.Dd March 19, 2022 .Dt PORT 5 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm port .Nd port build instructions .Sh SYNOPSIS .Pa /src/ports/example/example.port .Sh DESCRIPTION The .port file format defines the build instructions for a piece of software ported to this operating system as a package. .Pp This manual documents the file format and .Xr porting 7 is the guide on how to author a port. .Pp A port called .Sy example consists of the following adjacent files: .Pp .Bl -tag -width "example.execpatch" -compact .It Pa example.port build instructions and meta information. .It Pa example.patch optional .Xr patch 1 applied to the upstream release. .It Pa example.execpatch optional .Xr tix-execpatch 8 changing the executable bit on files. .It Pa example.rmpatch optional .Xr tix-rmpatch 8 deleting files from the upstream release. .El .Pp The upstream release archive is downloaded and extracted into the .Pa example directory with each kind of patches applied, which is used as the working directory when building the port. Ports are extracted with read-only files and writable directories by default. The .Pa example.version file is created with the version number and checksums of the above files. .Pp If the port is placed in the .Pa /src/ports/example/ directory then it's built as part of the operating system. The port can be built directly using .Xr tix-port 8 which handles downloading and patching the source code, building the port, and installing the binary package. .Pp The .port files define the meta information using a subset of the .Xr sh 1 language syntax for variable assignments as parsed by .Xr tix-vars 8 . Basic variable substitutions, escape sequences, single quotes, double quotes, and comments are supported. .Pp The variables are as follows: .Bl -tag -width "12345678" .It Sy ALIAS_OF Declares this port to be an empty port that's an alias for the named port. .It Sy ARCHIVE Extract the upstream archive by this file name if set, usually .Sy $DISTNAME.$COMPRESSION where $COMPRESSION is normally tar.xz or the appropriate file extension. .It Sy ARCHIVE_2 A second .Sy ARCHIVE if set with its own set of similar variables. .It Sy BUILD_LIBRARIES Space delimited list of libraries (ports) linked with. Optional dependencies are suffixed with a question mark .Sq "?" . .It Sy BUILD_PROGRAMS Space delimited list of programs (ports) needed to build this port. Optional dependencies are suffixed with a question mark .Sq "?" . .It Sy BUILD_SYSTEM The build system used by this port: .Bl -tag -width "configure" .It Sy configure A .Pa ./configure script following the GNU coding conventions communicated with using standard command line options and standard environment variables. .It Sy makefile A .Pa Makefile using the below set of conventional environment variables. .El .It Sy CONFIGURE The path to the configure script relative to the source directory. (Default: .Pa ./configure ) .It Sy CONFIGURE_ARGS Additional command line arguments passed to configure. .It Sy CONFIGURE_USE_BUILD_DIRECTORY Ns = Ns Oo Sy false "|" true Oc Whether to use a temporary working directory when building the port where the object files will be placed instead of inside the source directory. (Default: .Sy false ) .It Sy CONFIGURE_VARS Additional environment variable assignments while configure is run. .It Sy CONFIGURE_WITH_BUILD_SYSROOT Ns = Ns Oo Sy false "|" true Oc Whether to tell configure where the system root is located during the build using the .Fl \-with-build-sysroot option. (Default: .Sy false ) .It Sy CONFIGURE_WITH_SYSROOT Ns = Ns Oo Sy false "|" true Oc Whether to tell configure where the system root is located at runtime using the .Fl \-with-sysroot option. (Default: .Sy false ) .It Sy CONFIGURE_WITH_SYSROOT_LD_BUG Ns = Ns Oo Sy false "|" true Oc Whether the .Fl \-with-sysroot option doesn't understand the empty string as meaning no system root will be used at runtime and .Fl \-with-sysroot Ns = Ns / should be used instead. (Default: .Sy false ) .It Sy COMPRESSION Ns = Ns Oo Sy tar "|" tar.gz "|" tar.bz2 "|" tar.xz Oc The file extension of .Sy ARCHIVE including the compression format. .It Sy COMPRESSION_2 Ns = Ns Oo Sy tar "|" tar.gz "|" tar.bz2 "|" tar.xz Oc For .Sy ARCHIVE_2 . .It Sy DEVELOPMENT Ns = Ns Oo Sy false "|" true Oc Whether the port is in the development workflow per .Xr porting 7 . (Default: .Sy false ) .Pp If .Sy false , the port is extracted with read-only files and writable directories. The port's source directory is considered a cache that can be safely deleted without data loss e.g. whenever the meta information or the patches change. .Pp If .Sy true , any old non-development extraction is deleted, and the archive is instead extracted with writable permissions in development mode. The port's source directory contains an in-progress port that's considered valuable and will not be deleted under any circumstances as long as the port remains in development mode. If the port builds successfully, then the patches are regenerated by diffing the upstream release with the source directory. .It Sy DIRTY_FILE The port doesn't need to be cleaned if this file doesn't exist. (Default: .Sy config.log , .Sy