diff --git a/botcmd.py b/botcmd.py index a8f597f..e957b65 100644 --- a/botcmd.py +++ b/botcmd.py @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ def isauthorized(irc, chan, nick): if account: return istrusted(chan, account) else: - irc.msg(nick, 'Identify with NickServ') + irc.msg(nick, zwsp + 'Identify with NickServ') class ArgsfmtError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): @@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ def parse((line, irc)): chan = newchan cmdline = newcmdline else: - irc.msg(chan, 'Usage #chan channel command') + irc.msg(chan, zwsp + 'Usage #chan channel command') if matchcmd(cmdline, '#echo'): text = parsecmd(cmdline, '{text}') @@ -469,11 +469,11 @@ def parse((line, irc)): if isauthorized(irc, chan, nick): irc.send('KICK %s %s :%s'%(chan, kicknick, kickreason)) else: - irc.msg(reply, 'Usage #kick nick reason') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'Usage #kick nick reason') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#src'): - irc.msg(reply, 'https://github.com/JuEeHa/oonbotti2') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'https://github.com/JuEeHa/oonbotti2') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#prefix') and chan == '#osdev-offtopic': - irc.msg(reply, 'gopher://ayu.smar.fi:7070/0/hash-prefix') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'gopher://ayu.smar.fi:7070/0/hash-prefix') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#msg'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#msg', 'nick {message}'): msgnick, message = parsecmd(cmdline, 'nick {message}') @@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ def parse((line, irc)): msgs[msgnick].append((nick, message)) msgslock.release() else: - irc.msg(reply, 'Usage: #msg nick message') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'Usage: #msg nick message') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#trusted?'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#trusted?', '[nick]'): trustnick = parsecmd(cmdline, '[nick]') @@ -492,13 +492,13 @@ def parse((line, irc)): account = getaccount(irc, trustnick) if account: if istrusted(chan, account): - irc.msg(reply, '%s is trusted' % trustnick) + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + '%s is trusted' % trustnick) else: - irc.msg(reply, '%s is not trusted' % trustnick) + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + '%s is not trusted' % trustnick) else: - irc.msg(reply, 'Failed to get account for %s' % trustnick) + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'Failed to get account for %s' % trustnick) else: - irc.msg(reply, 'Usage: #trusted? [nick]') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'Usage: #trusted? [nick]') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#trust'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#trust', 'nick'): trustnick = parsecmd(cmdline, 'nick') @@ -507,9 +507,9 @@ def parse((line, irc)): if account: addtrusted(chan, account) else: - irc.msg(reply, 'Failed to get account for %s' % trustnick) + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'Failed to get account for %s' % trustnick) else: - irc.msg(reply, 'Usage #trust nick') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'Usage #trust nick') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#untrust'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#untrust', 'nick'): untrustnick = parsecmd(cmdline, 'nick') @@ -521,13 +521,13 @@ def parse((line, irc)): rmtrusted(chan, untrustnick) godslock.release() else: - irc.msg(reply, 'Failed to get account for %s' % untrustnick) + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'Failed to get account for %s' % untrustnick) else: - irc.msg(reply, 'Usage #untrust nick') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'Usage #untrust nick') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#ls-trusted'): trustedlock.acquire() if chan in trusted: - irc.msg(nick, '%s: %s' % (chan, ', '.join(trusted[chan]))) + irc.msg(nick, zwsp + '%s: %s' % (chan, ', '.join(trusted[chan]))) trustedlock.release() elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#invite'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#invite', 'nick'): @@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ def parse((line, irc)): if isauthorized(irc, chan, nick): irc.send('INVITE %s %s' % (invitenick, chan)) else: - irc.msg(reply, 'Usage #invite nick') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'Usage #invite nick') elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#help'): if matchcmd(cmdline, '#help', '[command]'): command = parsecmd(cmdline, '[command]') @@ -543,11 +543,11 @@ def parse((line, irc)): if helptext: irc.msg(reply, zwsp+helptext) elif matchcmd(cmdline, '#esoteric') and chan == '#esoteric': - irc.msg(reply, 'Nothing here') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'Nothing here') elif cmdline[0] in [irc.nick, irc.nick+',', irc.nick+':']: question = parsecmd(cmdline, '{question}') if len(question) < 2 or question[:2] != ':D': # Mandated by #osdev-offtopic law - irc.msg(reply, '%s: %s' % (nick, doctor.respond(question))) + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + '%s: %s' % (nick, doctor.respond(question))) elif die_expr.match(cmdline[0]): die = cmdline[0][1:].split('d') times = int(die[0]) if die[0] else 1 @@ -566,15 +566,15 @@ def parse((line, irc)): if die == '%': if times != 1: - irc.msg(reply, 'Not supported') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'Not supported') else: - irc.msg(reply, '%s%s' % (random.randint(0,9), random.randint(0,9))) + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + '%s%s' % (random.randint(0,9), random.randint(0,9))) elif die < 2: - irc.msg(reply, 'This die is not available in your space-time region.') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'This die is not available in your space-time region.') elif times < 1: - irc.msg(reply, 'What exactly do you want me to do?') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'What exactly do you want me to do?') elif times > 128: - irc.msg(reply, 'Sorry, I don\'t have that many. Can I borrow yours?') + irc.msg(reply, zwsp + 'Sorry, I don\'t have that many. Can I borrow yours?') else: rolls = [random.randint(1, die) for i in xrange(times)] result = reduce((lambda x, y: x + y), rolls) @@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ def parse((line, irc)): if isauthorized(irc, line[3][1:], nick): irc.send('JOIN ' + line[3]) elif line[1] == '482': - irc.msg(line[3], 'Not op') + irc.msg(line[3], zwsp + 'Not op') msgslock.acquire() if (line[1] == 'PRIVMSG' or line[1] == 'JOIN') and nick in msgs: