T__CHAR_SET, "us-ascii", T__LANGUAGE, "English", T__ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, "en", T__LOCALE_CODE, "en_US,en_GB,en_AU,en_CA,en_IN,en_IE,en_MT,en_NZ,en_PH,en_SG,en_ZA", T__DEFAULT_CHAR_SET, "ISO-8859-1", T_OK, "OK", T_CANCEL, "Cancel", T_BAD_NUMBER, "Bad number", T_NUMBER_EXPECTED, "Number expected in field", T_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE, "Number out of range", T_BAD_STRING, "Bad string", T_EMPTY_STRING_NOT_ALLOWED, "Empty string not allowed", T_BAD_IP_ADDRESS, "Bad IP address", T_UNABLE_TO_USE_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS, "Unable to use local IP address", T_CONFIG_ERROR, "Config error", T_UNABLE_TO_WRITE_TO_CONFIG_FILE, "Unable to write to config file", T_HOME_DIRECTORY_INACCESSIBLE, "Home directory inaccessible", T_BOOKMARK_ERROR, "Bookmark error", T_UNABLE_TO_WRITE_TO_BOOKMARK_FILE, "Unable to write to bookmark file", T_ABOUT, "About", T_LINKS__LYNX_LIKE, "Links " VERSION_STRING "\n\nText and graphics WWW browser", T_VERSION, "Version", T_VERSION_INFORMATION, "Version information", T_LINKS_VERSION, "Links version", T_OPERATING_SYSTEM_TYPE, "System type", T_OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION, "System version", T_COMPILER, "Compiler", T_WORD_SIZE, "Word size", T_MEMORY, "Memory", T_FILE_SIZE, "file size", T_DEBUGGING_LEVEL, "Debugging level", T_EVENT_HANDLER, "Event handler", T_SELECT_SYSCALL, "Select syscall", T_dISABLED, "disabled", T_IPV6, "IPv6", T_NOT_ENABLED_IN_SYSTEM, "Not enabled in system", T_LOCAL_NETWORK_ONLY, "Local network only", T_UTF8_TERMINAL, "UTF-8 terminal", T_COMPRESSION_METHODS, "Compression", T_ENCRYPTION, "Encryption", T_NO_CERTIFICATE_VERIFICATION, "no certificate verification", T_GPM_MOUSE_DRIVER, "Mouse driver", T_XTERM_FOR_OS2, "Xterm for OS/2", T_GRAPHICS_MODE, "Graphics mode", T_IMAGE_LIBRARIES, "Image libraries", T_FONT_RENDERING, "Font rendering", T_INTERNAL, "Internal", T_OPENMP, "OpenMP", T_NOT_USED_IN_TEXT_MODE, "Not used in text mode", T_DISABLED, "Disabled", T_THREAD, "thread", T_THREADS, "threads", T_THREADS5, "threads", T_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY, "Home directory", T_NONE, "None", T_KEYS, "Keys", T_KEYS_DESC, "ESC display menu\n^C, q, Q quit\np, l scroll up, down\n[, ] scroll left, right\nup, down select link\nH, L select top/bottom link\n-> follow link\n<-, z go back\n', x go forward\nTAB switch frames\ng go to url\nG go to url based on current url\n^G go to url based on current link\n* toggle image displaying\n^W complete URL or search string\n^B,^X,^V,^K copy, cut, paste, cut line to/from clipboard\nAlt-1 .. Alt-9 switch virtual screens (svgalib and fb)", T_KEYS_BRAILLE_DESC, "a, w cursor to status line or title\n{, } cursor to start/end of a line\n^Y,^T,y,t,^O go to next/previous link/word/form entry", T_COPYING, "Copying", T_COPYING_DESC, "Links " VERSION_STRING "\n\n" LINKS_COPYRIGHT "\n\nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", T_RESOURCES, "Resources", T_MEMORY_CACHE, "Memory cache", T_DECOMPRESSED_CACHE, "Decompressed cache", T_FONT_CACHE, "Font cache", T_IMAGE_CACHE, "Image cache", T_FORMATTED_DOCUMENT_CACHE, "Formatted document cache", T_DNS_CACHE, "DNS cache", T_TLS_SESSION_CACHE, "TLS session cache", T_HANDLES, "handles", T_TIMERS, "timers", T_WAITING, "waiting", T_CONNECTING, "connecting", T_tRANSFERRING, "transferring", T_KEEPALIVE, "keepalive", T_BYTES, "bytes", T_LETTERS, "letters", T_FILES, "files", T_LOCKED, "locked", T_LOADING, "loading", T_IMAGES, "images", T_DOCUMENTS, "documents", T_SERVERS, "servers", T_MEMORY_ALLOCATED, "bytes of memory allocated", T_BLOCKS_ALLOCATED, "blocks", T_MEMORY_LARGE_BLOCKS, "bytes allocated as large blocks", T_BLOCKS_LARGE_BLOCKS, "large blocks", T_MEMORY_REQUESTED, "bytes requested from system", T_BLOCKS_REQUESTED, "blocks", T_JS_MEMORY_ALLOCATED, "bytes of javascript memory allocated", T_MEMORY_INFO, "Memory info", T_MOST_ALLOCATED, "The most allocated", T_LARGEST_BLOCKS, "The largest blocks", T_NO_HISTORY, "No history", T_NO_DOWNLOADS, "No downloads", T_NO_FRAMES, "No frames", T_VT_100_FRAMES, "VT 100 frames", T_LINUX_OR_OS2_FRAMES, "Linux or OS/2 frames", T_KOI8R_FRAMES, "KOI8-R frames", T_FREEBSD_FRAMES, "FreeBSD frames", T_UTF8_FRAMES, "UTF-8 frames", T_USE_11M, "Use ^[[11m", T_RESTRICT_FRAMES_IN_CP850_852, "Restrict frames in cp850/852", T_BLOCK_CURSOR, "Block cursor", T_COLOR, "Color", T_BRAILLE_TERMINAL, "Braille terminal", T_TERMINAL_OPTIONS, "Terminal options", T_SCREEN_MARGINS, "Screen margins", T_LEFT_MARGIN, "Left margin", T_RIGHT_MARGIN, "Right margin", T_TOP_MARGIN, "Top margin", T_BOTTOM_MARGIN, "Bottom margin", T_MARGINS_TOO_LARGE, "Margins too large", T_THE_ENTERED_VALUES_ARE_TOO_LARGE_FOR_THE_CURRENT_SCREEN, "The entered values are too large for the current screen", T_NETWORK_OPTIONS, "Network options", T_IPV6_OPTIONS, "IPv6 options", T_IPV6_DEFAULT, "Default system preference", T_IPV6_PREFER_IPV4, "Prefer IPv4", T_IPV6_PREFER_IPV6, "Prefer IPv6", T_IPV6_USE_ONLY_IPV4, "Use only IPv4", T_IPV6_USE_ONLY_IPV6, "Use only IPv6", T_PROXIES, "Proxies", T_HTTP_PROXY__HOST_PORT, "HTTP proxy (host:port)", T_FTP_PROXY__HOST_PORT, "FTP proxy (host:port)", T_HTTPS_PROXY__HOST_PORT, "HTTPS proxy (host:port)", T_SOCKS_4A_PROXY__USER_HOST_PORT, "Socks4A proxy (user@host:port)", T_APPEND_TEXT_TO_SOCKS_LOOKUPS, "Append text to hostname (for specifying tor exit node)", T_NOPROXY_LIST, "Direct access (w/o proxy) domains (comma separated)", T_ONLY_PROXIES, "Connect only via proxies or Socks (useful for tor)", T_TOR_MODE_ENABLED, "Tor mode enabled because the socks port is 9050.", T_SSL_OPTIONS, "SSL options", T_ACCEPT_INVALID_CERTIFICATES, "Accept invalid certificates and weak ciphers", T_WARN_ON_INVALID_CERTIFICATES, "Warn on invalid certificate or weak cipher", T_REJECT_INVALID_CERTIFICATES, "Reject invalid certificates and weak ciphers", T_USE_BUILT_IN_CERTIFICATES, "Use built-in certificates", T_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE, "Client certificate key file", T_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_FILE, "Client certificate file", T_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_KEY_PASSWORD, "Client certificate password (won't be saved in config file)", T_BAD_FILE, "Bad file", T_THE_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "The file does not exist", T_THE_FILE_HAS_INVALID_FORMAT, "The file has invalid format", T_ERROR_INITIALIZING_BUILT_IN_CERTIFICATES, "Error initializing built-in certificates", T_FAILED, "failed", T_DNS_OPTIONS, "DNS options", T_DNS_OVER_HTTPS_URL, "DNS over HTTPS (host or url)", T_CONNECTIONS, "Connections", T_MAX_CONNECTIONS, "Max connections", T_MAX_CONNECTIONS_TO_ONE_HOST, "Max connections to one host", T_RETRIES, "Retries (0 - unlimited)", T_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC, "Receive timeout (sec)", T_TIMEOUT_WHEN_UNRESTARTABLE, "Timeout when unrestartable", T_TIMEOUT_WHEN_TRYING_MULTIPLE_ADDRESSES, "Timeout when trying multiple addresses", T_TIMEOUT_WHEN_TRYING_KEEPALIVE_CONNECTION, "Timeout when trying keepalive connection", T_BIND_TO_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS, "Bind to local IP address", T_BIND_TO_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS, "... IPv6 address", T_ASYNC_DNS_LOOKUP, "Async DNS lookup", T_SET_TIME_OF_DOWNLOADED_FILES, "Set time of downloaded files", T_CACHE_OPTIONS, "Cache options", T_MEMORY_CACHE_SIZE__KB, "Memory cache size (KiB)", T_IMAGE_CACHE_SIZE__KB, "Image