/******************************************************************************* Copyright(C) Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 2013, 2014, 2015. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . inode.cpp Filesystem inode. *******************************************************************************/ #define __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ext-constants.h" #include "ext-structs.h" #include "block.h" #include "blockgroup.h" #include "device.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "inode.h" #include "util.h" #ifndef S_SETABLE #define S_SETABLE 02777 #endif #ifndef O_WRITE #define O_WRITE (O_WRONLY | O_RDWR) #endif Inode::Inode(Filesystem* filesystem, uint32_t inode_id) { this->prev_inode = NULL; this->next_inode = NULL; this->prev_hashed = NULL; this->next_hashed = NULL; this->prev_dirty = NULL; this->next_dirty = NULL; this->data_block = NULL; this->data = NULL; this->filesystem = filesystem; this->reference_count = 1; this->remote_reference_count = 0; this->inode_id = inode_id; this->dirty = false; } Inode::~Inode() { Sync(); if ( data_block ) data_block->Unref(); Unlink(); } uint32_t Inode::Mode() { // TODO: Use i_mode_high. return data->i_mode; } void Inode::SetMode(uint32_t mode) { BeginWrite(); // TODO: Use i_mode_high. data->i_mode = (uint16_t) mode; FinishWrite(); } uint32_t Inode::UserId() { // TODO: Use i_uid_high. return data->i_uid; } void Inode::SetUserId(uint32_t user) { BeginWrite(); // TODO: Use i_uid_high. data->i_uid = (uint16_t) user; FinishWrite(); } uint32_t Inode::GroupId() { // TODO: Use i_gid_high. return data->i_gid; } void Inode::SetGroupId(uint32_t group) { BeginWrite(); // TODO: Use i_gid_high. data->i_gid = (uint16_t) group; FinishWrite(); } uint64_t Inode::Size() { bool largefile = filesystem->sb->s_feature_ro_compat & EXT2_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE; if ( !EXT2_S_ISREG(data->i_mode) || !largefile ) return data->i_size; uint64_t lower = data->i_size; uint64_t upper = data->i_dir_acl; uint64_t size = lower | (upper << 32ULL); return size; } void Inode::SetSize(uint64_t new_size) { bool largefile = filesystem->sb->s_feature_ro_compat & EXT2_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE; uint32_t lower = new_size & 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t upper = new_size >> 32; // TODO: Enforce filesize limit with no largefile support or non-files. data->i_size = lower; // TODO: Figure out these i_blocks semantics and how stuff is reserved. const uint64_t ENTRIES = filesystem->block_size / sizeof(uint32_t); uint64_t block_direct = sizeof(data->i_block) / sizeof(uint32_t) - 3; uint64_t block_singly = ENTRIES; uint64_t block_doubly = block_singly * block_singly; uint64_t max_direct = block_direct; uint64_t max_singly = max_direct + block_singly; uint64_t max_doubly = max_singly + block_doubly; uint64_t logical_blocks = divup(new_size, (uint64_t) filesystem->block_size); uint64_t actual_blocks = logical_blocks; if ( max_direct <= logical_blocks ) actual_blocks += divup(logical_blocks - max_direct, ENTRIES); if ( max_singly <= logical_blocks ) actual_blocks += divup(logical_blocks - max_singly, ENTRIES * ENTRIES); if ( max_doubly <= logical_blocks ) actual_blocks += divup(logical_blocks - max_doubly, ENTRIES * ENTRIES * ENTRIES); BeginWrite(); data->i_blocks = (actual_blocks * filesystem->block_size) / 512; if ( EXT2_S_ISREG(data->i_mode) && largefile ) data->i_dir_acl = upper; FinishWrite(); Modified(); } Block* Inode::GetBlockFromTable(Block* table, uint32_t index) { if ( uint32_t block_id = ((uint32_t*) table->block_data)[index] ) return filesystem->device->GetBlock(block_id); uint32_t group_id = (inode_id - 1) / filesystem->sb->s_inodes_per_group; assert(group_id < filesystem->num_groups); BlockGroup* block_group = filesystem->GetBlockGroup(group_id); uint32_t block_id = filesystem->AllocateBlock(block_group); block_group->Unref(); if ( block_id ) { Block* block = filesystem->device->GetBlockZeroed(block_id); table->BeginWrite(); ((uint32_t*) table->block_data)[index] = block_id; table->FinishWrite(); return block; } return NULL; } Block* Inode::GetBlock(uint64_t offset) { const uint64_t ENTRIES = filesystem->block_size / sizeof(uint32_t); uint64_t block_direct = sizeof(data->i_block) / sizeof(uint32_t) - 3; uint64_t block_singly = ENTRIES; uint64_t block_doubly = block_singly * block_singly; uint64_t block_triply = block_doubly * block_singly; uint64_t max_direct = block_direct; uint64_t max_singly = max_direct + block_singly; uint64_t max_doubly = max_singly + block_doubly; uint64_t max_triply = max_doubly + block_triply; uint32_t index; Block* table = data_block; table->Refer(); Block* block; uint32_t inode_offset = (uintptr_t) data - (uintptr_t) data_block->block_data; uint32_t table_offset = offsetof(struct ext_inode, i_block); uint32_t inode_block_table_offset = (inode_offset + table_offset) / sizeof(uint32_t); // TODO: It would seem that somebody needs a lesson in induction. :-) if ( offset < max_direct ) { offset -= 0; offset += inode_block_table_offset * 1; read_direct: index = offset; offset %= 1; block = GetBlockFromTable(table, index); table->Unref(); if ( !block ) return NULL; return block; } else if ( offset < max_singly ) { offset -= max_direct; offset += (inode_block_table_offset + 12) * ENTRIES; read_singly: index = offset / ENTRIES; offset = offset % ENTRIES; block = GetBlockFromTable(table, index); table->Unref(); if ( !block ) return NULL; table = block; goto read_direct; } else if ( offset < max_doubly ) { offset -= max_singly; offset += (inode_block_table_offset + 13) * ENTRIES * ENTRIES; read_doubly: index = offset / (ENTRIES * ENTRIES); offset = offset % (ENTRIES * ENTRIES); block = GetBlockFromTable(table, index); table->Unref(); if ( !block ) return NULL; table = block; goto read_singly; } else if ( offset < max_triply ) { offset -= max_doubly; offset += (inode_block_table_offset + 14) * ENTRIES * ENTRIES * ENTRIES; /*read_triply:*/ index = offset / (ENTRIES * ENTRIES * ENTRIES); offset = offset % (ENTRIES * ENTRIES * ENTRIES); block = GetBlockFromTable(table, index); table->Unref(); if ( !block ) return NULL; table = block; goto read_doubly; } table->Unref(); return NULL; } bool Inode::FreeIndirect(uint64_t from, uint64_t offset, uint32_t block_id, int indirection, uint64_t entry_span) { const uint64_t ENTRIES = filesystem->block_size / sizeof(uint32_t); Block* block = filesystem->device->GetBlock(block_id); uint32_t* table = (uint32_t*) block->block_data; bool any_children = false; bool begun_writing = false; for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < ENTRIES; i++ ) { if ( !table[i] ) continue; uint64_t entry_offset = offset + entry_span * i; if ( entry_offset < from || (indirection && FreeIndirect(from, entry_offset, table[i], indirection-1, entry_span / ENTRIES)) ) { any_children = true; continue; } filesystem->FreeBlock(table[i]); if ( !begun_writing ) { block->BeginWrite(); begun_writing = true; } table[i] = 0; } if ( begun_writing ) block->FinishWrite(); return any_children; } void Inode::Truncate(uint64_t new_size) { uint64_t