= 30
if last_hour != now.hour or last_half_past != half_past:
self.send_time(now.hour, half_past)
last_hour = now.hour
last_half_past = half_past
# Set poll timeout to when we next need to wake up
timeout = ((30 - now.minute % 30) * 60 - now.second) * 1000 - now.microsecond // 1000
for fd, event in poll.poll(timeout):
if fd == self.commchan.fileno():
comm = self.commchan.recv()
if comm == 'quit':
quit = True
def stop_clock():
global commchan, commchan_lock
with commchan_lock:
if commchan is None:
commchan = None
def start_clock(irc):
global commchan, commchan_lock
with commchan_lock:
if commchan is not None:
commchan = channel.Channel()
Clock(irc, commchan).start()
# initialize(*, config)
# Called to initialize the IRC bot
# Runs before even logger is brought up, and blocks further bringup until it's done
# config is a configpatser.ConfigParser object containig contents of bot.conf
def initialize(*, config):
# on_connect(*, irc)
# Called after IRC bot has connected and sent the USER/NICk commands but not yet attempted anything else
# Called for every reconnect
# Blocks the bot until it's done, including PING/PONG handling
# irc is the IRC API object
def on_connect(*, irc):
# on_quit(*, irc)
# Called just before IRC bot sends QUIT
# Blocks the bot until it's done, including PING/PONG handling
# irc is the IRC API object
def on_quit(*, irc):
# handle_message(*, prefix, message, nick, channel, irc)
# Called for PRIVMSGs.
# prefix is the prefix at the start of the message, without the leading ':'
# message is the contents of the message
# nick is who sent the message
# channel is where you should send the response (note: in queries nick == channel)
# irc is the IRC API object
# All strings are bytestrings
def handle_message(*, prefix, message, nick, channel, irc):
# handle_nonmessage(*, prefix, command, arguments, irc)
# Called for all other commands than PINGs and PRIVMSGs.
# prefix is the prefix at the start of the message, without the leading ':'
# command is the command or number code
# arguments is rest of the arguments of the command, represented as a list. ':'-arguments are handled automatically
# irc is the IRC API object
# All strings are bytestrings
def handle_nonmessage(*, prefix, command, arguments, irc):