.Dd December 13, 2021 .Dt GETDNSCOFIG 2 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm getdnsconfig , .Nm setdnsconfig .Nd get and set the kernel DNS resolver list .Sh SYNOPSIS .In sys/dnsconfig.h .Fd #define DNSCONFIG_MAX_SERVERS 3 .Ft int .Fn getdnsconfig "struct dnsconfig *cfg" .Ft int .Fn getdnsconfig "const struct dnsconfig *cfg" .Sh DESCRIPTION .Fn getdnsconfig gets and .Fn setdnsconfig sets the kernel DNS resolver list. .Pp .Fa cfg points to a .Vt struct dnsconfig structure. The .Fa servers array can contain up to .Dv DNSCONFIG_MAX_SERVERS DNS resolvers. The .Fa servers_count field marks how many of the entries in .Fa servers are populated. .Bd -literal struct dnsconfig { size_t servers_count; struct dnsconfig_server servers[DNSCONFIG_MAX_SERVERS]; } .Ed .Pp Each DNS resolver in the .Fa servers array is described by a .Vt struct dnsconfig_server structure. The resolver can be defined by either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. .Pp For an IPv4 address .Fa family is .Dv AF_INET , .Fa addrsize is .Fn sizeof "struct in_addr" , and the address is stored in the .Fa in field of the .Fa addr union. .Pp For an IPv6 address .Fa family is .Dv AF_INET6 , .Fa addrsize is .Fn sizeof "struct in_addr6" , and the address is stored in the .Fa in6 field of the .Fa addr union. .Bd -literal union dnsconfig_server_union { struct in_addr in; struct in6_addr in6; } struct dnsconfig_server { sa_family_t family; size_t addrsize; union dnsconfig_server_union addr; } .Ed .Sh RETURN VALUES On success 0 is returned. On error -1 is returned, and .Va errno is set appropriately. .Sh ERRORS .Fn getdnsconfig and .Fn setdnsconfig will fail if: .Bl -tag -width "12345678" .It Er EFAULT .Fa cfg points to an invalid address. .El .Pp .Fn setdnsconfig will additionally fail if: .Bl -tag -width "12345678" .It Er EAFNOSUPPORT .Fa family is set to an address family other than .Dv AF_INET or .Dv AF_INET6 . .It Er EINVAL .Fa servers_count is larger than .Dv DNSCONFIG_MAX_SERVERS . .It Er EINVAL .Fa addrsize does not match the size of the address corresponding to .Fa family . .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr dnsconfig 8 .Sh HISTORY The .Fn getdnsconfig and .Fn setdnsconfig system calls originally appeared in Sortix 1.1.