/* view_gr.c * (c) 2002 Mikulas Patocka * This file is a part of the Links program, released under GPL. */ #include "cfg.h" #ifdef G #include "links.h" static int *highlight_positions = NULL; static int *highlight_lengths = NULL; static int n_highlight_positions = 0; static int root_x = 0; static int root_y = 0; static void get_object_pos(struct g_object *o, int *x, int *y); static void g_get_search_data(struct f_data *f); static struct g_object_text * g_find_nearest_object(struct f_data *f, int x, int y); static int previous_link=-1; /* for mouse event handlers */ void g_dummy_draw(struct f_data_c *fd, struct g_object *t, int x, int y) { } void g_tag_destruct(struct g_object *t_) { struct g_object_tag *t = get_struct(t_, struct g_object_tag, go); mem_free(t); } void g_dummy_mouse(struct f_data_c *fd, struct g_object *a, int x, int y, int b) { } static unsigned char print_all_textarea = 0; /* returns byte index of x in t->text */ /* x is relative coordinate within the text (can be out of bounds) */ static int g_find_text_pos(struct g_object_text *t, int x) { int i=0, p=0; unsigned char *text=t->text; int ox, oy; get_object_pos(&t->goti.go, &ox, &oy); x -= ox; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (x > t->goti.go.xw) x = t->goti.go.xw; while (1) { unsigned c; unsigned char *old_text; int w; old_text = text; if (!*text) break; GET_UTF_8(text, c); w = g_char_width(t->style, c); if (x < (p + (w >> 1))) break; p += w; i += (int)(text - old_text); if (p >= x) break; } return i; } static int g_text_no_search(struct f_data *f, struct g_object_text *t) { struct link *l; if (t->goti.link_num < 0) return 0; l = f->links + t->goti.link_num; if (l->type == L_SELECT || l->type == L_FIELD || l->type == L_AREA) return 1; return 0; } static int prepare_input_field_char(unsigned char *p, unsigned char tx[7]) { unsigned char *pp = p; unsigned un; unsigned char *en; GET_UTF_8(p, un); if (!un) un = '*'; if (un == 0xad) un = '-'; en = encode_utf_8(un); strcpy(cast_char tx, cast_const_char en); return (int)(p - pp); } void g_text_draw(struct f_data_c *fd, struct g_object *t_, int x, int y) { struct g_object_text *t = get_struct(t_, struct g_object_text, goti.go); struct form_control *form; struct form_state *fs; struct link *link; int l; int ll; int i, j; int yy; int cur; struct format_text_cache_entry *ftce; struct graphics_device *dev = fd->ses->term->dev; if (x + t->goti.go.xw <= fd->ses->term->dev->clip.x1) return; if (x >= fd->ses->term->dev->clip.x2) return; if (!print_all_textarea) { if (y + t->goti.go.yw <= fd->ses->term->dev->clip.y1) return; if (y >= fd->ses->term->dev->clip.y2) return; } link = t->goti.link_num >= 0 ? fd->f_data->links + t->goti.link_num : NULL; if (link && ((form = link->form))) { fs = find_form_state(fd, form); switch (form->type) { struct style *inv; int in, lid; int sl, td; case FC_RADIO: if (link && fd->active && fd->vs->g_display_link && fd->vs->current_link == link - fd->f_data->links) inv = g_invert_style(t->style), in = 1; else inv = t->style, in = 0; g_print_text(dev, x, y, inv, fs->state ? cast_uchar "[X]" : cast_uchar "[ ]", NULL); if (in) g_free_style(inv); return; case FC_CHECKBOX: if (link && fd->active && fd->vs->g_display_link && fd->vs->current_link == link - fd->f_data->links) inv = g_invert_style(t->style), in = 1; else inv = t->style, in = 0; g_print_text(dev, x, y, inv, fs->state ? cast_uchar "[X]" : cast_uchar "[ ]", NULL); if (in) g_free_style(inv); return; case FC_SELECT: if (link && fd->active && fd->vs->g_display_link && fd->vs->current_link == link - fd->f_data->links) inv = g_invert_style(t->style), in = 1; else inv = t->style, in = 0; fixup_select_state(form, fs); l = 0; if (fs->state < form->nvalues) g_print_text(dev, x, y, inv, form->labels[fs->state], &l); while (l < t->goti.go.xw) g_print_text(dev, x + l, y, inv, cast_uchar "_", &l); if (in) g_free_style(inv); return; case FC_TEXT: case FC_PASSWORD: case FC_FILE_UPLOAD: if ((size_t)fs->vpos > strlen(cast_const_char fs->string)) fs->vpos = (int)strlen(cast_const_char fs->string); sl = (int)strlen(cast_const_char fs->string); td = textptr_diff(fs->string + fs->state, fs->string + fs->vpos, fd->f_data->opt.cp); while (fs->vpos < sl && td >= form->size) { unsigned char *p = fs->string + fs->vpos; FWD_UTF_8(p); fs->vpos = (int)(p - fs->string); td--; } while (fs->vpos > fs->state) { unsigned char *p = fs->string + fs->vpos; BACK_UTF_8(p, fs->string); fs->vpos = (int)(p - fs->string); } l = 0; i = 0; ll = (int)strlen(cast_const_char fs->string); while (l < t->goti.go.xw) { struct style *st = t->style; int sm = 0; unsigned char tx[7]; if (fs->state == fs->vpos + i && t->goti.link_num == fd->vs->current_link && fd->ses->locked_link) { st = g_invert_style(t->style); sm = 1; } if (fs->vpos + i >= ll) { tx[0] = '_', tx[1] = 0, i++; } else { i += prepare_input_field_char(fs->string + fs->vpos + i, tx); if (form->type == FC_PASSWORD) tx[0] = '*', tx[1] = 0; } g_print_text(dev, x + l, y, st, tx, &l); if (sm) g_free_style(st); } return; case FC_TEXTAREA: cur = area_cursor(fd, form, fs); ftce = format_text(fd, form, fs); yy = y - t->goti.link_order * t->style->height; lid = fs->vypos; for (j = 0; j < form->rows; j++) { unsigned char *pp, *en; int remaining_chars; int xx = fs->vpos; if (lid < ftce->n_lines) { pp = fs->string + ftce->ln[lid].st_offs; en = fs->string + ftce->ln[lid].en_offs; remaining_chars = ftce->ln[lid].chars; } else { pp = en = NULL; remaining_chars = 0; } while (pp && pp < en && xx > 0) { FWD_UTF_8(pp); xx--; remaining_chars--; } if (cur >= 0 && cur < form->cols && t->goti.link_num == fd->vs->current_link && fd->ses->locked_link && fd->active) { unsigned char tx[7]; int xx = x; if (print_all_textarea || j == t->goti.link_order) while (xx < x + t->goti.go.xw) { struct style *st = t->style; if (pp && pp < en) { pp += prepare_input_field_char(pp, tx); } else { tx[0] = '_'; tx[1] = 0; } if (!cur) { st = g_invert_style(t->style); } g_print_text(dev, xx, yy + j * t->style->height, st, tx, &xx); if (!cur) { g_free_style(st); } cur--; } else cur -= form->cols; } else { if (print_all_textarea || j == t->goti.link_order) { unsigned char *a; struct rect old; size_t text_size; if (remaining_chars <= form->cols) remaining_chars = form->cols - remaining_chars; else remaining_chars = 0; text_size = pp ? en - pp : 0; a = mem_alloc(text_size + remaining_chars + 1); if (text_size) memcpy(a, pp, text_size); memset(a + text_size, '_', remaining_chars); a[text_size + remaining_chars] = 0; restrict_clip_area(dev, &old, x, 0, x + t->goti.go.xw, dev->size.y2); g_print_text(dev, x, yy + j * t->style->height, t->style, a, NULL); set_clip_area(dev, &old); mem_free(a); } cur -= form->cols; } if (lid < ftce->n_lines) lid++; } return; } } if (link && fd->active && fd->vs->g_display_link && fd->vs->current_link == link - fd->f_data->links) { struct style *inv; inv = g_invert_style(t->style); g_print_text(dev, x, y, inv, t->text, NULL); g_free_style(inv); } else if ((!fd->f_data->hlt_len && (!highlight_positions || !n_highlight_positions)) || g_text_no_search(fd->f_data, t)) { prn: g_print_text(dev, x, y, t->style, t->text, NULL); } else { int tlen = (int)strlen(cast_const_char t->text); int found; int start = t->srch_pos; int end = t->srch_pos + tlen; int hl_start, hl_len; unsigned char *mask; unsigned char *tx; int txl; int pmask; int ii; struct style *inv; intersect(fd->f_data->hlt_pos, fd->f_data->hlt_len, start, tlen, &hl_start, &hl_len); #define B_EQUAL(t, m) (highlight_positions[t] + highlight_lengths[t] > start && highlight_positions[t] < end) #define B_ABOVE(t, m) (highlight_positions[t] >= end) BIN_SEARCH(n_highlight_positions, B_EQUAL, B_ABOVE, *, found); mask = mem_calloc(tlen); if (found != -1) { while (found > 0 && B_EQUAL(found - 1, *)) found--; while (found < n_highlight_positions && !B_ABOVE(found, *)) { int pos = highlight_positions[found] - t->srch_pos; for (ii = 0; ii < highlight_lengths[found]; ii++) { if (pos >= 0 && pos < tlen) mask[pos] = 1; pos++; } found++; } if (hl_len) goto hl; } else if (hl_len) { int x; hl: for (x = 0; x < hl_len; x++) mask[hl_start - t->srch_pos + x] ^= 1; /*memset(mask+hl_start-t->srch_pos, 1, hl_len);*/ } else { mem_free(mask); goto prn; } inv = g_invert_style(t->style); tx = init_str();; txl = 0; pmask = -1; for (ii = 0; ii < tlen; ii++) { if (mask[ii] != pmask) { g_print_text(dev, x, y, pmask ? inv : t->style, tx, &x); mem_free(tx); tx = init_str(); txl = 0; } add_chr_to_str(&tx, &txl, t->text[ii]); pmask = mask[ii]; } g_print_text(dev, x, y, pmask ? inv : t->style, tx, &x); mem_free(tx); g_free_style(inv); mem_free(mask); } } void g_text_destruct(struct g_object *t_) { struct g_object_text *t = get_struct(t_, struct g_object_text, goti.go); release_image_map(t->goti.map); g_free_style(t->style); mem_free(t); } void g_line_draw(struct f_data_c *fd, struct g_object *l_, int xx, int yy) { struct g_object_line *l = get_struct(l_, struct g_object_line, go); struct graphics_device *dev = fd->ses->term->dev; int i; int x = 0; for (i = 0; i < l->n_entries; i++) { struct g_object *o = l->entries[i]; if (o->x > x) g_draw_background(dev, l->bg, xx + x, yy, o->x - x, l->go.yw); if (o->y > 0) g_draw_background(dev, l->bg, xx + o->x, yy, o->xw, o->y); if (o->y + o->yw < l->go.yw) g_draw_background(dev, l->bg, xx + o->x, yy + o->y + o->yw, o->xw, l->go.yw - o->y - o->yw); o->draw(fd, o, xx + o->x, yy + o->y); x = o->x + o->xw; } if (x < l->go.xw) g_draw_background(dev, l->bg, xx + x, yy, l->go.xw - x, l->go.yw); } void g_line_destruct(struct g_object *l_) { struct g_object_line *l = get_struct(l_, struct g_object_line, go); int i; for (i = 0; i < l->n_entries; i++) l->entries[i]->destruct(l->entries[i]); mem_free(l); } void g_line_bg_destruct(struct g_object *l_) { struct g_object_line *l = get_struct(l_, struct g_object_line, go); g_release_background(l->bg); g_line_destruct(&l->go); } void g_line_get_list(struct g_object *l_, void (*f)(struct g_object *parent, struct g_object *child)) { struct g_object_line *l = get_struct(l_, struct g_object_line, go); int i; for (i = 0; i < l->n_entries; i++) f(&l->go, l->entries[i]); } #define OBJ_EQ(n, b) (*a[n]).go.y <= (b) && (*a[n]).go.y + (*a[n]).go.yw > (b) #define OBJ_ABOVE(n, b) (*a[n]).go.y > (b) static inline struct g_object_line **g_find_line(struct g_object_line **a, int n, int p) { int res = -1; BIN_SEARCH(n, OBJ_EQ, OBJ_ABOVE, p, res); if (res == -1) return NULL; return &a[res]; } #undef OBJ_EQ #undef OBJ_ABOVE void g_area_draw(struct f_data_c *fd, struct g_object *a_, int xx, int yy) { struct g_object_area *a = get_struct(a_, struct g_object_area, go); struct g_object_line **i; int rx = root_x, ry = root_y; int y1 = fd->ses->term->dev->clip.y1 - yy; int y2 = fd->ses->term->dev->clip.y2 - yy - 1; struct g_object_line **l1; struct g_object_line **l2; if (fd->ses->term->dev->clip.y1 == fd->ses->term->dev->clip.y2 || fd->ses->term->dev->clip.x1 == fd->ses->term->dev->clip.x2) return; l1 = g_find_line(a->lines, a->n_lines, y1); l2 = g_find_line(a->lines, a->n_lines, y2); root_x = xx, root_y = yy; if (!l1) { if (y1 > a->go.yw) return; else l1 = &a->lines[0]; } if (!l2) { if (y2 < 0) return; else l2 = &a->lines[a->n_lines - 1]; } for (i = l1; i <= l2; i++) { struct g_object *o = &(*i)->go; o->draw(fd, o, xx + o->x, yy + o->y); } root_x = rx, root_y = ry; } void g_area_destruct(struct g_object *a_) { struct g_object_area *a = get_struct(a_, struct g_object_area, go); int i; g_release_background(a->bg); for (i = 0; i < a->n_lines; i++) { struct g_object *o = &a->lines[i]->go; o->destruct(o); } mem_free(a); } void g_area_get_list(struct g_object *a_, void (*f)(struct g_object *parent, struct g_object *child)) { struct g_object_area *a = get_struct(a_, struct g_object_area, go); int i; for (i = 0; i < a->n_lines; i++) f(&a->go, &a->lines[i]->go); } /* * dsize - size of scrollbar * total - total data * vsize - visible data * vpos - position of visible data */ void get_scrollbar_pos(int dsize, int total, int vsize, int vpos, int *start, int *end) { int ssize; if (!total) { *start = *end = 0; return; } ssize = (int)((double)dsize * vsize / total); if (ssize < G_SCROLL_BAR_MIN_SIZE) ssize = G_SCROLL_BAR_MIN_SIZE; if (total == vsize) { *start = 0; *end = dsize; return; } *start = (int)((double)(dsize - ssize) * vpos / (total - vsize) + 0.5); *end = *start + ssize; if (*start > dsize) *start = dsize; if (*start < 0) *start = 0; if (*end > dsize) *end = dsize; if (*end < 0) *end = 0; /* else { *start = (double)vpos * dsize / total; *end = (double)(vpos + vsize) * dsize / total; } if (*end > dsize) *end = dsize; */ } static long scroll_bar_frame_color; static long scroll_bar_area_color; static long scroll_bar_bar_color; void draw_vscroll_bar(struct graphics_device *dev, int x, int y, int yw, int total, int view, int pos) { int