cache size (KiB)", T_FONT_CACHE_SIZE__KB, "Font cache size (KiB)", T_NUMBER_OF_FORMATTED_DOCUMENTS, "Number of formatted documents", T_AGGRESSIVE_CACHE, "Aggressive cache", T_HTML_OPTIONS, "Html options", T_DISPLAY_TABLES, "Display tables", T_DISPLAY_FRAMES, "Display frames", T_BREAK_LONG_LINES, "Break long lines", T_DISPLAY_IMAGES, "Display images", T_DISPLAY_IMAGE_FILENAMES, "Display image filenames", T_DISPLAY_LINKS_TO_IMAGES, "Display links to images", T_LINK_ORDER_BY_COLUMNS, "Move by columns in table", T_NUMBERED_LINKS, "Links are numbered", T_AUTO_REFRESH, "Auto refresh", T_TARGET_IN_NEW_WINDOW, "Allow opening links in new window (target=\"_blank\")", T_TEXT_MARGIN, "Text margin", T_DEFAULT_CODEPAGE, "Default codepage", T_IGNORE_CHARSET_INFO_SENT_BY_SERVER, "Ignore charset info sent by server", T_TEXT_COLOR, "Text", T_LINK_COLOR, "Link", T_BACKGROUND_COLOR, "Background", T_IGNORE_DOCUMENT_COLOR, "Ignore document color", T_COLOR_0, "Black", T_COLOR_1, "Red", T_COLOR_2, "Green", T_COLOR_3, "Yellow", T_COLOR_4, "Dark blue", T_COLOR_5, "Magenta", T_COLOR_6, "Cyan", T_COLOR_7, "White", T_COLOR_8, "Dark grey", T_COLOR_9, "Bright red", T_COLOR_10, "Bright green", T_COLOR_11, "Bright yellow", T_COLOR_12, "Bright blue", T_COLOR_13, "Bright magenta", T_COLOR_14, "Bright cyan", T_COLOR_15, "Bright white", T_GOTO_URL, "Go to URL", T_GO_BACK, "Go back", T_GO_FORWARD, "Go forward", T_HISTORY, "History", T_RELOAD, "Reload", T_NEW_WINDOW, "New window", T_SAVE_AS, "Save as", T_SAVE_URL_AS, "Save URL as", T_SAVE_FORMATTED_DOCUMENT, "Save formatted document", T_COPY_URL_LOCATION, "Copy current URL location", T_KILL_BACKGROUND_CONNECTIONS, "Kill background connections", T_KILL_ALL_CONNECTIONS, "Kill all connections", T_FLUSH_ALL_CACHES, "Flush all caches", T_RESOURCE_INFO, "Resource info", T_OS_SHELL, "OS shell", T_EXIT, "Exit", T_SEARCH, "Search", T_SEARCH_BACK, "Search backward", T_FIND_NEXT, "Find next", T_FIND_PREVIOUS, "Find previous", T_TOGGLE_HTML_PLAIN, "Toggle html/plain", T_DOCUMENT_INFO, "Document info", T_FRAME_AT_FULL_SCREEN, "Frame at full-screen", T_SAVE_CLIPBOARD_TO_A_FILE, "Save clipboard to a file", T_LOAD_CLIPBOARD_FROM_A_FILE, "Load clipboard from a file", T_THE_CLIPBOARD_IS_EMPTY, "The clipboard is empty", T_SAVE_HTML_OPTIONS, "Save html options", T_CHARACTER_SET, "Character set", T_DEFAULT_CHARSET, "Default", T_CACHE, "Cache", T_MAIL_AND_TELNEL, "Mail and telnet", T_MAIL_TELNET_AND_SHELL, "Mail, telnet and shell", T_ASSOCIATIONS, "Associations", T_FILE_EXTENSIONS, "File extensions", T_SAVE_OPTIONS, "Save options", T_FILE, "File", T_VIEW, "View", T_LINK, "Link", T_DOWNLOADS, "Downloads", T_WINDOWS, "Windows", T_SETUP, "Setup", T_HELP, "Help", T_ENTER_URL, "Enter URL", T_SAVE_URL, "Save URL", T_DOWNLOAD, "Download", T_SAVE_TO_FILE, "Save to file", T_SEARCH_FOR_TEXT, "Search for text", T_PAGE_P, "(p", T_PAGE_OF, " of ", T_PAGE_CL, ")", T_FORMATTING_DOCUMENT, "Formatting document", T_SEARCHING, "Searching", T_WAITING_IN_QUEUE, "Waiting in queue", T_LOOKING_UP_HOST, "Looking up host", T_MAKING_CONNECTION, "Making connection", T_MAKING_CONNECTION_TO_ANOTHER_ADDRESS, "Making connection to another address", T_SOCKS_NEGOTIATION, "Making Socks connection", T_SSL_NEGOTIATION, "SSL negotiation", T_REQUEST_SENT, "Request sent", T_LOGGING_IN, "Logging in", T_GETTING_HEADERS, "Getting headers", T_SERVER_IS_PROCESSING_REQUEST, "Server is processing request", T_TRANSFERRING, "Transferring", T_INTERRUPTED, "Interrupted", T_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error", T_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Out of memory", T_HOST_NOT_FOUND, "Host not found", T_PROXY_NOT_FOUND, "Proxy not found", T_ERROR_WRITING_TO_SOCKET, "Error writing to socket", T_ERROR_READING_FROM_SOCKET, "Error reading from socket", T_DATA_MODIFIED, "Data modified", T_BAD_URL_SYNTAX, "Bad URL syntax", T_BAD_PROXY_SYNTAX, "Bad proxy syntax", T_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, "Receive timeout", T_REQUEST_MUST_BE_RESTARTED, "Request must be restarted", T_CANT_GET_SOCKET_STATE, "Can't get socket state", T_CYCLIC_REDIRECT, "Cyclic redirect", T_TOO_LARGE_FILE, "Too large file", T_BAD_HTTP_RESPONSE, "Bad HTTP response", T_HTTP_100, "HTTP 100 (\?