Please note that all text insire quotes in the EBNF here is to be taken to mean bytes that would decode as that using either the ASCII or the UTF-8 character encoding. "\n" refers specifically to the byte 0x0a, and no alternative newlines are acceptable. The file has a header like: magic = "SSHWOT" ; version = "0" ; comment = " ", ? General comment about the file. Valid utf-8, no '\n'. ? ; header = magic, version, [comment], "\n" ; Examples of valid headers would be "SSHWOT0\n" and "SSHWOT0 Emma G. 2018\n". "SSHWOT0 \n" is not valid, since a space marks that there will be a comment. After the header the entries are laid out as: salt = ? base64 encoded salt, 44 bytes long ? ; hashed host = ? base64 encoded sha256(host concat salt), 44 bytes long ? ; fingerprint = ? base64 encoded sha256-fingerprint, 44 bytes long ? ; comment = " ", ? Comment about the host/key. Valid utf-8, no '\n'. ? ; entry = salt, hashed host, fingerprint, [comment], "\n" ; The version of base64 used uses + for 62 and / for 63, uses = for padding, and contains no breaks. Examples of valid entries are "Yixx+B6zrFoubPhBddgyx0nXHmbqMW1Wzneo4JqJv0U=yPUACFC/zPt/ENoIluOuWiTXor3r7oHhac63qej637E=QUJDREVGR0hJSktMTU5PUFFSU1RVVldYWVpbXF1eX2A=\n" and "bd/MfFs+DMVqNQQoZGGCvpTopeS0/Jt6GS5vg7J+638=cbbdTnuIh0ZwnM+/r3sAu4iHgaN3mpkcP9kJND4vBUo=YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f4A= The old one\n" Again, if there is a space following the necessary parts, there must also be a comment or else the entry is malformed. If port is not 22, the host is [domain]:port. This is in accordance with how OpenSSH stores it in .ssh/known_hosts. Internationalized domain names are punycoded and all domain names are converted into lower case. This differs from OpenSSH, which is not IDN-aware. Sha256 is used instead of a password hash since we want checking for whether a host is present to be reasonably fast.