spos, epos; drv->draw_hline(dev, x, y, x + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, scroll_bar_frame_color); drv->draw_vline(dev, x, y, y + yw, scroll_bar_frame_color); drv->draw_vline(dev, x + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH - 1, y, y + yw, scroll_bar_frame_color); drv->draw_hline(dev, x, y + yw - 1, x + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, scroll_bar_frame_color); drv->draw_vline(dev, x + 1, y + 1, y + yw - 1, scroll_bar_area_color); drv->draw_vline(dev, x + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH - 2, y + 1, y + yw - 1, scroll_bar_area_color); get_scrollbar_pos(yw - 4, total, view, pos, &spos, &epos); drv->fill_area(dev, x + 2, y + 1, x + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH - 2, y + 2 + spos, scroll_bar_area_color); drv->fill_area(dev, x + 2, y + 2 + spos, x + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH - 2, y + 2 + epos, scroll_bar_bar_color); drv->fill_area(dev, x + 2, y + 2 + epos, x + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH - 2, y + yw - 1, scroll_bar_area_color); } void draw_hscroll_bar(struct graphics_device *dev, int x, int y, int xw, int total, int view, int pos) { int spos, epos; drv->draw_vline(dev, x, y, y + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, scroll_bar_frame_color); drv->draw_hline(dev, x, y, x + xw, scroll_bar_frame_color); drv->draw_hline(dev, x, y + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH - 1, x + xw, scroll_bar_frame_color); drv->draw_vline(dev, x + xw - 1, y, y + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, scroll_bar_frame_color); drv->draw_hline(dev, x + 1, y + 1, x + xw - 1, scroll_bar_area_color); drv->draw_hline(dev, x + 1, y + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH - 2, x + xw - 1, scroll_bar_area_color); get_scrollbar_pos(xw - 4, total, view, pos, &spos, &epos); drv->fill_area(dev, x + 1, y + 2, x + 2 + spos, y + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH - 2, scroll_bar_area_color); drv->fill_area(dev, x + 2 + spos, y + 2, x + 2 + epos, y + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH - 2, scroll_bar_bar_color); drv->fill_area(dev, x + 2 + epos, y + 2, x + xw - 1, y + G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH - 2, scroll_bar_area_color); } static void g_get_search(struct f_data *f, unsigned char *s) { int i; if (!s || !*s) return; if (f->last_search && !strcmp(cast_const_char f->last_search, cast_const_char s)) return; mem_free(f->search_positions); mem_free(f->search_lengths); f->search_positions = DUMMY, f->search_lengths = DUMMY, f->n_search_positions = 0; if (f->last_search) mem_free(f->last_search); if (!(f->last_search = stracpy(s))) return; for (i = 0; i < f->srch_string_size; i++) { int len; /*debug("%d: %d", i, f->srch_string[i]);*/ if ((s[0] | f->srch_string[i]) < 0x80) { if ((f->srch_string[i] ^ s[0]) & 0xdf) continue; if (s[1] != 0 && (s[1] ^ f->srch_string[i + 1]) < 0x80) { if ((f->srch_string[i + 1] ^ s[1]) & 0xdf) continue; } } len = compare_case_utf8(f->srch_string + i, s); if (!len) continue; if (!(f->n_search_positions & (ALLOC_GR - 1))) { if ((unsigned)f->n_search_positions > MAXINT / sizeof(int) - ALLOC_GR) overalloc(); f->search_positions = mem_realloc(f->search_positions, (f->n_search_positions + ALLOC_GR) * sizeof(int)); f->search_lengths = mem_realloc(f->search_lengths, (f->n_search_positions + ALLOC_GR) * sizeof(int)); } f->search_positions[f->n_search_positions] = i; f->search_lengths[f->n_search_positions] = len; f->n_search_positions++; } } static void draw_root(struct f_data_c *scr, int x, int y) { scr->f_data->root->draw(scr, scr->f_data->root, x, y); } void draw_graphical_doc(struct terminal *t, struct f_data_c *scr, int active) { struct rect old; struct view_state *vs = scr->vs; struct rect_set *rs; int xw = scr->xw; int yw = scr->yw; int vx, vy; int j; if (active) { if (scr->ses->search_word && scr->ses->search_word[0]) { g_get_search_data(scr->f_data); g_get_search(scr->f_data, scr->ses->search_word); highlight_positions = scr->f_data->search_positions; highlight_lengths = scr->f_data->search_lengths; n_highlight_positions = scr->f_data->n_search_positions; } } if (vs->view_pos > scr->f_data->y - scr->yw + scr->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH) vs->view_pos = scr->f_data->y - scr->yw + scr->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; if (vs->view_pos < 0) vs->view_pos = 0; if (vs->view_posx > scr->f_data->x - scr->xw + scr->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH) vs->view_posx = scr->f_data->x - scr->xw + scr->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; if (vs->view_posx < 0) vs->view_posx = 0; vx = vs->view_posx; vy = vs->view_pos; restrict_clip_area(t->dev, &old, scr->xp, scr->yp, scr->xp + xw, scr->yp + yw); if (scr->vsb) draw_vscroll_bar(t->dev, scr->xp + xw - G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, scr->yp, yw - scr->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, scr->f_data->y, yw - scr->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, vs->view_pos); if (scr->hsb) draw_hscroll_bar(t->dev, scr->xp, scr->yp + yw - G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, xw - scr->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, scr->f_data->x, xw - scr->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, vs->view_posx); if (scr->vsb && scr->hsb) drv->fill_area(t->dev, scr->xp + xw - G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, scr->yp + yw - G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, scr->xp + xw, scr->yp + yw, scroll_bar_frame_color); restrict_clip_area(t->dev, NULL, scr->xp, scr->yp, scr->xp + xw - scr->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, scr->yp + yw - scr->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH); /*debug("buu: %d %d %d, %d %d %d", scr->xl, vx, xw, scr->yl, vy, yw);*/ if (drv->flags & GD_DONT_USE_SCROLL && overwrite_instead_of_scroll) goto rrr; if (scr->xl == -1 || scr->yl == -1) goto rrr; if (is_rect_valid(&scr->ses->win->redr)) goto rrr; if (scr->xl - vx > xw || vx - scr->xl > xw || scr->yl - vy > yw || vy - scr->yl > yw) { goto rrr; } rs = g_scroll(t->dev, scr->xl - vx, scr->yl - vy); for (j = 0; j < rs->m; j++) { struct rect *r = &rs->r[j]; struct rect clip1; restrict_clip_area(t->dev, &clip1, r->x1, r->y1, r->x2, r->y2); draw_root(scr, scr->xp - vs->view_posx, scr->yp - vs->view_pos); set_clip_area(t->dev, &clip1); } mem_free(rs); if (0) { rrr: draw_root(scr, scr->xp - vs->view_posx, scr->yp - vs->view_pos); } scr->xl = vx; scr->yl = vy; set_clip_area(t->dev, &old); highlight_positions = NULL; highlight_lengths = NULL; n_highlight_positions = 0; } struct draw_data { struct f_data_c *fd; struct g_object *o; }; static void draw_one_object_fn(struct terminal *t, void *d_) { struct draw_data *d = (struct draw_data *)d_; struct rect clip; struct f_data_c *scr = d->fd; struct g_object *o = d->o; int x, y; restrict_clip_area(t->dev, &clip, scr->xp, scr->yp, scr->xp + scr->xw - scr->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, scr->yp + scr->yw - scr->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH); get_object_pos(o, &x, &y); o->draw(scr, o, scr->xp - scr->vs->view_posx + x, scr->yp - scr->vs->view_pos + y); set_clip_area(t->dev, &clip); } void draw_one_object(struct f_data_c *scr, struct g_object *o) { struct draw_data d; int *h1, *h2, h3; d.fd = scr; d.o = o; h1 = highlight_positions; h2 = highlight_lengths; h3 = n_highlight_positions; if (scr->ses->search_word && scr->ses->search_word[0]) { g_get_search_data(scr->f_data); g_get_search(scr->f_data, scr->ses->search_word); highlight_positions = scr->f_data->search_positions; highlight_lengths = scr->f_data->search_lengths; n_highlight_positions = scr->f_data->n_search_positions; } draw_to_window(scr->ses->win, draw_one_object_fn, &d); highlight_positions = h1; highlight_lengths = h2; n_highlight_positions = h3; } int g_forward_mouse(struct f_data_c *fd, struct g_object *a, int x, int y, int b) { int r = 0; if (x < a->x) r |= 1; if (x >= a->x + a->xw) r |= 2; if (y < a->y) r |= 4; if (y >= a->y + a->yw) r |= 8; if (!r) { a->mouse_event(fd, a, x - a->x, y - a->y, b); return 0; } return r; } void g_area_mouse(struct f_data_c *fd, struct g_object *a_, int x, int y, int b) { struct g_object_area *a = get_struct(a_, struct g_object_area, go); int found, g; #define A_EQ(m, n) ((g = g_forward_mouse(fd, &a->lines[m]->go, x, y, b)), !g) #define A_AB(m, n) (g & 4) BIN_SEARCH(a->n_lines, A_EQ, A_AB, *, found); found = found + 1; /* against warning */ #undef A_EQ #undef A_AB /*int i; for (i = 0; i < a->n_lines; i++) if (!g_forward_mouse(fd, &a->lines[i]->go, x, y, b)) return;*/ } void g_line_mouse(struct f_data_c *fd, struct g_object *a_, int x, int y, int b) { struct g_object_line *a = get_struct(a_, struct g_object_line, go); int found, g; #define A_EQ(m, n) ((g = g_forward_mouse(fd, a->entries[m], x, y, b)), !g) #define A_AB(m, n) (g & 1) BIN_SEARCH(a->n_entries, A_EQ, A_AB, *, found); found = found + 1; /* against warning */ #undef A_EQ #undef A_AB /*int i; for (i = 0; i < a->n_entries; i++) if (!g_forward_mouse(fd, a->entries[i], x, y, b)) return;*/ } static struct f_data *ffff; static void get_parents_sub(struct g_object *p, struct g_object *c) { c->parent = p; if (c->get_list) c->get_list(c, get_parents_sub); if (c->destruct == g_tag_destruct) { struct g_object_tag *tg = get_struct(c, struct g_object_tag, go); int x = 0, y = 0; struct g_object *o; c->y -= c->parent->yw; for (o = c; o; o = o->parent) x += o->x, y += o->y; html_tag(ffff, tg->name, x, y); } if (c->mouse_event == g_text_mouse) { struct g_object_text_image *tc = get_struct(c, struct g_object_text_image, go); int l = tc->link_num; if (l >= 0) { struct link *link = &ffff->links[l]; int x = 0, y = 0; struct g_object *o; for (o = c; o; o = o->parent) x += o->x, y += o->y; if (x < link->r.x1) link->r.x1 = x; if (y < link->r.y1) link->r.y1 = y; if (x + c->xw > link->r.x2) link->r.x2 = x + c->xw; if (y + c->yw > link->r.y2) link->r.y2 = y + c->yw; link->obj = c; } } } void get_parents(struct f_data *f, struct g_object *a) { ffff = f; a->parent = NULL; if (a->get_list) a->get_list(a, get_parents_sub); } static void get_object_pos(struct g_object *o, int *x, int *y) { *x = *y = 0; while (o) { *x += o->x; *y += o->y; o = o->parent; } } /* if set_position is 1 sets cursor position in FIELD/AREA elements */ static void g_set_current_link(struct f_data_c *fd, struct g_object_text_image *a, int x, int y, int set_position) { if (a->map) { int i; for (i = 0; i < a->map->n_areas; i++) { if (is_in_area(&a->map->area[i], x, y) && a->map->area[i].link_num >= 0) { fd->vs->current_link = a->map->area[i].link_num; fd->vs->orig_link = fd->vs->current_link; return; } } } fd->vs->current_link = -1; fd->vs->orig_link = fd->vs->current_link; if (a->link_num >= 0) { fd->vs->current_link = a->link_num; fd->vs->orig_link = fd->vs->current_link; /* if link is a field, set cursor position */ if (set_position && a->link_num >= 0 && a->link_num < fd->f_data->nlinks) { /* valid link */ struct link *l = &fd->f_data->links[a->link_num]; struct form_state *fs; int xx, yy; if (!l->form) return; if (l->type == L_AREA) { struct g_object_text *at = get_struct(a, struct g_object_text, goti); struct format_text_cache_entry *ftce; fs = find_form_state(fd,l->form); if (g_char_width(at->style, ' ')) xx = x / g_char_width(at->style, ' '); else xx = x; xx += fs->vpos; xx = xx < 0 ? 0 : xx; yy = a->link_order; yy += fs->vypos; ftce = format_text(fd, l->form, fs); if (yy >= ftce->n_lines) yy = ftce->n_lines - 1; if (yy >= 0) { int bla = textptr_diff(fs->string + ftce->ln[yy].en_offs, fs->string + ftce->ln[yy].st_offs, fd->f_data->opt.cp); fs->state = ftce->ln[yy].st_offs; fs->state = (int)(textptr_add(fs->string + fs->state, xx < bla ? xx : bla, fd->f_data->opt.cp) - fs->string); } return; } if (l->type == L_FIELD) { struct g_object_text *at = get_struct(a, struct g_object_text, goti); fs = find_form_state(fd, l->form); if (g_char_width(at->style, ' ')) xx = x / g_char_width(at->style, ' '); else xx = x; fs->state = (int)(textptr_add(fs->string + ((size_t)fs->vpos > strlen(cast_const_char fs->string) ? strlen(cast_const_char fs->string) : (size_t)fs->vpos), (xx < 0 ? 