old_size = Size(); bool could_be_embedded = old_size == 0 && EXT2_S_ISLNK(Mode()) && !data->i_blocks; bool is_embedded = 0 < old_size && old_size <= 60 && !data->i_blocks; if ( could_be_embedded || is_embedded ) { if ( new_size <= 60 ) { data_block->BeginWrite(); unsigned char* block_data = (unsigned char*) &data->i_block[0]; if ( old_size < new_size ) memset(block_data + old_size, 0, new_size - old_size); if ( new_size < old_size ) memset(block_data + new_size, 0, old_size - new_size); data->i_size = new_size; data_block->FinishWrite(); return; } if ( is_embedded && !UnembedInInode() ) { // Truncate() can't fail ATM so lose data instead of worse stuff. data_block->BeginWrite(); unsigned char* block_data = (unsigned char*) &data->i_block[0]; memset(block_data, 0, 60); data->i_size = 0; data_block->FinishWrite(); } } // TODO: Enforce a filesize limit! SetSize(new_size); if ( old_size <= new_size ) return; uint64_t old_num_blocks = divup(old_size, (uint64_t) filesystem->block_size); uint64_t new_num_blocks = divup(new_size, (uint64_t) filesystem->block_size); // Zero out the rest of the last partial block, if any. uint32_t partial = new_size % filesystem->block_size; if ( partial ) { Block* partial_block = GetBlock(new_num_blocks-1); uint8_t* data = partial_block->block_data; partial_block->BeginWrite(); memset(data + partial, 0, filesystem->block_size - partial); partial_block->FinishWrite(); } const uint64_t ENTRIES = filesystem->block_size / sizeof(uint32_t); uint64_t block_direct = sizeof(data->i_block) / sizeof(uint32_t) - 3; uint64_t block_singly = ENTRIES; uint64_t block_doubly = block_singly * block_singly; uint64_t block_triply = block_doubly * block_singly; uint64_t max_direct = block_direct; uint64_t max_singly = max_direct + block_singly; uint64_t max_doubly = max_singly + block_doubly; uint64_t max_triply = max_doubly + block_triply; BeginWrite(); for ( uint64_t i = new_num_blocks; i < old_num_blocks && i < 12; i++ ) { filesystem->FreeBlock(data->i_block[i]); data->i_block[i] = 0; } if ( data->i_block[12] && !FreeIndirect(new_num_blocks, max_direct, data->i_block[12], 0, 1) ) { filesystem->FreeBlock(data->i_block[12]); data->i_block[12] = 0; } if ( data->i_block[13] && !FreeIndirect(new_num_blocks, max_singly, data->i_block[13], 1, ENTRIES) ) { filesystem->FreeBlock(data->i_block[13]); data->i_block[13] = 0; } if ( data->i_block[14] && !FreeIndirect(new_num_blocks, max_doubly, data->i_block[14], 2, ENTRIES * ENTRIES) ) { filesystem->FreeBlock(data->i_block[14]); data->i_block[14] = 0; } (void) max_triply; FinishWrite(); } Inode* Inode::Open(const char* elem, int flags, mode_t mode) { if ( !EXT2_S_ISDIR(Mode()) ) return errno = ENOTDIR, (Inode*) NULL; size_t elem_length = strlen(elem); if ( elem_length == 0 ) return errno = ENOENT, (Inode*) NULL; uint64_t filesize = Size(); uint64_t offset = 0; Block* block = NULL; uint64_t block_id = 0; while ( offset < filesize ) { uint64_t entry_block_id = offset / filesystem->block_size; uint64_t entry_block_offset = offset % filesystem->block_size; if ( block && block_id != entry_block_id ) block->Unref(), block = NULL; if ( !block && !