/******************************************************************************* Copyright(C) Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 2011, 2012. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . snake.cpp Single-player snake. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const int width = 80; const int height = 25; const int buffersize = height * width; uint16_t frame[width*height]; int posx; int posy; int velx; int vely; int tailx; int taily; int taillen; int tailmax; int animalx; int animaly; char direction[buffersize]; uint16_t animal = '%' | (COLOR8_RED<<8); uint16_t snake = ' ' | (COLOR8_GREEN<<12); const int defaultspeed = 75; const int speedincrease = -5; const int maxspeed = 40; volatile int speed; bool tabhack = false; void Clear() { // Reset the game data. for ( int i = 0; i < buffersize; i++ ) { frame[i] = ' '; direction[i] = -1; } } void Reset() { Clear(); tailx = posx = width/2; taily = posy = height/2; switch ( rand() % 4 ) { case 0: velx = -1; vely = 0; break; case 1: velx = 1; vely = 0; break; case 2: velx = 0; vely = -1; break; case 3: velx = 0; vely = -1; break; } animalx = 2 + (rand() % (width-4)); animaly = 2 + (rand() % (height-4)); taillen = 0; tailmax = 3; frame[animaly * width + animalx] = animal; speed = defaultspeed; } int Init() { Reset(); return 0; } bool tabhacking = false; void Update() { int newvelx = velx; int newvely = vely; // Read the keyboard input from the user. unsigned termmode = TERMMODE_KBKEY | TERMMODE_UNICODE | TERMMODE_SIGNAL | TERMMODE_NONBLOCK; if ( settermmode(0, termmode) ) { error(1, errno, "settermmode"); } while ( true ) { uint32_t codepoint; ssize_t numbytes = read(0, &codepoint, sizeof(codepoint)); if ( !numbytes ) { break; } if ( numbytes < 0 ) { break; } int kbkey = KBKEY_DECODE(codepoint); int abskbkey = (kbkey < 0) ? -kbkey : kbkey; if ( tabhack && abskbkey == KBKEY_TAB ) { tabhacking = (0 < kbkey); } if ( kbkey == KBKEY_ENTER ) { Reset(); return; } if ( kbkey == KBKEY_W ) { newvelx = 0; newvely = -1; } if ( kbkey == KBKEY_A ) { newvelx = -1; newvely = 0; } if ( kbkey == KBKEY_S ) { newvelx = 0; newvely = 1; } if ( kbkey == KBKEY_D ) { newvelx = 1; newvely = 0; } } if ( tabhack && tabhacking ) { if ( animalx == posx && posy < animaly ) { newvelx = 0; newvely = 1; } if ( animalx == posx && posy > animaly ) { newvelx = 0; newvely = -1; } if ( animaly == posy && posx < animalx ) { newvelx = 1; newvely = 0; } if ( animaly == posy && posx > animalx ) { newvelx = -1; newvely = 0; } } // Make sure we don't do a 180. if ( !(velx == -1 && newvelx == 1) && !(velx == 1 && newvelx == -1) && !(vely == -1 && newvely == 1) && !(vely == 1 && newvely == -1) ) { velx = newvelx; vely = newvely; } // Don't collide with the border! if ( posx + velx < 0 || width <= posx + velx || posy + vely < 0 || height <= posy + vely ) { Reset(); return; } int newx = posx + velx; int newy = posy + vely; // Move the tail, if needed. if ( taillen == tailmax ) { frame[taily * width + tailx] = ' '; taillen--; switch ( direction[taily * width + tailx] ) { case 0: tailx--; break; case 1: tailx++; break; case 2: taily--; break; case 3: taily++; break; } } // Check for collision. if ( frame[newy * width + newx] == snake ) { Reset(); return; } // Check for food. if ( newx == animalx && newy == animaly ) { tailmax++; animalx = 2 + (rand() % (width-4)); animaly = 2 + (rand() % (height-4)); assert(0 <= animalx && animalx < width); assert(0 <= animaly && animaly < height); if ( maxspeed < speed ) { speed += speedincrease; } } frame[animaly * width + animalx] = animal; // Remember where we are going. int dir = 0; if ( velx < 0 ) { dir = 0; } if ( velx > 0 ) { dir = 1; } if ( vely < 0 ) { dir = 2; } if ( vely > 0 ) { dir = 3; } direction[posy * width + posx] = dir; // Move the head. posx = newx; posy = newy; frame[posy * width + posx] = snake; taillen++; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if ( !dispd_initialize(&argc, &argv) ) error(1, 0, "couldn't initialize dispd library"); for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( strcmp("--tabhack", argv[i]) == 0 ) { tabhack = true; } } int result = Init(); if ( result != 0 ) { return result; } struct dispd_session* session = dispd_attach_default_session(); if ( !session ) error(1, 0, "couldn't attach to dispd default session"); if ( !dispd_session_setup_game_vga(session) ) error(1, 0, "couldn't setup dispd vga session"); struct dispd_window* window = dispd_create_window_game_vga(session); if ( !window ) error(1, 0, "couldn't create dispd vga window"); // Update the game every once in a while. while ( true ) { usleep(speed * 1000); Update(); struct dispd_framebuffer* fb = dispd_begin_render(window); if ( !fb ) error(1, 0, "unable to begin rendering dispd window"); memcpy(dispd_get_framebuffer_data(fb), frame, sizeof(frame)); dispd_finish_render(fb); } return 0; }