0 : xx), fd->f_data->opt.cp) - fs->string); } } } } void g_text_mouse(struct f_data_c *fd, struct g_object *a_, int x, int y, int b) { struct g_object_text_image *a = get_struct(a_, struct g_object_text_image, go); int e; g_set_current_link(fd, a, x, y, (b == (B_UP | B_LEFT))); #ifdef JS if (fd->vs && fd->f_data && fd->vs->current_link >= 0 && fd->vs->current_link < fd->f_data->nlinks) { /* fd->vs->current links is a valid link */ struct link *l = &fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link]; if (l->js_event && l->js_event->up_code && (b & BM_ACT) == B_UP) jsint_execute_code(fd, l->js_event->up_code, strlen(cast_const_char l->js_event->up_code), -1, -1, -1, NULL); if (l->js_event && l->js_event->down_code && (b & BM_ACT) == B_DOWN) jsint_execute_code(fd, l->js_event->down_code, strlen(cast_const_char l->js_event->down_code), -1, -1, -1, NULL); } #endif if (b == (B_UP | B_LEFT)) { int ix = ismap_x, iy = ismap_y, il = ismap_link; ismap_x = x; ismap_y = y; ismap_link = a->ismap; e = enter(fd->ses, fd, 1); ismap_x = ix; ismap_y = iy; ismap_link = il; if (e) { print_all_textarea = 1; draw_one_object(fd, &a->go); print_all_textarea = 0; } if (e == 2) fd->f_data->locked_on = &a->go; return; } if (b == (B_UP | B_RIGHT)) { if (fd->vs->current_link != -1) link_menu(fd->ses->term, NULL, fd->ses); } } static int horizontal_page_jump(struct f_data_c *fd) { int j = fd->xw - fd->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; if (j <= 0) j = 1; return j; } static int vertical_page_jump(struct f_data_c *fd) { int j = fd->yw - fd->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; if (j >= fd->ses->ds.font_size * 2) j -= fd->ses->ds.font_size; if (j <= 0) j = 1; return j; } static void process_sb_event(struct f_data_c *fd, int off, int h) { int spos, epos; int w = h ? fd->hsbsize : fd->vsbsize; get_scrollbar_pos(w - 4, h ? fd->f_data->x : fd->f_data->y, w, h ? fd->vs->view_posx : fd->vs->view_pos, &spos, &epos); spos += 2; epos += 2; /*debug("%d %d %d", spos, epos, off);*/ if (off >= spos && off < epos) { fd->ses->scrolling = 1; fd->ses->scrolltype = h; fd->ses->scrolloff = off - spos; return; } if (off < spos) { if (h) fd->vs->view_posx -= horizontal_page_jump(fd); else fd->vs->view_pos -= vertical_page_jump(fd); } else { if (h) fd->vs->view_posx += horizontal_page_jump(fd); else fd->vs->view_pos += vertical_page_jump(fd); } fd->vs->orig_view_pos = fd->vs->view_pos; fd->vs->orig_view_posx = fd->vs->view_posx; draw_graphical_doc(fd->ses->term, fd, 1); } static void process_sb_move(struct f_data_c *fd, int off) { int h = fd->ses->scrolltype; int w = h ? fd->hsbsize : fd->vsbsize; int rpos = off - 2 - fd->ses->scrolloff; int st, en; int new_val; get_scrollbar_pos(w - 4, h ? fd->f_data->x : fd->f_data->y, w, h ? fd->vs->view_posx : fd->vs->view_pos, &st, &en); if (en - st >= w - 4) return; /* *(h ? &fd->vs->view_posx : &fd->vs->view_pos) = rpos * (h ? fd->f_data->x : fd->f_data->y) / (w - 4); */ if (w - 4 - (en - st) <= 0) return; new_val = (int)(rpos * (double)(h ? fd->f_data->x - w : fd->f_data->y - w) / (w - 4 - (en - st)) + 0.5); *(h ? &fd->vs->view_posx : &fd->vs->view_pos) = new_val; fd->vs->orig_view_pos = fd->vs->view_pos; fd->vs->orig_view_posx = fd->vs->view_posx; draw_graphical_doc(fd->ses->term, fd, 1); } static inline int ev_in_rect(struct links_event *ev, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { return ev->x >= x1 && ev->y >= y1 && ev->x < x2 && ev->y < y2; } int is_link_in_view(struct f_data_c *fd, int nl) { struct link *l = &fd->f_data->links[nl]; return fd->vs->view_pos < l->r.y2 && fd->vs->view_pos + fd->yw - fd->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH > l->r.y1; } static int skip_link(struct f_data_c *fd, int nl) { struct link *l = &fd->f_data->links[nl]; return !l->where && !l->form; } static void redraw_link(struct f_data_c *fd, int nl) { struct link *l = &fd->f_data->links[nl]; struct rect r; memcpy(&r, &l->r, sizeof(struct rect)); r.x1 += fd->xp - fd->vs->view_posx; r.x2 += fd->xp - fd->vs->view_posx; r.y1 += fd->yp - fd->vs->view_pos; r.y2 += fd->yp - fd->vs->view_pos; t_redraw(fd->ses->term->dev, &r); } static int lr_link(struct f_data_c *fd, int nl) { struct link *l = &fd->f_data->links[nl]; int xx = fd->vs->view_posx; if (l->r.x2 > fd->vs->view_posx + fd->xw - fd->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH) fd->vs->view_posx = l->r.x2 - (fd->xw - fd->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH); if (l->r.x1 < fd->vs->view_posx) fd->vs->view_posx = l->r.x1; fd->vs->orig_view_posx = fd->vs->view_posx; return xx != fd->vs->view_posx; } int g_next_link(struct f_data_c *fd, int dir, int do_scroll) { int orig_link = -1; int r = 2; int n, pn; if (fd->vs->current_link >= 0 && fd->vs->current_link < fd->f_data->nlinks) { orig_link = fd->vs->current_link; n = (pn = fd->vs->current_link) + dir; } else retry: n = dir > 0 ? 0 : fd->f_data->nlinks - 1, pn = -1; again: if (n < 0 || n >= fd->f_data->nlinks) { if (!do_scroll) return 0; if (r == 1) { fd->vs->current_link = -1; if (fd->vs->view_pos > fd->f_data->y - fd->yw + fd->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH) fd->vs->view_pos = fd->f_data->y - fd->yw + fd->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; if (fd->vs->view_pos < 0) fd->vs->view_pos = 0; if (orig_link != -1 && is_link_in_view(fd, orig_link)) fd->vs->current_link = orig_link; fd->vs->orig_link = fd->vs->current_link; if (fd->vs->current_link == -1) fd->ses->locked_link = 0; return 1; } if (dir < 0) { if (!fd->vs->view_pos) { fd->vs->orig_view_pos = fd->vs->view_pos; return 0; } fd->vs->view_pos -= vertical_page_jump(fd); fd->vs->orig_view_pos = fd->vs->view_pos; } else { if (fd->vs->view_pos >= fd->f_data->y - fd->yw + fd->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH) return 0; fd->vs->view_pos += vertical_page_jump(fd); fd->vs->orig_view_pos = fd->vs->view_pos; } r = 1; goto retry; } if (!is_link_in_view(fd, n) || skip_link(fd, n)) { n += dir; goto again; } if (fd->vs->current_link >= 0 && fd->vs->current_link < fd->f_data->nlinks) { redraw_link(fd, fd->vs->current_link); } fd->vs->current_link = n; fd->vs->orig_link = fd->vs->current_link; fd->vs->g_display_link = 1; redraw_link(fd, n); fd->ses->locked_link = 0; if (fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link].type == L_FIELD || fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link].type == L_AREA) { if ((fd->f_data->locked_on = fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link].obj)) fd->ses->locked_link = 1; } set_textarea(fd->ses, fd, -dir); change_screen_status(fd->ses); print_screen_status(fd->ses); if (lr_link(fd, fd->vs->current_link)) r = 1; return r; } static void unset_link(struct f_data_c *fd) { int n = fd->vs->current_link; fd->vs->current_link = -1; fd->vs->orig_link = fd->vs->current_link; fd->vs->g_display_link = 0; fd->ses->locked_link = 0; if (n >= 0 && n < fd->f_data->nlinks) { redraw_link(fd, n); } } static int scroll_vh(int *vp, int *ovp, int *sc, int d, int limit) { int o = *vp; *vp += d; if (*vp > limit) *vp = limit; if (*vp < 0) *vp = 0; *ovp = *vp; o -= *vp; if (sc) *sc -= o; return o ? 