(block = GetBlock(block_id = entry_block_id)) ) return NULL; const uint8_t* block_data = block->block_data + entry_block_offset; const struct ext_dirent* entry = (const struct ext_dirent*) block_data; if ( entry->inode && entry->name_len == elem_length && memcmp(elem, entry->name, elem_length) == 0 ) { uint8_t file_type = entry->file_type; uint32_t inode_id = entry->inode; block->Unref(); if ( (flags & O_CREAT) && (flags & O_EXCL) ) return errno = EEXIST, (Inode*) NULL; if ( (flags & O_DIRECTORY) && file_type != EXT2_FT_UNKNOWN && file_type != EXT2_FT_DIR && file_type != EXT2_FT_SYMLINK ) return errno = ENOTDIR, (Inode*) NULL; Inode* inode = filesystem->GetInode(inode_id); if ( flags & O_DIRECTORY && !EXT2_S_ISDIR(inode->Mode()) && !EXT2_S_ISLNK(inode->Mode()) ) { inode->Unref(); return errno = ENOTDIR, (Inode*) NULL; } if ( S_ISREG(inode->Mode()) && flags & O_WRITE && flags & O_TRUNC ) inode->Truncate(0); return inode; } offset += entry->reclen; } if ( block ) block->Unref(); if ( flags & O_CREAT ) { // TODO: Preferred block group! uint32_t result_inode_id = filesystem->AllocateInode(); if ( !result_inode_id ) return NULL; Inode* result = filesystem->GetInode(result_inode_id); memset(result->data, 0, sizeof(*result->data)); result->SetMode((mode & S_SETABLE) | S_IFREG); struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); result->data->i_atime = now.tv_sec; result->data->i_ctime = now.tv_sec; result->data->i_mtime = now.tv_sec; // TODO: Set all the other inode properties! if ( !Link(elem, result, false) ) { result->Unref(); return NULL; } return result; } return errno = ENOENT, (Inode*) NULL; } bool Inode::Link(const char* elem, Inode* dest, bool directories) { if ( !EXT2_S_ISDIR(Mode()) ) return errno = ENOTDIR, false; if ( directories && !EXT2_S_ISDIR(dest->Mode()) ) return errno = ENOTDIR, false; if ( !directories && EXT2_S_ISDIR(dest->Mode()) ) return errno = EISDIR, false; Modified(); // Search for a hole in which we can store the new directory entry and stop // if we meet an existing link with the requested name. size_t elem_length = strlen(elem); if ( elem_length == 0 ) return errno = ENOENT, false; size_t new_entry_size = roundup(sizeof(struct ext_dirent) + elem_length, (size_t) 4); uint64_t filesize = Size(); uint64_t offset = 0; Block* block = NULL; uint64_t block_id = 0; bool found_hole = false; bool splitting = false; uint64_t hole_block_id = 0; uint64_t hole_block_offset = 0; while ( offset < filesize ) { uint64_t entry_block_id = offset / filesystem->block_size; uint64_t entry_block_offset = offset % filesystem->block_size; if ( block && block_id != entry_block_id ) block->Unref(), block = NULL; if ( !block && !(block = GetBlock(block_id = entry_block_id)) ) return NULL; const uint8_t* block_data = block->block_data + entry_block_offset; const struct ext_dirent* entry = (const struct ext_dirent*) block_data; if ( entry->name_len == elem_length && memcmp(elem, entry->name, elem_length) == 0 ) { block->Unref(); return errno = EEXIST, false; } if ( !found_hole ) { size_t entry_size = roundup(sizeof(struct ext_dirent) + entry->name_len, (size_t) 4); if ( (!entry->inode || !entry->name[0]) && new_entry_size <= entry->reclen ) { hole_block_id = entry_block_id; hole_block_offset = entry_block_offset; new_entry_size = entry->reclen; found_hole = true; } else if ( new_entry_size <= entry->reclen - entry_size ) { hole_block_id = entry_block_id; hole_block_offset = entry_block_offset; new_entry_size = entry->reclen - entry_size; splitting = true; found_hole = true; } } offset += entry->reclen; } if ( UINT16_MAX <= dest->data->i_links_count ) return errno = EMLINK, false; if ( 255 < elem_length ) return errno = ENAMETOOLONG, false; // We'll append another block if we failed to find a suitable hole. if ( !found_hole ) { hole_block_id = filesize / filesystem->block_size; hole_block_offset = filesize % filesystem->block_size; new_entry_size = filesystem->block_size; } if ( block && block_id != hole_block_id ) block->Unref(), block = NULL; if ( !block && !