
285 lines
7.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import enum
from collections import namedtuple
class actions(enum.Enum):
change, left, right, nothing = range(4)
State = namedtuple('State', ['action', 'transitions', 'reachable'])
class SFParseError(Exception): pass
def parse_smallfuck(s):
def parse(s, index = 0, in_loop = False):
parsed = []
while True:
assert index <= len(s)
if index == len(s):
if in_loop:
raise SFParseError('Unexpected end of text (expected "]")')
c = s[index]
index += 1
if c == ']':
if in_loop:
raise SFParseError('Unexpected "]"')
elif c == '[':
loop, index = parse(s, index, True)
elif c in ['<', '>', '*']:
return parsed, index
parsed, index = parse(s)
return parsed
def turingify(parsed):
states = []
def add_state(action, transitions):
nonlocal states
assert action in actions
assert len(transitions) == 2
index = len(states)
states.append(State(action, transitions, [False, False]))
return index
def worker(parsed, end = None):
nonlocal states
while len(parsed) > 0:
c = parsed[-1]
parsed = parsed[:-1]
if type(c) == list:
loop_test = add_state(actions.nothing, [end, None])
loop_body = worker(c, loop_test)
# We want the loop to repeat if the cell is set
states[loop_test].transitions[1] = loop_body
end = loop_test
elif c == '*':
end = add_state(actions.change, [end, end])
elif c == '<':
end = add_state(actions.left, [end, end])
elif c == '>':
end = add_state(actions.right, [end, end])
assert not "Unreachable"
return end
return worker(parsed), states
def prettyprint_states(states):
for i in range(len(states)):
state = states[i]
action = {actions.change: '* ', actions.left: '< ', actions.right: '> ', actions.nothing: ''}[state.action]
if state.reachable == [True, True]:
reachable = '(*)'
elif state.reachable == [True, False]:
reachable = '(0)'
elif state.reachable == [False, True]:
reachable = '(1)'
elif state.reachable == [False, False]:
reachable = '(!)'
reachable = ''
print('%4i%s: %s%s' % (i, reachable, action, state.transitions))
def reachability(start, states):
def copy_state(index):
state = states[index]
action = state.action
transitions = state.transitions[:]
reachable = [False if i is None else i for i in state.reachable]
return State(action, transitions, reachable)
# Since we always end up with start at index 0, no need to create processed_start
processed = [copy_state(start)]
processed[0].reachable[0] = True
processed[0].reachable[1] = True
translations = {start: 0}
processed_sweep = 0
while processed_sweep < len(processed):
for i in range(len(processed[processed_sweep].transitions)):
index_states = processed[processed_sweep].transitions[i]
# Nothing to be done if we point to halt state
if index_states is None:
# Copy the state to processed if it isn't already there
if index_states not in translations:
index_processed = len(processed)
translations[index_states] = index_processed
# Fix transition to the state
processed[processed_sweep].transitions[i] = translations[index_states]
# Mark how we got to the state
processed[translations[index_states]].reachable[i] = True
processed_sweep += 1
return processed
def string_id(state, value, processed):
def intlog(num, base):
# This is floor(log_{base} num)
assert num > 0
result = 0
while num > base - 1:
num = num // base
result += 1
return result
assert value == 0 or value == 1
assert state is None or 0 <= state < len(processed)
# One for each (cell value, state) combination and one for the cell values without a state
max_num = 2 * len(processed) + 2 - 1
# Base 62 because we have 0-9A-Za-y, +1 because the intlog is one less than the digits needed
width = intlog(max_num, 61) + 1
if state is not None:
num = 2 * (state + 1) + value
num = value
digits = []
while num > 0:
digit = num % 61
num = num // 61
if digit < 10:
digits.append(chr(ord('0') + digit))
elif digit < 36:
digits.append(chr(ord('A') + digit - 10))
digits.append(chr(ord('a') + digit - 36))
string = ''.join(reversed(digits))
# Pad to width
string = '0' * (width - len(string)) + string
return string
def create_replacements(processed):
replacements = []
for index in range(len(processed)):
state = processed[index]
if state.action == actions.nothing:
for value in [0, 1]:
if state.reachable[value]:
start = string_id(index, value, processed)
end = string_id(state.transitions[value], value, processed)
replacements.append((start, end))
elif state.action == actions.change:
for original_value in [0, 1]:
if state.reachable[original_value]:
changed_value = original_value ^ 1
start = string_id(index, original_value, processed)
end = string_id(state.transitions[changed_value], changed_value, processed)
replacements.append((start, end))
elif state.action == actions.left:
for this_value in [0, 1]:
if state.reachable[this_value]:
for left_value in [0, 1]:
this_start = string_id(index, this_value, processed)
left_start = string_id(None, left_value, processed)
start = '%s %s' % (left_start, this_start)
this_end = string_id(None, this_value, processed)
left_end = string_id(state.transitions[left_value], left_value, processed)
end = '%s %s' % (left_end, this_end)
replacements.append((start, end))
elif state.action == actions.right:
for this_value in [0, 1]:
if state.reachable[this_value]:
for right_value in [0, 1, None]:
this_start = string_id(index, this_value, processed)
if right_value is not None:
right_start = string_id(None, right_value, processed)
right_start = 'z'
start = '%s %s' % (this_start, right_start)
this_end = string_id(None, this_value, processed)
if right_value is not None:
right_end = string_id(state.transitions[right_value], right_value, processed)
right_end = string_id(state.transitions[0], 0, processed) + ' z'
end = '%s %s' % (this_end, right_end)
replacements.append((start, end))
assert not "Unreachable"
return replacements
def xedify(replacements):
replaced = '|'.join(start for start, end in replacements)
replacement = '|'.join(end for start, end in replacements)
return 'x/%s/%s/' % (replaced, replacement)
def process_tape(tape, processed):
assert all(i in ['0', '1', '^0', '^1'] for i in tape)
processed_tape = []
for i in tape:
if i == '0':
processed_tape.append(string_id(None, 0, processed))
elif i == '1':
processed_tape.append(string_id(None, 1, processed))
elif i == '^0':
processed_tape.append(string_id(0, 0, processed))
elif i == '^1':
processed_tape.append(string_id(0, 1, processed))
assert not "Unreachable"
return ' '.join(processed_tape) + ' z'
def main():
program = input('program: ')
start_noreachability, states_noreachability = turingify(parse_smallfuck(program))
processed = reachability(start_noreachability, states_noreachability)
replacements = create_replacements(processed)
print('\nSend empty to exit. ^0/^1 for initial tape head position')
while True:
tape = input('tape: ')
if tape == '': break
tape = tape.split(' ')
print(process_tape(tape, processed))
if __name__ == '__main__':