Fix the design error where IVs were not hmaced

This commit is contained in:
Juhani Krekelä 2019-09-04 17:22:16 +03:00
parent 236b0b319a
commit 13c94d9bdf
1 changed files with 21 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -117,35 +117,38 @@ def shacrypt_enc(key, plaintext):
del plaintext
del cipher_key
# Contruct the HMACed part of ciphertext
hmaced = b''.join((
del ciphered
hmac = hmac_sha256(hmac_key, ciphered)
hmac = hmac_sha256(hmac_key, hmaced)
del hmac_key
# Construct the full ciphertext
return b''.join((
return hmaced + hmac
class AuthenticationError(Exception): pass
def shacrypt_dec(key, ciphertext):
assert len(key) == 256//8
# Extract the IVs
hkdf_salt = ciphertext[0:256//8]
cipher_nonce = ciphertext[256//8:256//8 + 256//8]
# Extract the main part of ciphertext
ciphered = ciphertext[2 * 256//8:-sha256_outputsize]
# Extract the HMACed part of ciphertext
hmaced = ciphertext[:-sha256_outputsize]
# Extract the expected HMAC
expected_hmac = ciphertext[-sha256_outputsize:]
del ciphertext
# Extract the IVs
hkdf_salt = hmaced[0:256//8]
cipher_nonce = hmaced[256//8:256//8 + 256//8]
# Derive keys
keys = hkdf_sha256(hkdf_salt, key, b'', 512//8)
del key
@ -160,13 +163,17 @@ def shacrypt_dec(key, ciphertext):
del keys
# Verify HMAC
hmac = hmac_sha256(hmac_key, ciphered)
hmac = hmac_sha256(hmac_key, hmaced)
del hmac_key
if not secrets.compare_digest(expected_hmac, hmac):
raise AuthenticationError
del expected_hmac
del hmac
# Extract the ciphered part of the ciphertext
ciphered = hmaced[2 * 256//8:]
del hmaced
# Decrypt
plaintext = bytearray()
for cipheredbyte, keybyte in zip(ciphered, hmac_sha256_ctr_keystream(cipher_nonce, cipher_key)):