\?\?)", T_NO_CONTENT, "No content", T_HTTPS_FWD_ERROR, "HTTPS forwarding failed", T_INVALID_CERTIFICATE, "Invalid certificate", T_DOWNGRADED_METHOD, "Downgraded SSL/TLS method", T_INSECURE_CIPHER, "Insecure cipher", T_UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE, "Unknown file type", T_ERROR_OPENING_FILE, "Error opening file", T_BAD_FTP_RESPONSE, "Bad FTP response", T_FTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "FTP service unavailable", T_BAD_FTP_LOGIN, "Bad FTP login", T_FTP_PORT_COMMAND_FAILED, "FTP PORT command failed", T_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "File not found", T_FTP_FILE_ERROR, "FTP file error", T_SSL_ERROR, "SSL error", T_NO_SSL, "This version of Links does not contain SSL/TLS support", T_BAD_SOCKS_VERSION, "Bad Socks version (4a is required)", T_SOCKS_REJECTED_OR_FAILED, "Socks connection rejected or failed", T_SOCKS_NO_IDENTD, "Socks proxy can't connect to identd server", T_SOCKS_BAD_USERID, "Bad Socks userid", T_SOCKS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "Unknown Socks error", T_NO_SMB_CLIENT, "No smb client program installed (supported is smbclient or smbc)", T_BLOCKED_URL, "This URL is in your blocklist", T_SMB_NOT_ALLOWED, "Hyperlinks to the SMB protocol are not allowed", T_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED, "Hyperlinks to local files are not allowed", T_NO_PROXY, "No proxy for this connection and connections without proxies are disabled", T_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "Unknown error", T_RECEIVED, "Received", T_OF, "of", T_AVG, "avg", T_CUR, "cur", T_AVERAGE_SPEED, "Average speed", T_SPEED, "Speed", T_CURRENT_SPEED, "current speed", T_ELAPSED_TIME, "Elapsed time", T_ESTIMATED_TIME, "estimated time", T_BACKGROUND, "Background", T_ABORT, "Abort", T_ABORT_AND_DELETE_FILE, "Abort and delete file", T_YES, "Yes", T_NO, "No", T_NEVER, "Never", T_DIRECTORY, "Directory", T_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "File already exists", T_ALREADY_EXISTS_AS_DOWNLOAD, "already exists as an active download.", T_ALREADY_EXISTS, "already exists.", T_DO_YOU_WISH_TO_CONTINUE, "Do you wish to continue download or overwrite file?", T_DO_YOU_WISH_TO_OVERWRITE, "Do you wish to overwrite it?", T_CONTINUE, "Continue", T_OVERWRITE, "Overwrite", T_RENAME, "Rename", T_DOWNLOAD_ERROR, "Download error", T_COULD_NOT_WRITE_TO_FILE, "Could not create file", T_ERROR_DOWNLOADING, "Error downloading", T_ERROR_LOADING, "Error loading", T_COULD_NOT_CREATE_FILE, "Could not create file", T_COULD_NOT_CREATE_TEMPORARY_FILE, "Could not create temporary file", T_ERROR_CALLING_LSEEK_ON_FILE, "Error calling lseek on file", T_TOO_LARGE_FILE_SEQUENCE, "Too large file sequence", T_UNKNOWN_TYPE, "Unknown type", T_CONTENT_TYPE_IS, "Content type is", T_DO_YOU_WANT_TO_OPEN_SAVE_OR_DISPLAY_THIS_FILE, "Do you want to open, save or display this file?", T_DO_YOU_WANT_TO_OPEN_OR_DISPLAY_THIS_FILE, "Do you want to open or display this file?", T_DO_YOU_WANT_TO_SAVE_OR_DISLPAY_THIS_FILE, "Do you want to save or display this file?", T_SAVE, "Save", T_DISPLAY, "Display", T_WHAT_TO_DO, "What to do?", T_DO_YOU_WANT_TO_OPEN_FILE_WITH, "Do you want to open file with", T_SAVE_IT_OR_DISPLAY_IT, "save it or display