3 : 0; } static int scroll_v(struct f_data_c *fd, int y) { return scroll_vh(&fd->vs->view_pos, &fd->vs->orig_view_pos, fd->ses->scrolling == 2 ? &fd->ses->scrolloff : NULL, y, fd->f_data->y - fd->yw + fd->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH); } static int scroll_h(struct f_data_c *fd, int x) { return scroll_vh(&fd->vs->view_posx, &fd->vs->orig_view_posx, fd->ses->scrolling == 2 ? &fd->ses->scrolltype : NULL, x, fd->f_data->x - fd->xw + fd->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH); } int g_frame_ev(struct session *ses, struct f_data_c *fd, struct links_event *ev) { if (!fd->f_data) return 0; switch ((int)ev->ev) { case EV_MOUSE: if (BM_IS_WHEEL(ev->b) && ses->locked_link) { if (fd->vs->current_link >= 0 && fd->vs->current_link < fd->f_data->nlinks && fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link].type == L_AREA) { if (field_op(ses, fd, &fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link], ev)) { if (fd->f_data->locked_on) { print_all_textarea = 1; draw_one_object(fd, fd->f_data->locked_on); print_all_textarea = 0; return 2; } } } return 1; } if ((ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_WHEELUP) return scroll_v(fd, -64); if ((ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_WHEELDOWN) return scroll_v(fd, 64); if ((ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_WHEELUP1) return scroll_v(fd, -16); if ((ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_WHEELDOWN1) return scroll_v(fd, 16); if ((ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_WHEELLEFT) return scroll_h(fd, -64); if ((ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_WHEELRIGHT) return scroll_h(fd, 64); if ((ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_WHEELLEFT1) return scroll_h(fd, -16); if ((ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_WHEELRIGHT1) return scroll_h(fd, 16); if ((ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_MOVE) ses->scrolling = 0; if (ses->scrolling == 1) process_sb_move(fd, ses->scrolltype ? ev->x : ev->y); if (ses->scrolling == 2) { fd->vs->view_pos = -ev->y + ses->scrolloff; fd->vs->view_posx = -ev->x + ses->scrolltype; fd->vs->orig_view_pos = fd->vs->view_pos; fd->vs->orig_view_posx = fd->vs->view_posx; draw_graphical_doc(ses->term, fd, 1); if ((ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_UP) { ses->scrolling = 0; } break; } if (ses->scrolling) { if ((ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_UP) { ses->scrolling = 0; } break; } if ((ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_DOWN && fd->vsb && ev_in_rect(ev, fd->xw - G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, 0, fd->xw, fd->yw - fd->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)) { process_sb_event(fd, ev->y, 0); break; } if ((ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_DOWN && fd->hsb && ev_in_rect(ev, 0, fd->yw - G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, fd->xw - fd->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, fd->yw)) { process_sb_event(fd, ev->x, 1); break; } if (fd->vsb && ev_in_rect(ev, fd->xw - G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, 0, fd->xw, fd->yw)) return 0; if (fd->hsb && ev_in_rect(ev, 0, fd->yw - G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, fd->xw, fd->yw)) return 0; if ((ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_DOWN && (ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_MIDDLE) { scrll: ses->scrolltype = ev->x + fd->vs->view_posx; ses->scrolloff = ev->y + fd->vs->view_pos; ses->scrolling = 2; break; } previous_link=fd->vs->current_link; if (fd->vs->g_display_link) { fd->vs->g_display_link = 0; if (fd->vs->current_link >= 0 && fd->vs->current_link < fd->f_data->nlinks) redraw_link(fd, fd->vs->current_link); } if (!(ev->b == (B_LEFT | B_UP) && fd->f_data->hlt_len && fd->f_data->start_highlight_x == -1)) { fd->vs->current_link = -1; fd->vs->orig_link = fd->vs->current_link; fd->f_data->root->mouse_event(fd, fd->f_data->root, ev->x + fd->vs->view_posx, ev->y + fd->vs->view_pos, (int)ev->b); if (previous_link!=fd->vs->current_link) change_screen_status(ses); print_screen_status(ses); } /* highlight text */ if ((ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_DOWN && (ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_LEFT) { /* start highlighting */ int need_redraw = !!fd->f_data->hlt_len; fd->f_data->start_highlight_x = ev->x; fd->f_data->start_highlight_y = ev->y; fd->f_data->hlt_len = 0; fd->f_data->hlt_pos = -1; return need_redraw; } if (((ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_DRAG || (ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_UP) && (ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_LEFT) { /* stop highlighting */ struct g_object_text *t; if (fd->f_data->start_highlight_x != -1) { if (abs(ev->x - fd->f_data->start_highlight_x) < 8 && abs(ev->y - fd->f_data->start_highlight_y) < 8) goto skip_hl; t = g_find_nearest_object(fd->f_data, fd->f_data->start_highlight_x + fd->vs->view_posx, fd->f_data->start_highlight_y + fd->vs->view_pos); if (t) { g_get_search_data(fd->f_data); fd->f_data->hlt_pos = t->srch_pos+g_find_text_pos(t, fd->f_data->start_highlight_x+fd->vs->view_posx); fd->f_data->hlt_len=0; } fd->f_data->start_highlight_x = -1; fd->f_data->start_highlight_y = -1; } if (fd->f_data->hlt_pos == -1) goto skip_hl; t = g_find_nearest_object(fd->f_data, ev->x + fd->vs->view_posx, ev->y + fd->vs->view_pos); if (t) { int end; g_get_search_data(fd->f_data); end = t->srch_pos + g_find_text_pos(t, ev->x+fd->vs->view_posx); fd->f_data->hlt_len = end-fd->f_data->hlt_pos; if ((ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_UP || (ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_DRAG) { unsigned char *m = memacpy(fd->f_data->srch_string + fd->f_data->hlt_pos + (fd->f_data->hlt_len > 0 ? 0 : fd->f_data->hlt_len), fd->f_data->hlt_len > 0 ? fd->f_data->hlt_len : -fd->f_data->hlt_len); if (m) { unsigned char *p = m; while ((p = cast_uchar strchr(cast_const_char p, 1))) *p++ = ' '; p = m; while ((p = cast_uchar strstr(cast_const_char p, "\302\255"))) memmove(p, p + 2, strlen(cast_const_char(p + 2)) + 1); if (*m) set_clipboard_text(ses->term, m); mem_free(m); } } return 1; } } skip_hl: if (((ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_MOVE || (ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_UP) && (ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_LEFT) { /* stop highlighting */ fd->f_data->start_highlight_x = -1; fd->f_data->start_highlight_y = -1; } #ifdef JS /* process onmouseover/onmouseout handlers */ if (previous_link!