(block = GetBlock(block_id = hole_block_id)) ) return NULL; block->BeginWrite(); uint8_t* block_data = block->block_data + hole_block_offset; struct ext_dirent* entry = (struct ext_dirent*) block_data; // If we found a directory entry with room at the end, split it! if ( splitting ) { entry->reclen = roundup(sizeof(struct ext_dirent) + entry->name_len, (size_t) 4); assert(entry->reclen); block_data += entry->reclen; entry = (struct ext_dirent*) block_data; } // Write the new directory entry. entry->inode = dest->inode_id; entry->reclen = new_entry_size; entry->name_len = elem_length; if ( filesystem->sb->s_feature_incompat & EXT2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_FILETYPE ) entry->file_type = EXT2_FT_OF_MODE(dest->Mode()); else entry->file_type = 0; strncpy(entry->name, elem, new_entry_size - sizeof(struct ext_dirent)); block->FinishWrite(); block->Unref(); dest->BeginWrite(); dest->data->i_links_count++; dest->FinishWrite(); if ( !found_hole ) SetSize(Size() + filesystem->block_size); return true; } Inode* Inode::UnlinkKeep(const char* elem, bool directories, bool force) { if ( !EXT2_S_ISDIR(Mode()) ) return errno = ENOTDIR, (Inode*) NULL; Modified(); size_t elem_length = strlen(elem); if ( elem_length == 0 ) return errno = ENOENT, (Inode*) NULL; uint32_t block_size = filesystem->block_size; uint64_t filesize = Size(); uint64_t num_blocks = divup(filesize, (uint64_t) block_size); uint64_t offset = 0; Block* block = NULL; uint64_t block_id = 0; struct ext_dirent* last_entry = NULL; while ( offset < filesize ) { uint64_t entry_block_id = offset / block_size; uint64_t entry_block_offset = offset % block_size; if ( block && block_id != entry_block_id ) last_entry = NULL, block->Unref(), block = NULL; if ( !block && !(block = GetBlock(block_id = entry_block_id)) ) return NULL; uint8_t* block_data = block->block_data + entry_block_offset; struct ext_dirent* entry = (struct ext_dirent*) block_data; if ( entry->inode && entry->name_len == elem_length && memcmp(elem, entry->name, elem_length) == 0 ) { Inode* inode = filesystem->GetInode(entry->inode); if ( !force && directories && !EXT2_S_ISDIR(inode->Mode()) ) { inode->Unref(); block->Unref(); return errno = ENOTDIR, (Inode*) NULL; } if ( !force && directories && !inode->IsEmptyDirectory() ) { inode->Unref(); block->Unref(); return errno = ENOTEMPTY, (Inode*) NULL; } if ( !force && !directories && EXT2_S_ISDIR(inode->Mode()) ) { inode->Unref(); block->Unref(); return errno = EISDIR, (Inode*) NULL; } inode->BeginWrite(); inode->data->i_links_count--; inode->FinishWrite(); block->BeginWrite(); entry->inode = 0; entry->name_len = 0; entry->file_type = 0; // Merge the current entry with the previous if any. if ( last_entry ) { last_entry->reclen += entry->reclen; memset(entry, 0, entry->reclen); entry = last_entry; } strncpy(entry->name + entry->name_len, "", entry->reclen - sizeof(struct ext_dirent) - entry->name_len); // If the entire block is empty, we'll need to remove it. if ( !entry->name[0] && entry->reclen == block_size ) { // If this is not the last block, we'll make it. This is faster // than shifting the entire directory a single block. We don't // actually copy this block to the end, since we'll truncate it // regardless. if ( entry_block_id + 1 != num_blocks ) { Block* last_block = GetBlock(num_blocks-1); memcpy(block->block_data, last_block->block_data, block_size); last_block->Unref(); } Truncate(filesize - block_size); } block->FinishWrite(); block->Unref(); return inode; } offset += entry->reclen; last_entry = entry; } if ( block ) block->Unref(); return errno = ENOENT, (Inode*) NULL; } bool Inode::Unlink(const char* elem, bool directories, bool force) { Inode* result = UnlinkKeep(elem, directories, force); if ( !result ) return false; result->Unref(); return true; } ssize_t Inode::ReadAt(uint8_t* buf, size_t s_count, off_t o_offset) { if ( !EXT2_S_ISREG(Mode()) && !EXT2_S_ISLNK(Mode()) ) return errno = EISDIR, -1; if ( o_offset < 0 ) return errno = EINVAL, -1; if ( SSIZE_MAX < s_count ) s_count = SSIZE_MAX; uint64_t sofar = 0; uint64_t count = (uint64_t) s_count; uint64_t offset = (uint64_t) o_offset; uint64_t file_size = Size(); if ( file_size <= offset ) return 0; if ( file_size - offset < count ) count = file_size - offset; // TODO: This case also needs to be handled in SetSize, Truncate, WriteAt, // and so on. if ( 0 < file_size && file_size <= 60 && !data->i_blocks ) { assert(offset + count <= 60); unsigned char* block_data = (unsigned char*) &data->i_block[0]; memcpy(buf, block_data + offset, count); return (ssize_t) count; } while ( sofar < count ) { uint64_t block_id = offset / filesystem->block_size; uint32_t block_offset = offset % filesystem->block_size; uint32_t block_left = filesystem->block_size - block_offset; Block* block = GetBlock(block_id); if ( !block ) return sofar ? sofar : -1; size_t amount = count - sofar < block_left ? count - sofar : block_left; memcpy(buf + sofar, block->block_data + block_offset, amount); sofar += amount; offset += amount; block->Unref(); } return (ssize_t) sofar; } ssize_t Inode::WriteAt(const uint8_t* buf, size_t s_count, off_t o_offset) { if ( !EXT2_S_ISREG(Mode()) && !EXT2_S_ISLNK(Mode()) ) return errno = EISDIR, -1; if ( o_offset < 0 ) return errno = EINVAL, -1; if ( SSIZE_MAX < s_count ) s_count = SSIZE_MAX; Modified(); uint64_t sofar = 0; uint64_t count = (uint64_t) s_count; uint64_t offset = (uint64_t) o_offset; uint64_t file_size = Size(); uint64_t end_at = offset + count; if ( offset < end_at ) /* TODO: Overflow! off_t overflow? */{}; if ( file_size < end_at ) Truncate(end_at); if ( 0 < end_at && end_at <= 60 && !data->i_blocks ) { data_block->BeginWrite(); unsigned char* block_data = (unsigned char*) &data->i_block[0]; memcpy(block_data + offset, buf, count); if ( data->i_size < end_at ) data->i_size = end_at; data_block->FinishWrite(); return (ssize_t) count; } while ( sofar < count ) { uint64_t block_id = offset / filesystem->block_size; uint32_t block_offset = offset % filesystem->block_size; uint32_t block_left = filesystem->block_size - block_offset; Block* block = GetBlock(block_id); if ( !block ) return sofar ? (ssize_t) sofar : -1; size_t amount = count - sofar < block_left ? count - sofar : block_left; block->BeginWrite(); memcpy(block->block_data + block_offset, buf + sofar, amount); block->FinishWrite(); block->Unref(); sofar += amount; offset += amount; } return (ssize_t) sofar; } bool Inode::UnembedInInode() { assert(data->i_blocks == 0 && 0 < data->i_size && data->i_size <= 60); unsigned char* block_data = (unsigned char*) &data->i_block[0]; size_t content_size = Size(); unsigned char content[60]; memcpy(content, block_data, content_size); data_block->BeginWrite(); memset(block_data, 0, 60); data->i_size = 0; data_block->FinishWrite(); if ( WriteAt(content, content_size, 0) != (ssize_t) content_size ) { Truncate(0); data_block->BeginWrite(); memcpy(block_data, content, content_size); data->i_size = content_size; data->i_blocks = 0; data_block->FinishWrite(); return false; } return true; } bool Inode::Rename(Inode* olddir, const