Ordos ===== Ordos aims to be a buildable operating system based on MS-DOS 1.25. File origins & License ---------------------- Here 'ms-dos' refers to the Microsoft repository, while 'ordos' refers to new files for Ordos. Everything is under the MIT license. boot.asm ordos build.bat ordos clean.bat ordos command.asm ms-dos v1.25/source/COMMAND.ASM debug.com ms-dos v1.25/bin/DEBUG.COM edlin.com ms-dos v1.25/bin/EDLIN.COM exe2bin.exe ms-dos v1.25/bin/EXE2BIN.EXE link.exe ms-dos v1.25/bin/LINK.EXE masm.exe ms-dos v2.0/bin/MASM.EXE msdos.asm ms-dos v1.25/source/MSDOS.ASM stddos.asm ms-dos v1.25/source/STDDOS.ASM Notes ----- MASM requires CR-LF line endings, while the Microsoft source code appers to have LF.