it?", T_OPEN, "Open", T_OPEN_WITH, "Open with", T_DO_YOU_WANT_TO_FOLLOW_REDIRECT_AND_POST_FORM_DATA_TO_URL, "Do you want to follow redirect and post form data to url", T_DO_YOU_WANT_TO_POST_FORM_DATA_TO_URL, "Do you want to post form data to url", T_DO_YOU_WANT_TO_REPOST_FORM_DATA_TO_URL, "Do you want to repost form data to url", T_WARNING, "Warning", T_ERROR, "Error", T_WELCOME, "Welcome", T_WELCOME_TO_LINKS, "Welcome to links!", T_BASIC_HELP, "To display menu, press ESC or click on the top line in window. Select Help->Manual in menu for user's manual.", T_LABEL, "Label", T_CONTENT_TYPES, "Content-Type(s) (comma-separated)", T_PROGRAM__IS_REPLACED_WITH_FILE_NAME, "Program ('%' is replaced with file name)", T_BLOCK_TERMINAL_WHILE_PROGRAM_RUNNING, "Block terminal while program running", T_RUN_ON_TERMINAL, "Run on terminal", T_RUN_IN_XWINDOW, "Run in X-Window", T_ASK_BEFORE_OPENING, "Ask before opening", T_ACCEPT_HTTP, "Accepts HTTP URLs", T_ACCEPT_FTP, "Accepts FTP URLs", T_DELETE_ASSOCIATION, "Delete association", T_ASSOCIATION, "association", T_EXTENSION_S, "Extension(s) (comma-separated)", T_CONTENT_TYPE, "Content-Type", T_DELETE_EXTENSION, "Delete extension", T_EXTENSION, "Extension", T_eXTENSION, "extension", T_ERROR_WHILE_POSTING_FORM, "Error while posting form", T_COULD_NOT_GET_FILE, "Could not get file", T_READING_FILES_IS_NOT_ALLOWED, "Reading files is not allowed", T_NO_PREVIOUS_SEARCH, "No previous search", T_SEARCH_STRING_NOT_FOUND, "Search string not found", T_SAVE_ERROR, "Save error", T_ERROR_WRITING_TO_FILE, "Error writing to file", T_ERROR_READING_THE_FILE, "Error reading the file", T_DISPLAY_USEMAP, "Display usemap", T_FOLLOW_LINK, "Follow link", T_OPEN_IN_NEW_WINDOW, "Open in new window", T_DOWNLOAD_LINK, "Download link", T_RESET_FORM, "Reset form", T_SUBMIT_FORM, "Submit form", T_SUBMIT_FORM_AND_OPEN_IN_NEW_WINDOW, "Submit form and open in new window", T_SUBMIT_FORM_AND_DOWNLOAD, "Submit form and download", T_VIEW_IMAGE, "View image", T_DOWNLOAD_IMAGE, "Download image", T_SCALE_IMAGE_TO_FULL_SCREEN, "Scale image to full screen", T_NO_LINK_SELECTED, "No link selected", T_IMAGE, "Image", T_USEMAP, "Usemap", T_XTERM, "Xterm", T_TWTERM, "Twterm", T_SCREEN, "Screen", T_WINDOW, "Window", T_FULL_SCREEN, "Full screen", T_BEOS_TERMINAL, "BeOS terminal", T_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW, "Unable to open new window", T_JAVASCRIPT, "Javascript", T_SUBMIT_FORM_TO, "Submit form to", T_POST_FORM_TO, "Post form to", T_RADIO_BUTTON, "Radio button", T_CHECKBOX, "Checkbox", T_SELECT_FIELD, "Select field", T_TEXT_FIELD, "Text field", T_TEXT_AREA, "Text area", T_FILE_UPLOAD, "File upload", T_PASSWORD_FIELD, "Password field", T_BUTTON, "Button", T_NAME, "name", T_VALUE, "value", T_HIT_ENTER_TO, "hit ENTER to", T_SUBMIT_TO, "submit to", T_POST_TO, "post to", T_INFO, "Info", T_HEADER_INFO, "Header info", T_YOU_ARE_NOWHERE, "No page is displayed", T_NO_HEADER, "The document doesn't have a header", T_URL, "URL", T_IP_ADDRESS, "IP address", T_IP_ADDRESSES, "IP addresses", T_SIZE, "Size", T_COMPRESSED_WITH, "compressed with", T_INCOMPLETE, "incomplete", T_CODEPAGE, "Codepage", T_ASSUMED, "assumed", T_IGNORING_SERVER_SETTING, "ignoring server setting", T_SERVER, "Server", T_DATE, "Date", T_LAST_MODIFIED, "Last modified", T_SSL_CIPHER, "SSL cipher", T_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY, "Certificate authority", T_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITIES, "Certificate authorities", T_LANGUAGE, "Language", T_DEFAULT_LANG, "Default", T_GO_TO_LINK, "Go to link", T_ENTER_LINK_NUMBER, "Enter link number", T_RESIZE_TERMINAL, "Resize