Makefile , and .Sy makefile ) .It Sy DISTNAME The name of the upstream release, usually .Sy $NAME-$VERSION . .It Sy DISTNAME_2 For .Sy ARCHIVE_2 . .It Sy DISTNAME_REGEX Extended regular expression recognizing distnames of releases with the version number matched in the first subexpression. (Default: Automatically determined using .Sy ARCHIVE and .Sy VERSION_REGEX ) .It Sy LICENSE Abbreviation of the license the port is released under. .It Sy LOCATION_INDEPENDENT Ns = Ns Oo Sy false "|" true Oc Whether binary packages are location independent, i.e. can be installed in another prefix than one supplied at build time. (Default: .Sy false ) .It Sy MAKE The .Xr make 1 program to use. (Default: Search the PATH for the program in the .Ev MAKE environment variable or .Xr make 1 as a fallback) .It Sy MAKE_ARGS Additional arguments passed to make. .It Sy MAKE_BUILD_TARGET Build the port by making this target. (Default: .Sy all ) .It Sy MAKE_CLEAN_TARGET Clean the port by making this target. (Default: .Sy distclean if .Sy BUILD_SYSTEM=configure and .Sy clean otherwise) .It Sy MAKE_IGNORE_CLEAN_FAILURE Ns = Ns Oo Sy false "|" true Oc Whether to silently ignore if cleaning the port failed. (Default: .Sy true ) .It Sy MAKE_INSTALL_TARGET Install the port by making this target with the .Ev DESTDIR environment variable set to a temporary secondary prefix for the purpose of installation-time packaging. (Default: .Sy install ) .It Sy MAKE_VARS Additional environment variable assignments while make is run. .It Sy NAME The name of the port. .It Sy NEED_WRITABLE Ns = Ns Oo Sy false "|" true Oc Whether to extract the port with writable files because the port couldn't be fully normalized and the port actually needs to modify files shipped in the upstream releases at build time. (Default: .Sy false ) .It Sy POST_INSTALL Optional program to invoke post-installation to fix up the installation. The .Sy TIX_BUILD_DIR , .Sy TIX_SOURCE_DIR , .Sy TIX_INSTALL_DIR , .Sy TIX_SYSROOT , .Sy BUILD , .Sy HOST , .Sy TARGET , .Sy PREFIX , and .Sy EXEC_PREFIX environment variables are set and unset appropriately. .It Sy RELEASE_SEARCH_PAGE Upstream URL listing the available versions of the port. .It Sy RELEASE_SEARCH_REGEX Locate new upstream versions of the port by searching .Sy RELEASE_SEARCH_PAGE using this regular expression matching the new version number in the first subexpression. .It Sy RUNTIME_DEPS Space delimited list of libraries (ports) needed at run time. Unsupported. .It Sy RUNTIME_PROGRAMS Space delimited list of programs (ports) needed at run time. Unsupported. .It Sy SHA256SUM .Xr sha256sum 1 of the upstream release. .It Sy SHA256SUM_2 For .Sy ARCHIVE_2 . .It Sy SOURCE_PORT Use the named port's source code instead. .It Sy SUBDIR Run the build commands in this subdir. .It Sy UPSTREAM_ARCHIVE The filename of the upstream release on .Sy UPSTREAM_SITE , usually .Sy $ARCHIVE but may be different in cases where the upstream filename is poor (e.g. isn't unique, lacking the name of the port and the version) and .Sy ARCHIVE is set to a unique filename for use in the mirror. .It Sy UPSTREAM_ARCHIVE_2 For .Sy ARCHIVE_2 . .It Sy UPSTREAM_SITE Download releases from this upstream URL (without a trailing slash) in case the mirror fails. .It Sy UPSTREAM_SITE_2 For .Sy ARCHIVE_2 . .It Sy USE_BOOTSTRAP Ns = Ns Oo Sy false "|" true Oc Bootstrap a new version of this port by first building a local version installed into a temporary directory in the .Ev PATH and then use it to build the final version. (Default: .Sy false ) .Pp This functionality is useful when e.g. cross-compiling a port requires the same version of the port to already be locally installed. The bootstrap phase uses its own set of variables prefixed with .Sy BOOTSTRAP_ with the same semantics as their counterparts, e.g.: .Pp .Bl -tag -compact -width "12345678" .It Sy BOOTSTRAP_BUILD_SYSTEM .It Sy BOOTSTRAP_CONFIGURE .It Sy BOOTSTRAP_CONFIGURE_ARGS .It Sy BOOTSTRAP_CONFIGURE_USE_BUILD_DIRECTORY .It Sy BOOTSTRAP_CONFIGURE_VARS .It Sy BOOTSTRAP_MAKE .It Sy BOOTSTRAP_MAKE_ARGS .It Sy BOOTSTRAP_MAKE_VARS .El .It Sy VERSION The version of the port. If the version number components are used individually, define them as .Sy VERSION_MAJOR , .Sy VERSION_MINOR , and .Sy VERSION_PATCH and define .Sy VERSION as .Sy $VERSION_MAJOR.$VERSION_MINOR.$VERSION_PATCH . .It Sy VERSION_2 For .Sy ARCHIVE_2 . .It Sy VERSION_REGEX Extended regular expression parsing the version number with the full version in the first subexpression. (Default: .Sq ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*) ) .El .Pp The following environment variables are set by default during the port build: .Bl -tag -width "12345678" .It Ev CC The C compiler. .It Ev CFLAGS Command line options when compiling C code. .It Ev DESTDIR An optional extra prefix used when installing the port for packaging. .It Ev PKG_CONFIG The .Xr pkg-config 1 to use for locating dependencies. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr development 7 , .Xr porting 7 , .Xr tix-vars 8 .Sh HISTORY The .Nm format originally appeared in Sortix 1.1 as the semantic continuation of the former .Pa tixbuildinfo format introduced in Sortix 0.8.