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from collections import namedtuple
import hashing
# Entry(bytes[32], bytes[32], bytes[32], bytes[0…2¹⁶-1])
Entry = namedtuple('Entry', ['salt', 'hashed_host', 'fingerprint', 'comment'])
class UnacceptableComment(Exception): pass
def normalize_host(domain, port):
"""normalize_host(str, u16) → bytes
Tranform a domain into the format in which it will be hashed"""
assert type(domain) == str
assert type(port) == int and 0 <= port <= (1<<16) - 1
# We want to have domain names reasonably normalized. This is why we
# convert all internationalized domain names to punycode and
# lowercase all domains.
# The reason the lowercasing happens after the punycoding is because
# that way we don't have to worry about Unicode case mapping: in
# case of IDN the IDNA codec handles that for us, and in case of an
# ASCII domain it passes through the IDNA unmodified
normalized_host = domain.encode('idna').lower()
# If the port is not :22, we store [host]:port instead
if port != 22:
normalized_host = b'[%s]:%i' % (normalized_host, port)
return normalized_host
def create_entry(domain, port, fingerprint, comment):
"""create_entry(str, u16, bytes[32], str) → Entry
Given unprocessed host, a binary fingerprint and a comment, creates
and entry describing it"""
assert type(domain) == str
assert type(port) == int and 0 <= port <= (1<<16) - 1
assert type(fingerprint) == bytes and len(fingerprint) == 32
assert type(comment) == str
# Normalize the host before hashing
normalized_host = normalize_host(domain, port)
# Hash the host and store the salt
salt, hashed_host = hashing.hash_host(normalized_host)
# Comment must not include newlines
if '\n' in comment:
raise UnacceptableComment('Comment contains newlines')
comment_encoded = comment.encode('utf-8')
# Comment may be at max 2¹⁶-1 bytes long
if len(comment_encoded) >= 1<<16:
raise UnacceptableComment('Comment length of %i bytes is too long' % len(comment_encoded))
return Entry(salt, hashed_host, fingerprint, comment_encoded)