terminal", T_COLUMNS, "Columns", T_ROWS, "Rows", T_GOTO, "Goto", T_CLOSE, "Close", T_FOLDER, "Folder", T_fOLDER, "folder", T_ADD, "Add", T_DELETE, "Delete", T_EDIT, "Edit", T_SELECT, "Select", T_MOVE, "Move", T_NO_ITEMS_SELECTED, "No items selected. Use the key \"*\" to select items to move.", T_UNSELECT_ALL, "Unselect all", T_BOOKMARKS, "Bookmarks", T_BOOKMARK, "bookmark", T_ADD_BOOKMARK, "Add bookmark", T_ADD_ASSOCIATION, "Add association", T_ADD_EXTENSION, "Add extension", T_ADD_FOLDER, "Add folder", T_BOOKMARK_TITLE, "Bookmark title", T_EDIT_BOOKMARK, "Edit bookmark", T_EDIT_ASSOCIATION, "Edit association", T_EDIT_EXTENSION, "Edit extension", T_DELETE_BOOKMARK, "Delete bookmark", T_EDIT_FOLDER, "Edit folder", T_DELETE_FOLDER, "Delete folder", T_NOT_EMPTY_SURE_DELETE, "is not empty. Do you really want to delete it?", T_BOOKMARK_MANAGER, "Bookmark manager", T_ASSOCIATIONS_MANAGER, "Associations manager", T_EXTENSIONS_MANAGER, "Extensions manager", T_url, "url", T_NNAME, "Name", T_EXIT_LINKS, "Exit Links", T_DO_YOU_REALLY_WANT_TO_CLOSE_WINDOW, "Do you really want to close window?", T_DO_YOU_REALLY_WANT_TO_EXIT_LINKS, "Do you really want to exit Links?", T_DO_YOU_REALLY_WANT_TO_EXIT_LINKS_AND_TERMINATE_ALL_DOWNLOADS, "Do you really want to exit Links (and terminate all downloads)?", T_HTTP_OPTIONS, "HTTP options", T_FTP_OPTIONS, "FTP options", T_SMB_OPTIONS, "SMB options", T_HTTP_BUG_WORKAROUNDS, "HTTP bug workarounds", T_USE_HTTP_10, "Use HTTP/1.0", T_ALLOW_SERVER_BLACKLIST, "Allow blacklist of buggy servers", T_DO_NOT_SEND_ACCEPT_CHARSET, "Do not send Accept-Charset", T_DO_NOT_ADVERTISE_COMPRESSION_SUPPORT, "Do not advertise compression support", T_RETRY_ON_INTERNAL_ERRORS, "Retry on internal server errors (50x)", T_HEADER_OPTIONS, "Header options", T_HTTP_HEADER_OPTIONS, "HTTP header options", T_FAKE_FIREFOX, "Fake Firefox (improves privacy)", T_DO_NOT_TRACK, "Send \"do not track\" request", T_REFERER_NONE, "No referer", T_REFERER_SAME_URL, "Send requested URL as referer", T_REFERER_FAKE, "Fixed referer", T_REFERER_REAL_SAME_SERVER, "Send real referer only to the same server", T_REFERER_REAL, "Send real referer (normal operation, INSECURE!!!)", T_FAKE_REFERER, "Fixed HTTP Referer", T_FAKE_USERAGENT, "Fake User-Agent", T_EXTRA_HEADER, "Extra header string ('\\' means newline)", T_PASSWORD_FOR_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN, "Password for anonymous login", T_USE_PASSIVE_FTP, "Use passive FTP", T_USE_EPRT_EPSV, "Use EPRT/EPSV commands on IPv4", T_SET_TYPE_OF_SERVICE, "Set IP Type Of Service", T_ALLOW_HYPERLINKS_TO_SMB, "Allow hyperlinks to SMB protocol. Disabling this improves security, because internet sites cannot exploit possible bugs in the SMB client.", T_MANUAL, "User's manual", T_HOMEPAGE, "Home page", T_CALIBRATION, "Calibration", T_MAILTO_PROG, "Mail program (% is replaced with address)", T_TELNET_PROG, "Telnet program (% is replaced with \"host\" or \"host port\")", T_TN3270_PROG, "Tn3270 program (% is replaced with \"host\" or \"host port\")", T_MMS_PROG, "MMS program (% is replaced with URL)", T_MAGNET_PROG, "Magnet program (% is replaced with URL)", T_GOPHER_PROG, "Goher program (% is replaced with URL)", T_SHELL_PROG, "Shell for executing external commands (% is replaced with command)", T_MAIL_AND_TELNET_PROGRAMS, "Mail and telnet programs", T_MAIL_TELNET_AND_SHELL_PROGRAMS, "Mail, telnet and shell programs", T_NO_PROGRAM, "No program", T_NO_PROGRAM_SPECIFIED_FOR, "No program specified for", T_MAIL, "mail", T_TELNET, "telnet", T_TN3270, "tn3270", T_MMS, "mms", T_MAGNET, "magnet", T_GOPHER, "gopher", T_BAD_MAILTO_URL, "Bad mailto url", T_BAD_TELNET_URL, "Bad telnet url", T_BAD_TN3270_URL, "Bad tn3270 url", T_MMS_URL_CONTAINS_INACCEPTABLE_CHARACTERS, "MMS url contains inacceptable characters", T_AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED, "Authorization