Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 9588b0d3db Add ports to the Sortix repository.
This change imports the ports collection from the former porttix and srctix
repositories and converts them to port(5) files with metadata pointing to
the upstream release tarballs with patches checked into this repository.
Ports are now developed and versioned along with the operating system and
are automatically built per the PACKAGES environment variable. The patches
are licensed under the same license as the relevant ports.

Tix has gained support for the new port(5) format. tix-port(8) is the new
high level ports build even point that handles downloading pstream releases
into the new mirror cache directory, applying the patches, building the port
with the lower-level tix-build(8), and finally installing the binary
package. The new tix-vars(8) program parses port(5) files and the new
tix-rmdiff(8) program produces input for tix-rmpatch(8).

The old doc/ directory is discontinued in favor of manual pages documenting
the new ports system.

The obsolete porttix-create(8) and srctix-create(8) programs are removed.
2022-06-13 22:29:53 +02:00

658 lines
23 KiB

.Dd March 19, 2022
.Nm porting
.Nd guide for porting software
.Pa /src/ports/example/example.port
This manual documents how to port software to this operating system as packaged
ports in the
.Xr port 5 format.
.Ss Philosophy
The ports collection is maintained according to a set of principles designed to
uphold quality, keep the ports maintainable, and to enable giving back
improvements to the upstream projects.
Ports are usually named after their primary program or library if relevant.
Libraries should always be prefixed with lib.
The port should be ideally split if it happens to contain both a major program
and a major library.
Upstream projects should consider this operating system to be yet another
unknown operating system implementing the standard interfaces.
Explicit support for this operating system should generally not be upstreamed
and should instead be maintained in the patches.
This policy is to avoid burdening upstreams with maintaining support that is
subject to change.
Simply registering the operating system as existing is exempted, but preferably
the software should be patched to compile for any unknown operating system that
has the needed interfaces.
Patches should ideally be of upstreamable quality, although it may not be
reasonably practical to make a general solution the upstream could accept.
Non-trivial patches should be prefaced with a comment explaining the rationale
for the patch.
Third party software should be selected into the ports collection with care,
ideally because they're widely considered high quality and stable.
Low quality software with poor code quality should preferably not be ported,
instead a better replacement should be standardized on.
The build system is expected to follow the relevant conventions, such as the
GNU coding conventions for
.Pa ./configure
.Pa Makefile
scripts and the de-facto conventional behavior.
Deficiencies are fixed via patches instead of being worked around.
Ports with their own custom build system implementation should be improved if
they don't implement the interface correctly.
Generated files are preferably patched instead of their input files due to the
difficulty regenerating them.
For instance
.Pa configure
should be patched directly instead of
and likewise
instead of
.Pa .
Ports must not bundle their dependencies as it's problematic to silently have
multiple stale versions of the same library.
If a port bundles a dependency unless it's installed, then the dependency must
be made mandatory.
Ports must both compile natively and cross-compile.
Ports must assume the best about the host operating system when cross-compiling
and unable to test for bugs.
It must be possible to reasonably boostrap the latest ports collection from the
latest stable release.
.Ss Metadata
A port named
.Sy example
can be built along with the operating system by creating the
.Pa /src/ports/example/example.port
file with the meta information documented in
.Xr port 5 .
Start the port by defining how to get the latest stable version of the upstream
.Bd -literal -offset indent
BUILD_LIBRARIES='libfoo libbar? libqux?'
The upstream website usually contains the needed information.
Guides such as Beyond Linux from Scratch and the packaging metadata for other
systems may contain useful information on how to port and patch the software.
is the upstream primary download directory without a trailing slash and should
download via a secure connection insofar possible.
is the
.Xr sha256sum 1
of the upstream release, which should be verified with other reputable packaging
It can be left as the wrong value, and the download will fail and mention which
hash it found instead.
is the build time library dependencies (space delimited with a
.Sq "?"
suffix for optional dependencies).
It can be left empty until known.
The dependencies can likely be found in the documentation, running
.Sq ./configure --help ,
or noticing what the software looks for while being built.
The above example defines a mandatory build time dependency on
.Sy libfoo
and optional build time dependencies on
.Sy libbar
.Sy libqux .
Mandatory dependencies need to be ported first.
is set here to a standard configure script.
can be set to the abbreviation of the software's license.
is set to
.Sy true
to switch the port into development mode, where the port's working directory has
writable files that can be patched during the build.
.Pa example.patch ,
.Pa example.execpatch ,
.Pa example.rmpatch
patch files are regenerated when the port builds successfully.
If the upstream release works out of the box without any patches, then the port
is already completed and the development mode can be skipped.
