#!/usr/bin/env python3 import configparser import select import socket import threading import time from collections import namedtuple import channel from constants import logmessage_types, internal_submessage_types, controlmessage_types import botcmd import cron import line_handling Server = namedtuple('Server', ['host', 'port', 'nick', 'username', 'realname', 'channels']) class LoggerThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, logging_channel, dead_notify_channel): self.logging_channel = logging_channel self.dead_notify_channel = dead_notify_channel threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): while True: message_type, *message_data = self.logging_channel.recv() # Lines that were sent between server and client if message_type == logmessage_types.sent: assert len(message_data) == 1 print('>' + message_data[0]) elif message_type == logmessage_types.received: assert len(message_data) == 1 print('<' + message_data[0]) # Messages that are from internal components elif message_type == logmessage_types.internal: if message_data[0] == internal_submessage_types.quit: assert len(message_data) == 1 print('--- Quit') self.dead_notify_channel.send((controlmessage_types.quit,)) break elif message_data[0] == internal_submessage_types.error: assert len(message_data) == 2 print('--- Error', message_data[1]) else: print('--- ???', message_data) else: print('???', message_type, message_data) # API(serverthread_object) # Create a new API object corresponding to given ServerThread object class API: def __init__(self, serverthread_object): # We need to access the internal functions of the ServerThread object in order to send lines etc. self.serverthread_object = serverthread_object # Have the cron object accessible more easily self.cron = serverthread_object.cron_control_channel def send_raw(self, line): """Sends a raw line (will terminate it itself.) Don't use unless you are completely sure you know what you're doing.""" self.serverthread_object.send_line_raw(line) def msg(self, recipient, message): """Make sending PRIVMSGs much nicer""" line = b'PRIVMSG ' + recipient + b' :' + message self.serverthread_object.send_line_raw(line) def bot_response(self, recipient, message): """Prefix message with ZWSP and convert from unicode to bytestring if necessary.""" if isinstance(message, str): message = message.encode('utf-8') self.msg(recipient, '\u200b'.encode('utf-8') + message) def nick(self, nick): """Send a NICK command and update the internal nick tracking state""" with self.serverthread_object.nick_lock: line = b'NICK ' + nick self.serverthread_object.send_line_raw(line) self.serverthread_object.nick = nick def get_nick(self): """Returns current nick""" with self.serverthread_object.nick_lock: return self.serverthread_object.nick def join(self, channel): """Send a JOIN command and update the internal channel tracking state""" with self.serverthread_object.channels_lock: line = b'JOIN ' + channel self.serverthread_object.send_line_raw(line) self.serverthread_object.channels.add(channel) def error(self, message): """Log an error""" self.serverthread_object.logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.internal, internal_submessage_types.error, message)) # ServerThread(server, control_channel, cron_control_channel, logging_channel) # Creates a new server main loop thread class ServerThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, server, control_channel, cron_control_channel, logging_channel): self.server = server self.control_channel = control_channel self.cron_control_channel = cron_control_channel self.logging_channel = logging_channel self.server_socket_write_lock = threading.Lock() self.last_send = 0 self.last_send_lock = threading.Lock() self.nick = None self.nick_lock = threading.Lock() self.channels = set() self.channels_lock = threading.Lock() threading.Thread.__init__(self) def send_line_raw(self, line): # Sanitize line just in case line = line.replace(b'\r', b'').replace(b'\n', b'')[:510] with self.last_send_lock: now = time.monotonic() if now - self.last_send < 1: # Schedule our message sending one second after the last one self.last_send += 1 wait = self.last_send - now else: self.last_send = now wait = 0 if wait > 0: time.sleep(wait) with self.server_socket_write_lock: self.server_socket.sendall(line + b'\r\n') # Don't log PINGs or PONGs if not (len(line) >= 5 and (line[:5] == b'PING ' or line[:5] == b'PONG ')): self.logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.sent, line.decode(encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'replace'))) def handle_line(self, line): command, _, arguments = line.partition(b' ') split = line.split(b' ') if len(split) >= 1 and split[0].upper() == b'PING': self.send_line_raw(b'PONG ' + arguments) elif len(split) >= 2 and split[0][0:1] == b':' and split[1].upper() == b'PONG': # No need to do anything special for PONGs pass else: self.logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.received, line.decode(encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'replace'))) line_handling.handle_line(line, irc = self.api) def mainloop(self): # Register both the server socket and the control channel to a polling object poll = select.poll() poll.register(self.server_socket, select.POLLIN) poll.register(self.control_channel, select.POLLIN) # Keep buffer for input server_input_buffer = bytearray() quitting = False reconnecting = False while not quitting and not reconnecting: # Wait until we can do something for fd, event in poll.poll(): # Server if fd == self.server_socket.fileno(): # Ready to receive, read into buffer and handle full messages if event | select.POLLIN: data = self.server_socket.recv(1024) # Mo data to be read even as POLLIN triggered → connection has broken # Log it and try reconnecting if data == b'': self.logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.internal, internal_submessage_types.error, 'Empty read')) reconnecting = True break server_input_buffer.extend(data) # Try to see if we have a full line ending with \r\n in the buffer # If yes, handle it while b'\r\n' in server_input_buffer: # Newline was found, split buffer line, _, server_input_buffer = server_input_buffer.partition(b'\r\n') self.handle_line(line) # Remove possible pending ping timeout timer and reset ping timer to 3 minutes