char* oldname, const char* newname) { if ( !strcmp(oldname, ".") || !strcmp(oldname, "..") || !strcmp(newname, ".") || !strcmp(newname, "..") ) return errno = EPERM, false; Inode* src_inode = olddir->Open(oldname, O_RDONLY, 0); if ( !src_inode ) return false; if ( Inode* dst_inode = Open(newname, O_RDONLY, 0) ) { bool same_inode = src_inode->inode_id == dst_inode->inode_id; dst_inode->Unref(); if ( same_inode ) return src_inode->Unref(), true; } // TODO: Prove that this cannot fail and handle such a situation. if ( EXT2_S_ISDIR(src_inode->Mode()) ) { if ( !Unlink(newname, true) && errno != ENOENT ) return src_inode->Unref(), false; Link(newname, src_inode, true); olddir->Unlink(oldname, true, true); if ( olddir != this ) { src_inode->Unlink("..", true, true); src_inode->Link("..", this, true); } } else { if ( !Unlink(newname, false) && errno != ENOENT ) return src_inode->Unref(), false; Link(newname, src_inode, false); olddir->Unlink(oldname, false); } src_inode->Unref(); return true; } bool Inode::Symlink(const char* elem, const char* dest) { // TODO: Preferred block group! uint32_t result_inode_id = filesystem->AllocateInode(); if ( !result_inode_id ) return NULL; Inode* result = filesystem->GetInode(result_inode_id); memset(result->data, 0, sizeof(*result->data)); result->SetMode((0777 & S_SETABLE) | EXT2_S_IFLNK); struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); result->data->i_atime = now.tv_sec; result->data->i_ctime = now.tv_sec; result->data->i_mtime = now.tv_sec; // TODO: Set all the other inode properties! size_t dest_length = strlen(dest); if ( SSIZE_MAX < dest_length ) return errno = EFBIG, -1; if ( result->WriteAt((const uint8_t*) dest, dest_length, 0) < (ssize_t) dest_length ) return result->Unref(), false; if ( !Link(elem, result, false) ) return result->Truncate(0), result->Unref(), false; result->Unref(); return true; } Inode* Inode::CreateDirectory(const char* path, mode_t mode) { // TODO: Preferred block group! uint32_t result_inode_id = filesystem->AllocateInode(); if ( !result_inode_id ) return NULL; Inode* result = filesystem->GetInode(result_inode_id); memset(result->data, 0, sizeof(*result->data)); result->SetMode((mode & S_SETABLE) | EXT2_S_IFDIR); // Increase the directory count statistics. uint32_t group_id = (result->inode_id - 1) / filesystem->sb->s_inodes_per_group; assert(group_id < filesystem->num_groups); BlockGroup* block_group = filesystem->GetBlockGroup(group_id); block_group->BeginWrite(); block_group->data->bg_used_dirs_count++; block_group->FinishWrite(); block_group->Unref(); struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); result->data->i_atime = now.tv_sec; result->data->i_ctime = now.tv_sec; result->data->i_mtime = now.tv_sec; // TODO: Set all the other inode properties! if ( !Link(path, result, true) ) return result->Unref(), (Inode*) NULL; if ( !result->Link(".", result, true) ) { Unlink(path, true, true); return result->Unref(), (Inode*) NULL; } if ( !result->Link("..", this, true) ) { result->Unlink(".", true, true); Unlink(path, true, true); return result->Unref(), (Inode*) NULL; } return result; } bool Inode::RemoveDirectory(const char* path) { Inode* result = UnlinkKeep(path, true); if ( !result ) return false; result->Unlink("..", true, true); result->Unlink(".", true, true); result->Truncate(0); // Decrease the directory count statistics. uint32_t group_id = (result->inode_id - 1) / filesystem->sb->s_inodes_per_group; assert(group_id < filesystem->num_groups); BlockGroup* block_group = filesystem->GetBlockGroup(group_id); block_group->BeginWrite(); block_group->data->bg_used_dirs_count--; block_group->FinishWrite(); block_group->Unref(); result->Unref(); return true; } bool Inode::IsEmptyDirectory() { if ( !EXT2_S_ISDIR(Mode()) ) return errno = ENOTDIR, false; uint32_t block_size = filesystem->block_size; uint64_t filesize = Size(); uint64_t offset = 0; Block* block = NULL; uint64_t block_id = 0; while ( offset < filesize ) { uint64_t entry_block_id = offset / block_size; uint64_t entry_block_offset = offset % block_size; if ( block && block_id != entry_block_id ) block->Unref(), block = NULL; if ( !block && !(block = GetBlock(block_id = entry_block_id)) ) return false; uint8_t* block_data = block->block_data + entry_block_offset; struct ext_dirent* entry = (struct ext_dirent*) block_data; if ( entry->inode && !((entry->name_len == 1 && entry->name[0] == '.') || (entry->name_len == 2 && entry->name[0] == '.' && entry->name[1] == '.' )) ) { block->Unref(); return false; } offset += entry->reclen; } if ( block ) block->Unref(); return true; } void Inode::Delete() { assert(!data->i_links_count); assert(!reference_count); assert(!remote_reference_count); Truncate(0); uint32_t deleted_inode_id = inode_id; struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); BeginWrite(); memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data)); data->i_dtime = now.tv_sec; FinishWrite(); filesystem->FreeInode(deleted_inode_id); } void Inode::Refer() { reference_count++; } void Inode::Unref() { assert(0 < reference_count); reference_count--; if ( !reference_count && !remote_reference_count ) { if ( !data->i_links_count ) Delete(); delete this; } } void Inode::RemoteRefer() { remote_reference_count++; } void Inode::RemoteUnref() { assert(0 < remote_reference_count); remote_reference_count--; if ( !reference_count && !remote_reference_count ) { if ( !data->i_links_count ) Delete(); delete this; } } void Inode::Modified() { struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); BeginWrite(); data->i_mtime = now.tv_sec; FinishWrite(); } void Inode::BeginWrite() { data_block->BeginWrite(); } void Inode::FinishWrite() { struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); data->i_ctime = now.tv_sec; if ( !dirty ) { dirty = true; prev_dirty = NULL; next_dirty = filesystem->dirty_inode; if ( next_dirty ) next_dirty->prev_dirty = this; filesystem->dirty_inode = this; } data_block->FinishWrite(); Use(); } void Inode::Sync() { if ( !dirty ) return; data_block->Sync(); // TODO: The inode contents needs to be sync'd as well! (prev_dirty ? prev_dirty->next_dirty : filesystem->dirty_inode) = next_dirty; if ( next_dirty ) next_dirty->prev_dirty = prev_dirty; prev_dirty = NULL; next_dirty = NULL; dirty = false; } void Inode::Use() { data_block->Use(); Unlink(); Prelink(); } void Inode::Unlink() { (prev_inode ? prev_inode->next_inode : filesystem->mru_inode) = next_inode; (next_inode ? next_inode->prev_inode : filesystem->lru_inode) = prev_inode; size_t bin = inode_id % INODE_HASH_LENGTH; (prev_hashed ? prev_hashed->next_hashed : filesystem->hash_inodes[bin]) = next_hashed; if ( next_hashed ) next_hashed->prev_hashed = prev_hashed; } void Inode::Prelink() { prev_inode = NULL; next_inode = filesystem->mru_inode; if ( filesystem->mru_inode ) filesystem->mru_inode->prev_inode = this; filesystem->mru_inode = this; if ( !filesystem->lru_inode ) filesystem->lru_inode = this; size_t bin = inode_id % INODE_HASH_LENGTH; prev_hashed = NULL; next_hashed = filesystem->hash_inodes[bin]; filesystem->hash_inodes[bin] = this; if ( next_hashed ) next_hashed->prev_hashed = this; }