=fd->vs->current_link) { struct link* lnk=NULL; if (previous_link>=0&&previous_linkf_data->nlinks)lnk=&(fd->f_data->links[previous_link]); if (lnk&&lnk->js_event&&lnk->js_event->out_code) jsint_execute_code(fd,lnk->js_event->out_code,strlen(cast_const_char lnk->js_event->out_code),-1,-1,-1, NULL); lnk=NULL; if (fd->vs->current_link>=0&&fd->vs->current_linkf_data->nlinks)lnk=&(fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link]); if (lnk&&lnk->js_event&&lnk->js_event->over_code) jsint_execute_code(fd,lnk->js_event->over_code,strlen(cast_const_char lnk->js_event->over_code),-1,-1,-1, NULL); } #endif if ((ev->b & BM_ACT) == B_DOWN && (ev->b & BM_BUTT) == B_RIGHT && fd->vs->current_link == -1) goto scrll; break; case EV_KBD: if (ses->locked_link && fd->vs->current_link >= 0 && fd->vs->current_link < fd->f_data->nlinks && (fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link].type == L_FIELD || fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link].type == L_AREA)) { if (field_op(ses, fd, &fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link], ev)) { if (fd->f_data->locked_on) { print_all_textarea = 1; draw_one_object(fd, fd->f_data->locked_on); print_all_textarea = 0; return 2; } return 1; } if (ev->x == KBD_ENTER && !(ev->y & KBD_PASTING)) { return enter(ses, fd, 0); } } if (ev->y & KBD_PASTING) return 0; if (ev->x == KBD_ENTER && fd->f_data->opt.plain == 2) { ses->ds.porn_enable ^= 1; html_interpret_recursive(ses->screen); return 1; } if (ev->x == KBD_RIGHT || ev->x == KBD_ENTER) { struct link *l; if (fd->vs->current_link >= 0 && fd->vs->current_link < fd->f_data->nlinks) { l = &fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link]; set_window_ptr(ses->win, fd->xp + l->r.x1 - fd->vs->view_posx, fd->yp + l->r.y1 - fd->vs->view_pos); } else { set_window_ptr(ses->win, fd->xp, fd->yp); } return enter(ses, fd, 0); } if (ev->x == '*') { ses->ds.display_images ^= 1; html_interpret_recursive(ses->screen); return 1; } if (ev->x == KBD_PAGE_DOWN || (ev->x == ' ' && !(ev->y & KBD_ALT)) || (upcase(ev->x) == 'F' && ev->y & KBD_CTRL)) { unset_link(fd); return scroll_v(fd, vertical_page_jump(fd)); } if (ev->x == KBD_PAGE_UP || (upcase(ev->x) == 'B' && !(ev->y & KBD_ALT))) { unset_link(fd); return scroll_v(fd, -vertical_page_jump(fd)); } if (ev->x == KBD_DEL || (upcase(ev->x) == 'N' && ev->y & KBD_CTRL) || (ev->x == 'l' && !(ev->y & (KBD_CTRL | KBD_ALT)))) { return scroll_v(fd, 32); } if (ev->x == KBD_INS || (upcase(ev->x) == 'P' && ev->y & KBD_CTRL) || (ev->x == 'p' && !(ev->y & (KBD_CTRL | KBD_ALT)))) { return scroll_v(fd, -32); } if (ev->x == KBD_DOWN) { return g_next_link(fd, 1, 1); } if (ev->x == KBD_UP) { return g_next_link(fd, -1, 1); } if (ev->x == 'H' && !(ev->y & (KBD_CTRL | KBD_ALT))) { unset_link(fd); return g_next_link(fd, 1, 0); } if (ev->x == 'L' && !(ev->y & (KBD_CTRL | KBD_ALT))) { unset_link(fd); return g_next_link(fd, -1, 0); } if (ev->x == '[') { return scroll_h(fd, -64); } if (ev->x == ']') { return scroll_h(fd, 64); } if (ev->x == KBD_HOME || (upcase(ev->x) == 'A' && ev->y & KBD_CTRL)) { fd->vs->view_pos = 0; fd->vs->orig_view_pos = fd->vs->view_pos; unset_link(fd); return 3; } if (ev->x == KBD_END || (upcase(ev->x) == 'E' && ev->y & KBD_CTRL)) { fd->vs->view_pos = fd->f_data->y; fd->vs->orig_view_pos = fd->vs->view_pos; unset_link(fd); return 3; } if ((upcase(ev->x) == 'F' && !(ev->y & (KBD_ALT | KBD_CTRL))) || ev->x == KBD_FRONT) { set_frame(ses, fd, 0); return 2; } if (ev->x == '#') { ses->ds.images ^= 1; html_interpret_recursive(fd); ses->ds.images ^= 1; return 1; } if (ev->x == 'i' && !(ev->y & KBD_ALT)) { if (!F || fd->f_data->opt.plain != 2) frm_view_image(ses, fd); return 2; } if (ev->x == 'I' && !(ev->y & KBD_ALT)) { if (!anonymous) frm_download_image(ses, fd); return 2; } if (upcase(ev->x) == 'D' && !(ev->y & KBD_ALT)) { if (!anonymous) frm_download(ses, fd); return 2; } if (ev->x == '/' || (ev->x == KBD_FIND && !(ev->y & (KBD_SHIFT | KBD_CTRL | KBD_ALT)))) { search_dlg(ses, fd, 0); return 2; } if (ev->x == '?' || (ev->x == KBD_FIND && ev->y & (KBD_SHIFT | KBD_CTRL | KBD_ALT))) { search_back_dlg(ses, fd, 0); return 2; } if ((ev->x == 'n' && !(ev->y & KBD_ALT)) || ev->x == KBD_REDO) { find_next(ses, fd, 0); return 2; } if ((ev->x == 'N' && !(ev->y & KBD_ALT)) || ev->x == KBD_UNDO) { find_next_back(ses, fd, 0); return 2; } if (ev->x == KBD_MENU) { if (fd->vs->current_link >= 0 && fd->vs->current_link < fd->f_data->nlinks) { ses->win->xp = fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link].r.x1 + fd->xp - fd->vs->view_posx; ses->win->yp = fd->f_data->links[fd->vs->current_link].r.y2 + fd->yp - fd->vs->view_pos; link_menu(ses->term, NULL, ses); } } break; } return 0; } void draw_title(struct f_data_c *f) { int b, z, w; struct graphics_device *dev = f->ses->term->dev; unsigned char *title = stracpy(!drv->set_title && f->f_data && f->f_data->title && f->f_data->title[0] ? f->f_data->title : NULL); if (!title) { if (f->rq && f->rq->url) title = display_url(f->ses->term, f->rq->url, 1); else title = stracpy((unsigned char *)""); } w = g_text_width(bfu_style_bw, title); z = 0; g_print_text(dev, 0, 0, !proxies.only_proxies ? bfu_style_bw : bfu_style_wb, cast_uchar " " G_LEFT_ARROW " ", &z); f->ses->back_size = z; b = (dev->size.x2 - w) - 16; if (b < z) b = z; drv->fill_area(dev, z, 0, b, G_BFU_FONT_SIZE, !proxies.only_proxies ? bfu_bg_color : bfu_fg_color); g_print_text(dev, b, 0, !proxies.only_proxies ? bfu_style_bw : bfu_style_wb, title, &b); drv->fill_area(dev, b, 0, dev->size.x2, G_BFU_FONT_SIZE, !proxies.only_proxies ? bfu_bg_color : bfu_fg_color); mem_free(title); } static struct f_data *srch_f_data; static void get_searched_sub(struct g_object *p, struct g_object *c) { if (c->draw == g_text_draw && !g_text_no_search(srch_f_data, get_struct(c, struct g_object_text, goti.go))) { struct g_object_text *t = get_struct(c, struct g_object_text, goti.go); int pos = srch_f_data->srch_string_size; t->srch_pos = pos; add_to_str(&srch_f_data->srch_string, &srch_f_data->srch_string_size, t->text); } if (c->get_list) c->get_list(c, get_searched_sub); if (c->draw == g_line_draw) { if (srch_f_data->srch_string_size && srch_f_data->srch_string[srch_f_data->srch_string_size - 1] != ' ') add_chr_to_str(&srch_f_data->srch_string, &srch_f_data->srch_string_size, ' '); } } static void g_get_search_data(struct f_data *f) { int i; srch_f_data = f; if (f->srch_string) return; f->srch_string = init_str(); f->srch_string_size = 0; if (f->root && f->root->get_list) f->root->get_list(f->root, get_searched_sub); while (f->srch_string_size && f->srch_string[f->srch_string_size - 1] == ' ') { f->srch_string[--f->srch_string_size] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < f->srch_string_size; i++) if (f->srch_string[i] == 1) f->srch_string[i] = ' '; } struct f_data *fnd_f; static struct g_object_text *fnd_obj; static int fnd_x, fnd_y; static int fnd_obj_dist; /* #define dist(a,b) (a x2) w = x - x2; else w = 0; if (y < y1) w += y1 - y; else if (y > y2) w += y - y2; return w; } static void find_nearest_sub(struct g_object *p, struct g_object *c) { int tx, ty, a; if (!fnd_obj_dist) return; get_object_pos(c, &tx, &ty); a = dist_to_rect(fnd_x, fnd_y, tx, ty, tx+c->xw, ty+c->yw); if (a >= fnd_obj_dist) return; if (c->draw == g_text_draw && !g_text_no_search(fnd_f, get_struct(c, struct g_object_text, goti.go))) { fnd_obj = get_struct(c, struct g_object_text, goti.go); fnd_obj_dist = a; } if (c->get_list == g_area_get_list) { struct g_object_area *ar = get_struct(c, struct g_object_area, go); struct g_object_line **ln; int idx, i, dist; if (!ar->n_lines) return; ln = g_find_line(ar->lines, ar->n_lines, fnd_y - ty); if (!ln) { if (fnd_y < ty) ln = &ar->lines[0]; else ln = &ar->lines[ar->n_lines - 1]; } idx = (int)(ln - &ar->lines[0]); for (i = idx; i < ar->n_lines; i++) { dist = dist_to_rect(0, fnd_y, 0, ty + ar->lines[i]->go.y, 0, ty + ar->lines[i]->go.y + ar->lines[i]->go.yw); if (dist >= fnd_obj_dist) break; find_nearest_sub(NULL, &ar->lines[i]->go); } for (i = idx - 1; i >= 0; i--) { dist = dist_to_rect(0, fnd_y, 0, ty + ar->lines[i]->go.y, 0, ty + ar->lines[i]->go.y + ar->lines[i]->go.yw); if (dist >= fnd_obj_dist) break; find_nearest_sub(NULL, &ar->lines[i]->go); } return; } if (c->get_list) { c->get_list(c, find_nearest_sub); } } static struct g_object_text * g_find_nearest_object(struct f_data *f, int x, int y) { fnd_f = f; fnd_obj = NULL; fnd_x = x; fnd_y = y; fnd_obj_dist = MAXINT; if (f->root) find_nearest_sub(NULL, f->root); return fnd_obj; } static unsigned char *search_word; static int find_refline; static int find_direction; static int find_opt_yy; static int find_opt_y; static int find_opt_yw; static int find_opt_x; static int find_opt_xw; static struct f_data *find_opt_f_data; static void find_next_sub(struct g_object *p, struct g_object *c) { if (c->draw == g_text_draw && !g_text_no_search(find_opt_f_data, get_struct(c, struct g_object_text, goti.go))) { struct g_object_text *t = get_struct(c, struct g_object_text, goti.go); int start = t->srch_pos; int end = t->srch_pos + (int)strlen(cast_const_char t->text); int found; BIN_SEARCH(n_highlight_positions, B_EQUAL, B_ABOVE, *, found); if (found != -1) { int x, y, yy; get_object_pos(c, &x, &y); y += t->goti.go.yw / 2; yy = y; if (yy < find_refline) yy += MAXINT / 2; if (find_direction < 0) yy = MAXINT - yy; if (find_opt_yy == -1 || yy > find_opt_yy) { int sx, ex; unsigned char *tt; while (found > 0) { found--; if (B_EQUAL(found, *)) continue; found++; break; } find_opt_yy = yy; find_opt_y = y; find_opt_yw = t->style->height; find_opt_x = x; find_opt_xw = t->goti.go.xw; if (highlight_positions[found] < start) sx = 0; else sx = highlight_positions[found] - start; if (highlight_positions[found] + highlight_lengths[found] > end) ex = end - start; else ex = highlight_positions[found] + highlight_lengths[found] - start; tt = memacpy(t->text, sx); find_opt_x += g_text_width(t->style, tt); mem_free(tt); tt = memacpy(t->text + sx, ex - sx); find_opt_xw = g_text_width(t->style, tt); mem_free(tt); } } } if (c->get_list) c->get_list(c, find_next_sub); } static void g_find_next_str(struct f_data *f) { find_opt_yy = -1; find_opt_f_data = f; if (f->root && f->root->get_list) f->root->get_list(f->root, find_next_sub); } void g_find_next(struct f_data_c *f, int a) { g_get_search_data(f->f_data); g_get_search(f->f_data, f->ses->search_word); search_word = f->ses->search_word; if (!f->f_data->n_search_positions) msg_box(f->ses->term, NULL, TEXT_(T_SEARCH), AL_CENTER, TEXT_(T_SEARCH_STRING_NOT_FOUND), MSG_BOX_END, NULL, 1, TEXT_(T_CANCEL), msg_box_null, B_ENTER | B_ESC); highlight_positions = f->f_data->search_positions; highlight_lengths = f->f_data->search_lengths; n_highlight_positions = f->f_data->n_search_positions; if ((!a && f->ses->search_direction == -1) || (a && f->ses->search_direction == 1)) find_refline = f->vs->view_pos; else find_refline = f->vs->view_pos + f->yw - f->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH; find_direction = -f->ses->search_direction; g_find_next_str(f->f_data); highlight_positions = NULL; highlight_lengths = NULL; n_highlight_positions = 0; if (find_opt_yy == -1) goto d; if (!a || find_opt_y < f->vs->view_pos || find_opt_y + find_opt_yw >= f->vs->view_pos + f->yw - f->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH) { f->vs->view_pos = find_opt_y - (f->yw - f->hsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH) / 2; f->vs->orig_view_pos = f->vs->view_pos; } if (find_opt_x < f->vs->view_posx || find_opt_x + find_opt_xw >= f->vs->view_posx + f->xw - f->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH) { f->vs->view_posx = find_opt_x + find_opt_xw / 2 - (f->xw - f->vsb * G_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH) / 2; f->vs->orig_view_posx = f->vs->view_posx; } d:draw_fd(f); } void init_grview(void) { #ifdef DEBUG int i, w = g_text_width(bfu_style_wb_mono, cast_uchar " "); for (i = 32; i < 128; i++) { unsigned char a[2]; a[0] = (unsigned char)i, a[1] = 0; if (g_text_width(bfu_style_wb_mono, a) != w) internal_error("Monospaced font is not monospaced (error at char %d, width %d, wanted width %d)", i, (int)g_text_width(bfu_style_wb_mono, a), w); } #endif scroll_bar_frame_color = dip_get_color_sRGB(G_SCROLL_BAR_FRAME_COLOR); scroll_bar_area_color = dip_get_color_sRGB(G_SCROLL_BAR_AREA_COLOR); scroll_bar_bar_color = dip_get_color_sRGB(G_SCROLL_BAR_BAR_COLOR); } #endif