import base64 def write_header(f, file_comment): """write_header(file(wb), str) Writes the header to the given file.""" assert type(file_comment) == str # b'SSHWOT' magic f.write(b'SSHWOT') # Version number f.write(b'0') # b' ' + file_comment, if there is one if len(file_comment) > 0: f.write(b' ') assert b'\n' not in file_comment f.write(file_comment) # End of header marked with b'\n' f.write(b'\n') def write_entry(f, salt, hashed_host, fingerprint, comment): """write_entry(file(wb), bytes[32], bytes[32], bytes[32], str) Writes an entry to the given file.""" assert type(salt) == bytes and len(salt) == 32 assert type(hashed_host) == bytes and len(hashed_host) == 32 assert type(fingerprint) == bytes and len(fingerprint) == 32 assert type(comment) == str # base64 encoded (44 bytes): salt f.write(base64.b64encode(salt)) # base64 encoded (44 bytes): hashed_host f.write(base64.b64encode(hashed_host)) # base64 encoded (44 bytes): fingerprint f.write(base64.b64encode(fingerprint)) # b' ' + comment, if there is one if len(comment) > 0: f.write(b' ') assert '\n' not in comment f.write(comment.encode('utf-8')) # End of entry marked with b'\n' f.write(b'\n') def write(f, entries, file_comment = ''): """write(file(wb), [Entry], str) Creates a file containing all of the entries""" assert type(file_comment) == str write_header(f, file_comment) for entry in entries: write_entry(f, entry.salt, entry.hashed_host, entry.fingerprint, entry.comment)