from . import timerange def strip_comments(text): lines = [] for line in text.split('\n'): comment_start = line.find('#') if comment_start != -1: lines.append(line[:comment_start]) else: lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(lines) def parse_timerange(text): ends = [i.split(':') for i in text.split('-')] assert(len(ends) == 2) start, end = ((int(i[0]), 0) if len(i) == 1 else tuple(map(int, i)) for i in ends) assert(len(start) == 2 and len(end) == 2) return timerange.between(start, end) def parse_filter(text): weekdays = {'mon': 1, 'tue': 2, 'wed': 3, 'thu': 4, 'fri': 5, 'sat': 6, 'sun': 7} functions = ['date', 'week', 'weekday', 'and', 'or', 'not', 'if'] def eof(): nonlocal index, length return index >= length def skip_whitespace(): nonlocal index, length while not eof() and text[index].isspace(): index += 1 def match(matches): nonlocal index, length assert(not eof()) assert(text[index] in matches) index += 1 def read_atom(): nonlocal index, length start = index while not eof() and not text[index].isspace() and text[index] != ')': index += 1 return text[start:index] def subexpression(): nonlocal index, length if not eof() and text[index] == '(': match('(') skip_whitespace() elements = [] function = read_atom() skip_whitespace() assert(not eof()) assert(function in functions) elements.append(function) while not eof() and text[index] != ')': elements.append(subexpression()) skip_whitespace() match(')') return elements else: atom = read_atom() assert(len(atom) >= 1) if atom in weekdays: return weekdays[atom] else: split = atom.split('-') assert(all(map(lambda x: x.isnumeric(), split))) assert(len(split) == 2 or len(split) == 3) return tuple(map(int, split)) index = 0 length = len(text) skip_whitespace() expression = subexpression() skip_whitespace() assert(eof()) return expression def parse(text): def eof(): nonlocal index, length return index >= length def skip_whitespace(): nonlocal index, length while not eof() and text[index].isspace(): index += 1 def match(matches): nonlocal index, length assert(not eof()) assert(text[index] in matches) index += 1 def read_field(): nonlocal index, length skip_whitespace() start = index while not eof() and text[index] not in [';', '\n']: if text[index] == '\\': index += 1 index += 1 return text[start:index].strip() text = strip_comments(text) index = 0 length = len(text) courses = [] while not eof(): name = read_field() match(';') time_range = parse_timerange(read_field()) match(';') info = read_field() match(';') date_filter = parse_filter(read_field()) if not eof(): match('\n') courses.append((name, time_range, info, date_filter)) assert(eof()) return courses