cpu 8086 org 0x500 greet: mov si, kernel_greeting call printz mov al, dl add al, '0' call printc mov al, 10 call printc memsize: ; Get and display memory size int 0x12 mov bx, buffer call itoa mov si, bx call printz mov si, memsize_trailer call printz floppies: ; Get and display number of floppy disks int 0x11 times 6 shr ax, 1 and ax, 3 inc ax add al, '0' call printc mov si, floppies_trailer call printz hang: hlt jmp hang %include "console.inc" %include "printhex.inc" %include "strint.inc" kernel_greeting db 10, "Nor86 kernel succesfully loaded", 10, "Loaded from disk ", 0 memsize_trailer db "k RAM", 10, 0 floppies_trailer db " floppy drive(s)", 10, 0 buffer times 256 db 0