The port's working directory will never be deleted automatically when it is in
development mode.
variable must be removed before submitting the finished port.
.Ss Building
The port can be finished by repeatedly trying to build it and iteratively fixing
any issues that occur per
.Xr development 7 :
.Bd -literal -offset indent
cd /src
make clean-sysroot
make PACKAGES='example!'
environment variable builds only the mentioned ports and the
.Sq "!"
suffix includes the port's mandatory dependencies as well.
The top level makefile uses a sysroot when building the ports which can be used
to determine which dependencies are mandatory.
The mandatory ports can be found by starting with an empty list of build
libraries and a clean sysroot, and then trying to build the port and adding the
dependencies whose absense is causing the build to fail.
The higher level
.Xr tix-port 8
program manages the build by downloading the source code, patching it,
building the port, and installing the binary package.
The lower level
.Xr tix-build 8
program will abort with an interactive menu if the port fails to build.
See the section below for how to troubleshoot common situations.
The binary package
.Pa repository/$HOST/example.tix.tar.xz
is cached when built and the
.Pa repository/$HOST/example.version
file is used to rebuild the binary package when the version changes.
The files should be manually removed to force a rebuild when the port has been
modified while in the development mode.
.Bd -literal -offset indent
rm -f repository/*/example.tix.tar.xz # delete stale binary package
rm -f repository/*/example.version # optional
make clean-repository # or: remove all binary packages
The port's patch files are regenerated whenever the port builds successfully.
It's recommended to add them to a work-in-progress git commit when working to
keep track of the progress.
.Ss Finishing
The port can be finished by testing it thoroughly and reviewing the details.
Test the port works with all the optional dependencies:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
make clean-sysroot
make PACKAGES='example!!'
.Sq "!!"
suffix includes the port's optional dependencies as well.
Read all the configure and makefile output and look for anything where it looks
like a wrong conclusion was made or an optional dependency was not used.
Review the size of the binary package and whether it installs any large
unnecessary files:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
du -h repository/*/example.tix.tar.xz
tar -t -f repository/*/example.tix.tar.xz
Review the
.Pa .patch ,
.Pa .execpatch
.Pa .rmpatch
files (if any) and clean them up as needed by updating the port's source code
and forcing a rebuild to regenerate the patches.
Consider installing a cross-compiler for a second architecture and testing the
port works everywhere per
.Xr cross-development 7 .
Comments about the port should go in comments at the end of the .port file using
shell-style comments.
Non-trivial patches and aspects should be documented this way.
Finally remove the
variable and submit the port for review.
.Ss Upgrading ports
Ports can be upgraded by switching the port back in development mode with
a updated version number and checksum.
.Bd -literal -offset indent
make available-ports # Search for newly available versions of ports
make upgrade-ports PACKAGES=example # Update example port
make PACKAGES='example!!' # Find the new sha256sum
# Verify the new sha256sum is authentic.
make PACKAGES='example!!' # Any old patches may fail to apply.
find ports/example -name '*.rej' -o -name '*.orig'
make PACKAGES='example!!' # Regenerate patches on a successful build.
sed -E '/^DEVELOPMENT=true$/d' ports/example/example.port
make PACKAGES='example!!' # Final build and testing.
.Sy available-ports
top-level makefile target can be used to search for ports with newly available
versions, while
.Sy upgrade-ports
to the latest available version and switches the port into development mode.
environment variable can be set to a subset of ports to upgrade.
The build will fail and report the sha256sum observed upstream and the
variable must be manually updated once it has been verified as as authentic.
The old patch will be reapplied and the build will fail if any hunks could
not be applied.
In that case, the
.Pa .rej
files contains the rejected hunks and the merge conflicts need to be resolved.
Delete any
.Pa .rej
.Pa .orig
files afterwards and continue the build.
The patch files with be regenerated on a successful build as usual.
Finally perform the quality assurance and testing of new ports.
This section describes common situations and portability issues and how to
resolve them.
.Ss config.sub
.Pa config.sub
file parses the build/host/target triplet and is duplicated into all software
using autoconf.
If the port ships a version older than 2015-08-20, configure will fail to parse
the operating system:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
checking host system type... Invalid configuration `x86_64-sortix': system `sortix' not recognized
Fix the situation by adding an entry for the operating system to the
.Pa config.sub
file which is usually in the
.Pa build-aux
.Bd -literal -offset indent
| -aos* | -aros* | -cloudabi* | -sortix* \\
.Ss Configure
If the configure script fails, then autoconf configure scripts produce a
.Pa config.log
file which contain useful diagnostic information, such as which programs were
compiled to check for a particular feature and what happened when they were
compiled, linked, and executed.
