/******************************************************************************* COPYRIGHT(C) JONAS 'SORTIE' TERMANSEN 2011, 2012. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . editor.cpp A simple and hacked together text editor. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const int MODE_QUIT = 1; const int MODE_TEXT = 2; const int MODE_CONFIRM_QUIT = 3; const int MODE_SAVE = 4; const int MODE_LOAD = 5; const unsigned WIDTH = 80; const unsigned HEIGHT = 24; char buffers[HEIGHT+1][WIDTH+1]; unsigned cursorx = 0; unsigned cursory = 0; unsigned numlines = 1; char filename[256]; bool bufferchanged = false; void clearbuffers() { for ( unsigned y = 0; y < HEIGHT + 1; y++ ) { for ( unsigned x = 0; x < WIDTH + 1; x++ ) { buffers[y][x] = 0; } } bufferchanged = true; } void cursorto(unsigned x, unsigned y) { printf("\e[%u;%uH", y+1+1, x+1); fflush(stdout); } char* readline(int fd) { unsigned oldtermmode; if ( gettermmode(fd, &oldtermmode) ) { return NULL; } unsigned termmode = TERMMODE_UNICODE | TERMMODE_SIGNAL | TERMMODE_UTF8 | TERMMODE_LINEBUFFER | TERMMODE_ECHO; if ( settermmode(fd, termmode) ) { return NULL; } size_t lineused = 0; size_t linelength = 32UL; char* line = new char[linelength + 1]; line[0] = '\0'; while ( true ) { char c; ssize_t numbytes = read(fd, &c, sizeof(c)); if ( numbytes < 0 ) { delete[] line; line = NULL; break; } if ( !numbytes ) { break; } if ( c == '\n' ) { break; } if ( lineused == linelength ) { size_t newlinelength = 2 * linelength; char* newline = new char[newlinelength]; if ( !newline ) { delete[] line; line = NULL; break; } memcpy(newline, line, lineused * sizeof(*line)); delete[] line; line = newline; linelength = newlinelength; } line[lineused++] = c; line[lineused] = '\0'; } if ( settermmode(fd, oldtermmode) ) { delete[] line; line = NULL; } return line; } void drawtextmode() { const char* printfilename = ( strlen(filename) > 0 ) ? filename : "New Buffer"; printf("\e[30m\e[47m\e[2J\e[H"); printf("Text Editor\t\tfile: %s\n", printfilename); printf("\e[37m\e[40m\e[0J"); for ( unsigned y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++ ) { printf("%s", buffers[y]); if ( y < HEIGHT-1 ) { printf("\n"); } } fflush(stdout); cursorto(cursorx, cursory); } unsigned textmode() { drawtextmode(); bool ctrl = false; unsigned dectrlmode = 0; int oldcursorx = -1; int oldcursory = -1; while ( true ) { if ( oldcursorx != cursorx || oldcursory != cursory ) { cursorto(cursorx, cursory); oldcursorx = cursorx; oldcursory = cursory; } unsigned termmode = TERMMODE_KBKEY | TERMMODE_UNICODE | TERMMODE_SIGNAL; if ( settermmode(0, termmode) ) { error(1, errno, "settermmode"); } uint32_t codepoint = 0; ssize_t numbytes = read(0, &codepoint, sizeof(codepoint)); if ( !numbytes ) { break; } if ( numbytes < 0 ) { error(1, errno, "read stdin"); } if ( numbytes < sizeof(codepoint) ) { printf("unexpectedly got %zi bytes\n", numbytes); printf("bytes: %x\n", codepoint); fprintf(stderr, "bad stdin data\n"); exit(1); } if ( !codepoint ) { continue; } int kbkey = KBKEY_DECODE(codepoint); if ( kbkey ) { if ( kbkey == -KBKEY_LCTRL && dectrlmode ) { return dectrlmode; } int abskbkey = (kbkey < 0) ? -kbkey : kbkey; if ( abskbkey == KBKEY_LCTRL ) { ctrl = (0 < kbkey); continue; } switch ( kbkey ) { case -KBKEY_ESC: return MODE_CONFIRM_QUIT; break; case KBKEY_UP: if ( cursory ) { cursory--; } break; case KBKEY_DOWN: if ( cursory < numlines-1 ) { cursory++; } break; case KBKEY_LEFT: if ( cursorx ) { cursorx--; } break; case KBKEY_RIGHT: if ( cursorx < WIDTH-1 ) { cursorx++; } break; case KBKEY_O: if ( ctrl ) { dectrlmode = MODE_SAVE; } break; case KBKEY_R: if ( ctrl ) { dectrlmode = MODE_LOAD; } break; case KBKEY_X: if ( ctrl ) { dectrlmode = MODE_CONFIRM_QUIT; } break; } continue; } if ( ctrl ) { continue; } switch ( codepoint ) { case '\n': cursorx = 0; if ( cursory < HEIGHT-1 ) { numlines++; cursory++; } break; case '\b': if ( cursorx ) { cursorx--; for ( unsigned x = cursorx; x < WIDTH; x++ ) { buffers[cursory][x] = buffers[cursory][x+1]; bufferchanged = true; } printf("\e[2K\r%s", buffers[cursory]); fflush(stdout); } else if ( 0 < cursory && strlen(buffers[cursory]) == 0 ) { for ( unsigned y = cursory; y < numlines; y++ ) { for ( unsigned x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++ ) { buffers[y][x] = buffers[y+1][x]; } } numlines--; cursory--; cursorx = strlen(buffers[cursory]); drawtextmode(); } break; } size_t linelen = strlen(buffers[cursory]); if ( linelen < cursorx ) { cursorx = linelen; } if ( WIDTH <= cursorx ) { continue; } if ( codepoint >= 0x80 ) { continue; } if ( codepoint == '\t' ) { continue; } if ( codepoint == '\b' ) { continue; } if ( codepoint == '\n' ) { continue; } if ( codepoint == '\r' ) { continue; } char msg[2]; msg[0] = codepoint; msg[1] = 0; printf("%s", msg); buffers[cursory][cursorx++] = codepoint; fflush(stdout); bufferchanged = true; if ( WIDTH <= cursorx ) { cursorx = WIDTH-1; } } return MODE_QUIT; } unsigned confirmquit() { if ( !bufferchanged ) { return MODE_QUIT; } printf("\e37m\e40m\e[2J\e[H"); printf("There are unsaved changes: Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/N)\n"); if ( settermmode(0, TERMMODE_KBKEY | TERMMODE_SIGNAL | TERMMODE_ECHO) ) { error(1, errno, "settermmode"); } while ( true ) { uint32_t codepoint; ssize_t numbytes = read(0, &codepoint, sizeof(codepoint)); if ( !numbytes ) { exit(0); } if ( numbytes < 0 ) { error(1, errno, "read stdin"); } if ( numbytes < sizeof(codepoint) ) { fprintf(stderr, "bad stdin data\n"); exit(1); } if ( !codepoint ) { continue; } int kbkey = KBKEY_DECODE(codepoint); if ( !kbkey ) { continue; } if ( 0 < kbkey ) { continue; } switch ( kbkey ) { case -KBKEY_ESC: return MODE_QUIT; break; case -KBKEY_N: return MODE_TEXT; case -KBKEY_Y: return MODE_QUIT; default: printf("Would you like to quit? N for No, Y for Yes\n"); } } } bool savetofile(const char* path) { int fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0777); if ( fd < 0 ) { error(0, errno, "%s", path); return false; } for ( unsigned y = 0; y < numlines; y++ ) { size_t len = strlen(buffers[y]); buffers[y][len] = '\n'; bool result = writeall(fd, buffers[y], len+1) == len+1; buffers[y][len] = 0; if ( !result ) { error(0, errno, "write: %s", path); close(fd); return false; } } if ( close(fd) ) { error(0, errno, "close: %s", path); return false; } strcpy(filename, path); return true; } int savemode() { printf("\e37m\e40m\e[2J\e[H"); printf("Please enter the filename you wish to save the text to and press " "enter. Type an empty filename to abort.\n\n"); char* storage = NULL; do { delete[] storage; printf("File to Write: "); fflush(stdout); storage = readline(0); if ( !storage ) { error(1, errno, "readline"); } if ( !storage[0] ) { delete[] storage; return MODE_TEXT; } } while ( !savetofile(storage) ); delete[] storage; bufferchanged = false; printf("Succesfully saved\n"); sleep(1); return MODE_TEXT; } bool loadfromfile(const char* path) { int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY, 0777); if ( fd < 0 ) { error(0, errno, "%s", path); return false; } clearbuffers(); const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 256; char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; bool done = false; while ( !done ) { ssize_t bytesread = read(fd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if ( bytesread < 0 ) { error(0, errno, "read: %s", path); close(fd); return false; } if ( bytesread == 0 ) { break; } for ( ssize_t i = 0; i < bytesread; i++ ) { if ( buffer[i] == '\n' ) { if ( HEIGHT-1 <= ++cursory ) { done = true; break; } cursorx = 0; continue; } if ( WIDTH <= cursorx ) { continue; } buffers[cursory][cursorx++] = buffer[i]; } } numlines = cursory + 1; close(fd); cursorx = 0; cursory = 0; strcpy(filename, path); return true; } int loadmode() { printf("\e37m\e40m\e[2J\e[H"); printf("Please enter the filename you wish to load text from and press " "enter. Type an empty filename to abort.\n\n"); char* storage = NULL; do { delete[] storage; printf("File to Load: "); fflush(stdout); storage = readline(0); if ( !storage ) { error(1, errno, "readline"); } if ( !storage[0] ) { delete[] storage; return MODE_TEXT; } } while ( !loadfromfile(storage) ); delete[] storage; bufferchanged = false; return MODE_TEXT; } void run() { bufferchanged = false; unsigned mode = MODE_TEXT; while ( mode != MODE_QUIT ) { switch ( mode ) { case MODE_TEXT: mode = textmode(); break; case MODE_CONFIRM_QUIT: mode = confirmquit(); break; case MODE_SAVE: mode = savemode(); break; case MODE_LOAD: mode = loadmode(); break; default: printf("Application Bug: Unknown Mode\n"); sleep(1); mode = MODE_TEXT; break; } } printf("\e[37m\e[40m\e[2J\e[H"); fflush(stdout); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if ( !isatty(1) ) { error(1, errno, "stdout must be a tty"); return 1; } if ( argc < 2 ) { clearbuffers(); strcpy(filename, ""); } else { strcpy(filename, argv[1]); if ( !loadfromfile(filename) ) { clearbuffers(); } cursorx = 0; cursory = 0; } run(); return 0; }