cron.delete(self.cron_control_channel, self.control_channel, (controlmessage_types.ping_timeout,)) cron.reschedule(self.cron_control_channel, 3 * 60, self.control_channel, (controlmessage_types.ping,)) else: error_message = 'Event on server socket: %s' % event self.logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.internal, internal_submessage_types.error, error_message)) # Control elif fd == self.control_channel.fileno(): command_type, *arguments = self.control_channel.recv() if command_type == controlmessage_types.quit: quitting = True elif command_type == controlmessage_types.send_line: assert len(arguments) == 1 irc_command, space, arguments = arguments[0].encode('utf-8').partition(b' ') line = irc_command.upper() + space + arguments self.send_line_raw(line) elif command_type == controlmessage_types.ping: assert len(arguments) == 0 self.send_line_raw(b'PING :foo') # Reset ping timeout timer to 2 minutes cron.reschedule(self.cron_control_channel, 2 * 60, self.control_channel, (controlmessage_types.ping_timeout,)) elif command_type == controlmessage_types.ping_timeout: self.logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.internal, internal_submessage_types.error, 'Ping timeout')) reconnecting = True elif command_type == controlmessage_types.reconnect: reconnecting = True else: error_message = 'Unknown control message: %s' % repr((command_type, *arguments)) self.logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.internal, internal_submessage_types.error, error_message)) else: assert False #unreachable if reconnecting: return True else: return False def run(self): while True: # Connect to given server address = (self.server.host, self.server.port) try: self.server_socket = socket.create_connection(address) except (ConnectionRefusedError, socket.gaierror): # Tell controller we failed self.logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.internal, internal_submessage_types.error, "Can't connect to %s:%s" % address)) # Try reconnecting in a minute cron.reschedule(self.cron_control_channel, 60, self.control_channel, (controlmessage_types.reconnect,)) # Handle messages reconnect = True while True: command_type, *arguments = self.control_channel.recv() if command_type == controlmessage_types.reconnect: break elif command_type == controlmessage_types.quit: reconnect = False break else: error_message = 'Control message not supported when not connected: %s' % repr((command_type, *arguments)) self.logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.internal, internal_submessage_types.error, error_message)) # Remove the reconnect message in case we were told to reconnnect manually cron.delete(self.cron_control_channel, self.control_channel, (controlmessage_types.reconnect,)) if reconnect: continue else: break # Create an API object to give to outside line handler self.api = API(self) try: # Run initialization self.send_line_raw(b'USER %s a a :%s' % (self.server.username.encode('utf-8'), self.server.realname.encode('utf-8'))) # Set up nick self.api.nick(self.server.nick.encode('utf-8')) # Run the on_connect hook, to allow further setup botcmd.on_connect(irc = self.api) # Join channels for channel in self.server.channels: self.api.join(channel.encode('utf-8')) # Schedule a ping to be sent in 3 minutes of no activity cron.reschedule(self.cron_control_channel, 3 * 60, self.control_channel, (controlmessage_types.ping,)) # Run mainloop reconnecting = self.mainloop() if not reconnecting: # Tell the server we're quiting self.send_line_raw(b'QUIT :%s exiting normally' % self.server.username.encode('utf-8')) self.server_socket.close() break else: # Tell server we're reconnecting self.send_line_raw(b'QUIT :Reconnecting') self.server_socket.close() except BrokenPipeError as err: # Connection broke, log it and try to reconnect self.logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.internal, internal_submessage_types.error, 'Broken socket/pipe')) self.server_socket.close() # Tell controller we're quiting self.logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.internal, internal_submessage_types.quit)) # Tell cron we're quiting cron.quit(cron_control_channel) # spawn_serverthread(server, cron_control_channel, logging_channel) → control_channel # Creates a ServerThread for given server and returns the channel for controlling it def spawn_serverthread(server, cron_control_channel, logging_channel): thread_control_socket, spawner_control_socket = socket.socketpair() control_channel = channel.Channel() ServerThread(server, control_channel, cron_control_channel, logging_channel).start() return control_channel # spawn_loggerthread() → logging_channel, dead_notify_channel # Spawn logger thread and returns the channel it logs and the channel it uses to notify about quiting def spawn_loggerthread(): logging_channel = channel.Channel() dead_notify_channel = channel.Channel() LoggerThread(logging_channel, dead_notify_channel).start() return logging_channel, dead_notify_channel # read_config() → config, server # Reads the configuration file and returns the configuration object as well as a server object for spawn_serverthread def read_config(): config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read('bot.conf') host = config['server']['host'] port = int(config['server']['port']) nick = config['server']['nick'] username = config['server']['username'] realname = config['server']['realname'] channels = config['server']['channels'].split() server = Server(host = host, port = port, nick = nick, username = username, realname = realname, channels = channels) return config, server if __name__ == '__main__': config, server = read_config() botcmd.initialize(config = config) cron_control_channel = cron.start() logging_channel, dead_notify_channel = spawn_loggerthread() control_channel = spawn_serverthread(server, cron_control_channel, logging_channel) while True: message = dead_notify_channel.recv(blocking = False) if message is not None: if message[0] == controlmessage_types.quit: break cmd = input('') if cmd == 'q': print('Keyboard quit') control_channel.send((controlmessage_types.quit,)) logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.internal, internal_submessage_types.quit)) cron.quit(cron_control_channel) break elif cmd == 'r': print('Keyboard reconnect') control_channel.send((controlmessage_types.reconnect,)) elif len(cmd) > 0 and cmd[0] == '/': control_channel.send((controlmessage_types.send_line, cmd[1:]))