This information can be used to locate the relevant logic in the configure
.Ss Non-verbose make
Some ports default to a non-verbose make mode that doesn't show the commands
being run.
Ports should show the commands invoked by make, which can done with an
environment variable assignment
.Ev V=1
which can be made permanent using
.Ss Patching
The build may fail or warn for various reasons which needs to be patched, or the
port may need extra support for the operating system.
The sources become writable once the port is in development mode and can simply
be edited to fix the problem.
The patch files are regenerated whenever the port builds successfully.
Non-trivial patches should contain a
.Dq "// PATCH:"
comment explaining why the patch had to be made and make it clear whether the
patch fixes a problem in the upstream release or is specific to the operating
Patches may be read by many people, including upstream developers, and the
context helps them understand if they want the patch too.
Ports should ideally continue to work on good operating systems after being
If the port uses an obsolete function, the port should be patched to
unconditionally use the modern replacement instead.
If the patch is specific to the operating system, the patch should be guarded
with the operating system preprocessor macro.
.Bd -literal -offset indent
// PATCH: Use foo instead because bar doesn't work yet.
#ifdef __sortix__
If the port tries to use a system header that might be added in the future and
it doesn't have a macro for whether it exists, then
.Sy __has_include
extension can be used:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
#if __has_include(<foo.h>)
#include <foo.h>
.Ss Configuration files
Configuration files in
.Pa /etc
belongs to the system administrator and must not be installed by ports, as local
changes will otherwise be undone whenever the port is upgraded.
Ports shipping default configuration files should instead install them in
.Pa /etc/default
and search this directory as a fallback if the system administrator has not made
their own file.
Example configuration files can be installed in
.Pa /etc/example .
.Ss Portability issues
The port might not be portable and requires patching.
Often the port uses a non-standard interface when a standard interface is
available and should be used instead.
Other times the operating system is missing functionality which should ideally
be implemented before proceeding with the port, or perhaps the absence can be
worked around.
Common portability problems and their resolution are documented in
.Xr portability 7 .
.Ss libtool .la files
Libraries using libtool may install
.Pa /lib/*.la
files which are unnecessary and contain absolute paths which cause
cross-compilation to fail.
Ports should never install such files and instead rely on
.Xr pkg-config 1
for locating dependencies.
.Xr tix-eradicate-libtool-la 1
program can be used to remove any installed
.Pa .la
files in the
as a post-install script:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
.Ss Post-install command
Ports may install files with an unconventional directory layout or may install
unnecessary large files.
Ideally the makefile should be patched to install correctly in the first place,
but if doing so is impractical, then a post-install command can be used to fix
up the installation in the
before the binary package is created.
An executable
script can be placed next to the
.Pa example.port
.Bd -literal -offset indent
The script must fail if any errors occur and protect against being accidentally
invoked without the appropriate environment variables being set.
.Bd -literal -offset indent
set -e
.Ss Splitting into multiple ports
Upstream releases might have multiple parts, such as a program that also comes
with a library, which should be split into multiple ports whenever reasonable.
The port whose name matches the upstream release should be the source package,
and the other ports can use the
variable to reuse its source code.
variable can be used to build inside a subdirectory, if the port has already
been logically organized.
variable can be used to pass options to configure to request the subset of
can be used to make a subset of the port.
.Ss Gnulib
Gnulib is a GNU portability layer that has three purposes:
.Bl -bullet -compact
Providing fallback implementations of missing standard library interfaces.
Replacing buggy implementations of standard library interfaces.
Sharing common utility functions between projects.
Unfortunately the replacement of standard library functionality is problematic:
.Bl -bullet -compact
The replacement implementations tend to be non-portable and one is supposed to
modify the source code to rely on private standard library details that may be
subject to change.
Gnulib is highly forked by design and adding support for new operating systems
needs to be done upstream and it may take years for the support to reach new
downstream releases.
Gnulib has assumed the worst in the past when cross-compiling, assuming unknown
operating systems are buggy, injecting a non-portable replacement that doesn't
compile, even when the standard library function is correct and could just have
been used.
Replacing standard library functions can hide bugs that would otherwise have
found and fixed.
Gnulib is not organized into the three categories and it's non-trivial to find
out whether any interface has been replaced that shouldn't have been.
There is no way to satisfy gnulib by correctly implementing the standard library
without contributing explicit support upstream for new systems and committing
to private implementation details.
Meanwhile the shared utility functions means gnulib is tightly integrated into
the software and cannot be disabled.
Consequently a lot of software using gnulib does not cross-compile to new
operating systems and the compilation fails asking for standard library
implementation details.
Gnulib can be effectively disabled by copying the autoconf cache environment
variables set at the top of the patched configure script in an existing port
with gnulib.