required", T_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED, "Proxy authorization required", T_USERID, "User ID", T_PASSWORD, "Password", T_ENTER_USERNAME, "Enter username for ", T_AT, "at ", T_THE_SERVER_, "The server ", T_DOESNT_HAVE_A_VALID_CERTIFICATE, " doesn't have a valid certificate. Do you want to connect to it anyway?", T_USES_DOWNGRADED_METHOD, " uses downgraded SSL/TLS method. Do you want to connect to it anyway?", T_USES_INSECURE_CIPHER, " uses insecure cipher. Do you want to connect to it anyway?", T_WAITING_FOR_REDIRECT_CONFIRMATION, "Waiting for redirect confirmation", T_DECOMPRESSION_ERROR, "Decompression error", T_ERROR_DECOMPRESSING_, "Error decompressing ", T__wITH_, " with ", T_COMPRESSED_ERROR, "Error in compressed data", T_UNKNOWN_COMPRESSION_METHOD, "Unknown compression method", T_SURE_DELETE, "Are you sure to delete", T_BOOKMARKS_ALREADY_IN_USE, "Bookmarks are already in use!", T_ASSOCIATIONS_ALREADY_IN_USE, "Associations are already in use!", T_EXTENSIONS_ALREADY_IN_USE, "Extensions are already in use!", T_VIDEO_OPTIONS, "Video options", T_VIDEO_OPTIONS_TEXT, "Recommended user gamma setting:\n1.33 for dark room, 1.11 for very dim room, 1 for usual computer workspace lighting, 0.88 for bright environment lighting.", T_RED_DISPLAY_GAMMA, "Red display gamma", T_GREEN_DISPLAY_GAMMA, "Green display gamma", T_BLUE_DISPLAY_GAMMA, "Blue display gamma", T_USER_GAMMA, "User gamma", T_ASPECT_RATIO, "Aspect ratio", T_DITHER_LETTERS, "Dither letters", T_DITHER_IMAGES, "Dither images", T_8_BIT_GAMMA_CORRECTION, "8-bit gamma correction", T_16_BIT_GAMMA_CORRECTION, "16-bit gamma correction", T_AUTO_GAMMA_CORRECTION, "Auto gamma correction (according to FPU speed)", T_RGB_PALETTE_8x8x4, "RGB palette 8x8x4", T_RGB_PALETTE_6x6x6, "RGB palette 6x6x6", T_SWITCH_PALETTE, "Switch palette", T_OVERWRITE_SCREEN_INSTEAD_OF_SCROLLING_IT, "Overwrite screen instead of scrolling it", T_ALERT, "Alert", T_QUESTION, "Question", T_KILL_SCRIPT, "Kill script", T_KILL_ALL_SCRIPTS, "Kill all scripts", T_SCRIPT_KILLED_BY_USER, "Javascript killed by user.", T_SCRIPT_TRYING_TO_CLOSE_WINDOW, "Javascript is trying to close the browser window. Do you really want to close the window?", T_ENTER_STRING, "Enter string", T_JAVASCRIPT_OPTIONS, "Javascript options", T_ENABLE_JAVASCRIPT, "Enable javascript", T_VERBOSE_JS_ERRORS, "Verbose javascript errors", T_VERBOSE_JS_WARNINGS, "Verbose javascript warnings", T_MISCELANEOUS_OPTIONS, "Miscellaneous options", T_FONTS, "Fonts", T_REGULAR_FONT, "Regular font", T_BOLD_FONT, "Bold font", T_MONOSPACED_FONT, "Monospaced font", T_MONOSPACED_BOLD_FONT, "Monospaced bold font", T_ITALIC_FONT, "Italic font", T_ITALIC_BOLD_FONT, "Italic bold font", T_MONOSPACED_ITALIC_FONT, "Italic monospaced font", T_MONOSPACED_ITALIC_BOLD_FONT, "Italic monospaced bold font", T_BUILT_IN_FONT, "Built-in font", T_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR, "Javascript error", T_JAVASCRIPT_WARNING, "Javascript warning", T_DISMISS, "Dismiss", T_MENU_FONT_SIZE, "Menu font size", T_USER_FONT_SIZE, "User font size", T_TURN_OFF_WARNINGS, "Turn off warnings", T_BOOKMARKS_ENCODING, "Bookmarks encoding", T_JS_IS_ATTEMPTING_TO_GO_TO_URL, "Javascript is attempting to go to URL", T_JS_IS_ATTEMPTING_TO_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW_WITH_URL, "Javascript is attempting open a new window with URL", T_JS_IS_ATTEMPTING_TO_GO_INTO_HISTORY, "Javascript is attempting to go into history", T_TO_URL, "to url", T_GOTO_HISTORY, "Goto history", T_ALLOW, "Allow", T_REJECT, "Reject", T_ENABLE_ALL_CONVERSIONS, "Enable all conversions", T_ENABLE_GLOBAL_NAME_RESOLUTION, "Enable global name resolution", T_MANUAL_JS_CONTROL, "Manual javascript operations confirmation", T_JS_RECURSION_DEPTH, "Recursion depth", T_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR, "Background color", T_MENU_FOREGROUND_COLOR, "Foreground color", T_SCROLL_BAR_BAR_COLOR, "Scroll-bar bar color", T_SCROLL_BAR_AREA_COLOR, "Scroll-bar area color", T_SCROLL_BAR_FRAME_COLOR, "Scroll-bar frame color", T_BOOKMARKS_FILE, "Bookmarks file", T_SAVE_URL_HISTORY_ON_EXIT, "Save URL history on exit", T_COOKIES, "Cookies", T_ENABLE_COOKIES, "Enable cookies", T_SAVE_COOKIES, "Save cookies", T_MAX_COOKIE_AGE, "Maximum cookie age in days (0 - infinite)", T_CLEAR_COOKIES, "Clear cookies", T_COOKIES_WERE_CLEARED, "cookies were cleared", T_ENTER_COLORS_AS_RGB_TRIPLETS, "Enter colors as sRGB hexadecimal RRGGBB triplets.", T_JS_MEMORY_LIMIT_KB, "Memory dedicated to javascript (KiB)", T_SCALE_ALL_IMAGES_BY, "Scale all images by (%)", T_PORN_ENABLE, "Autoscale single images", T_DISPLAY_OPTIMIZATION_CRT, "Display optimization for CRT", T_DISPLAY_OPTIMIZATION_LCD_RGB, "Display optimization for LCD (RGB)", T_DISPLAY_OPTIMIZATION_LCD_BGR, "Display optimization for LCD (BGR)", T_KEYBOARD_CODEPAGE, "Keyboard codepage", T_COPY_LINK_LOCATION, "Copy link location", T_BLOCK_URL, "Block image", T_BLOCK_LIST, "Blocked images", T_BLOCKED_IMAGE, "Blocked images", T_BLOCK_LIST_IN_USE, "Blocked images is already open", T_BLOCK_LIST_MANAGER, "Image blocking manager", T_BLOCK_ADD, "Add Image URL to block", T_BLOCK_EDIT, "Edit Image URL", T_BLOCK_DELETE, "Remove", T_HK_GOTO_URL, "G", T_HK_GO_BACK, "B", T_HK_GO_FORWARD, "F", T_HK_HISTORY, "H", T_HK_RELOAD, "R", T_HK_BOOKMARKS, "S", T_HK_NEW_WINDOW, "N", T_HK_SAVE_AS, "V", T_HK_SAVE_URL_AS, "U", T_HK_SAVE_FORMATTED_DOCUMENT, "D", T_HK_COPY_URL_LOCATION, "C", T_HK_KILL_BACKGROUND_CONNECTIONS, "K", T_HK_KILL_ALL_CONNECTIONS, "T", T_HK_FLUSH_ALL_CACHES, "C", T_HK_RESOURCE_INFO, "I", T_HK_MEMORY_INFO, "M", T_HK_OS_SHELL, "O", T_HK_RESIZE_TERMINAL, "Z", T_HK_EXIT, "X", T_HK_SEARCH, "S", T_HK_SEARCH_BACK, "B", T_HK_FIND_NEXT, "N", T_HK_FIND_PREVIOUS, "P", T_HK_TOGGLE_HTML_PLAIN, "H", T_HK_DOCUMENT_INFO, "I", T_HK_HEADER_INFO, "E", T_HK_FRAME_AT_FULL_SCREEN, "F", T_HK_SAVE_CLIPBOARD_TO_A_FILE, "V", T_HK_LOAD_CLIPBOARD_FROM_A_FILE, "L", T_HK_HTML_OPTIONS, "O", T_HK_COLOR, "C", T_HK_SAVE_HTML_OPTIONS, "A", T_HK_LANGUAGE, "L", T_HK_CHARACTER_SET, "H", T_HK_TERMINAL_OPTIONS, "T", T_HK_SCREEN_MARGINS, "M", T_HK_VIDEO_OPTIONS, "V", T_HK_NETWORK_OPTIONS, "N", T_HK_CONNECTIONS, "C", T_HK_IPV6_OPTIONS, "I", T_HK_PROXIES, "P", T_HK_SSL_OPTIONS, "L", T_HK_DNS_OPTIONS, "D", T_HK_HTTP_OPTIONS, "H", T_HK_FTP_OPTIONS, "F", T_HK_SMB_OPTIONS, "S", T_HK_JAVASCRIPT_OPTIONS, "J", T_HK_MISCELANEOUS_OPTIONS, "O", T_HK_COOKIES, "K", T_HK_FONTS, "F", T_HK_CACHE, "C", T_HK_MAIL_AND_TELNEL, "I", T_HK_ASSOCIATIONS, "A", T_HK_FILE_EXTENSIONS, "E", T_HK_BLOCK_LIST, "B", T_HK_SAVE_OPTIONS, "S", T_HK_ABOUT, "A", T_HK_KEYS, "K", T_HK_COPYING, "C", T_HK_MANUAL, "M", T_HK_HOMEPAGE, "H", T_HK_CALIBRATION, "L", T_HK_FILE, "F", T_HK_VIEW, "V", T_HK_LINK, "L", T_HK_DOWNLOADS, "D", T_HK_WINDOWS, "W", T_HK_SETUP, "S", T_HK_HELP, "H", T_HK_DISPLAY_USEMAP, "U", T_HK_FOLLOW_LINK, "F", T_HK_OPEN_IN_NEW_WINDOW, "W", T_HK_DOWNLOAD_LINK, "D", T_HK_RESET_FORM, "R", T_HK_SUBMIT_FORM, "S", T_HK_SUBMIT_FORM_AND_OPEN_IN_NEW_WINDOW, "W", T_HK_SUBMIT_FORM_AND_DOWNLOAD, "D", T_HK_VIEW_IMAGE, "I", T_HK_DOWNLOAD_IMAGE, "G", T_HK_SCALE_IMAGE_TO_FULL_SCREEN, "S", T_HK_COPY_LINK_LOCATION, "C", T_HK_BLOCK_URL, "B", T_HK_XTERM, "X", T_HK_TWTERM, "T", T_HK_SCREEN, "S", T_HK_WINDOW, "W", T_HK_FULL_SCREEN, "F", T_HK_BEOS_TERMINAL, "B", T_URL_MANUAL, "http://links.twibright.com/user_en.html", T_URL_HOMEPAGE, "http://links.twibright.com/", T_URL_CALIBRATION, "http://links.twibright.com/calibration.html",