Each variable is used to say the standard library does not have a particular
Modern versions of gnulib has improved to assume the best when cross-compiling
but it may still be an obstacle for some ports.
.Ss Custom configure script
Configure scripts generated by autoconf are useful because they have a
consistent interface.
Ports with a hand-written configure script can fail if they fail to implement
the autoconf configure interface correctly.
The best solution is modify the configure script to implement the missing parts
of the interface.
Custom configure scripts sometimes fail to implement the
.Fl \-prefix
.Fl \-exec-prefix
options correctly, failing to discern between an unset option and the empty
value, which matters for the prefix where the default prefix
.Pa ( /usr/local )
is different from the empty prefix (the root directory).
Custom configure scripts sometimes fail to implement cross-compilation using the
.Fl \-build ,
.Fl \-host ,
.Fl \-target
options to locate the compiler and cross-compiler.
.Ss Makefile
Ports might not have a configure script and only a makefile:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
The build environment is communicated to the makefile using conventional
environment variables, however loose makefiles vary wildly and likely needs to
be patched to support the variables used by
.Xr tix-build 8 .
In some cases, it may be preferable to write a new makefile from scratch.
.Ss Running cross-compiled program
Ports may contain logic errors and attempt to execute a cross-compiled program
during the build, which fails because the program can't run on the current
If the program is supposed to check whether a feature works at runtime, then the
right solution is to simply assume it's correct when cross-compiling or to have
a suitable runtime fallback.
If the program is part of the compilation process, then it should be compiled
with the build machine's compiler instead, which can be located using the
environment variable instead of
.Ev CC
before falling back to a standard program.
Likewise each toolchain variable has a counterpart for the build machine instead
of the host machine, such as
.Ss pkg-config
Ports are supposed to locate locate dependencies for the host machine using
environment variable, and if unset, then using the
.Fl \-host
option to locate a cross-pkg-config, and finally falling back on invoking
.Xr pkg-config 1
directly .
Dependencies for the build machine should likewise be located using the
environment variable.
Ports failing to use this search order may fail to cross-compile as they
accidentally use dependencies from the build machine when cross-compiling to the
host machine.
The easiest fix is to use a shell parameter expansion:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
.Ss foo-config instead of pkg-config
Ports are supposed to use
.Xr pkg-config 1
as above for dependencies as it's a general solution with cross-compilation
support, but some ports install their own
.Pa foo-config
program in the
.Ev PATH .
These programs are inherently unable to support cross-compilation, as they
provide answers about the build machine, and the host machine's bin directory
cannot be executed on the current machine.
Ports installing
.Pa foo-config
programs must be patched to not install them.
.Xr pkg-config 1
configuration files should be installed instead.
Ports invoking
.Pa foo-config
programs, even as a fallback, must be patched to unconditionally use
.Xr pkg-config 1
.Ss Bootstrap
Ports may require the same version of the port to be installed on the build
machine when cross-compiling.
Such ports can cross-compiled with a bootstrap phase:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
This configuration builds the port in two phases, first building it for the
build machine and installing it into a temporary directory, which is in the
while the port is cross-compiled during the second phase.
The makefile install target must support the
environment variable as a secondary temporary prefix during the installation.
The makefile may need to be patched to inherit the variable from the environment
and to use it during the installation phase.
The build will erroneously attempt to install onto the root directory of the
build machine if the environment variable isn't respected.
.Ss make distclean
The upstream release is to supposed to be distclean, i.e. not contain any files
that are recreated during the compilation, and the distclean makefile target
is supposed to properly clean up.
If it isn't, then the patch may contain spurious hunks adding, removing, or
modifying generated files which may be large.
The makefile distclean target should be patched to delete any temporary files
produced during the build to avoid spurious files in the patch.
.Ss Dynamic linking
Dynamic linking is not currently implemented in the standard library and the
compiler toolchain does not support dynamic linking.
Ports with libraries should check whether the toolchain supports dynamic linking
and otherwise fall back on static linking.
Ports may be difficult if they use shared libraries for modules.
It may be possible to link the modules statically instead using a supported
mechanism or with additional patching.
If there is no simple solution, it may be possible to statically link the
modules and implement a fake dlopen that iterates a table of entry points for
each module.
.Ss Other problems
Portability issues are very varied and ports often don't properly implement the
conventional interface.
.Xr portability 7
lists common differences in the standard library.
.Xr port 5
documents the advanced features useful for certain situations.
Ports may fail at runtime instead of during compilation.
Resolving these issues can require troubleshooting, debugging, research, and
seeking help from the operating system developers and the upstream.
Missing operating system functionality may need to be implemented.
.Xr port 5 ,
.Xr development 7 ,
.Xr portability 7