import sys import os.path floppy_bytes = 1440 * 1024 sector_bytes = 512 dirent_bytes = 32 floppy = bytearray() def extend_padded(buffer, alignment, data): padding_len = (alignment - len(data)) % alignment buffer.extend(data) buffer.extend(bytes(padding_len)) if len(sys.argv) < 3: print(f'Usage: {sys.argv[0]} disk.img bootsector.bin files…', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) output_path = sys.argv[1] bootsector_path = sys.argv[2] files_paths = sys.argv[3:] with open(bootsector_path, 'rb') as f: bootsector = assert len(bootsector) == sector_bytes floppy.extend(bootsector) files = [] directory = bytearray() for file_path in files_paths: with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: file_contents = assert len(file_contents) <= 128 * sector_bytes # 128 sector files files.append(file_contents) # dirent: # 2 bytes size in 512B sectors, 0 for end of listing # 30 bytes null-terminated name sectors = (len(file_contents) + sector_bytes - 1) // sector_bytes file_name = os.path.basename(file_path).encode() + b'\0' assert len(file_name) <= 30 dirent = bytes([sectors & 0xff, sectors >> 8]) + file_name extend_padded(directory, dirent_bytes, dirent) # Add a zero dirent to mark the end of the directory # (and the start of the consulate) directory.extend(bytes(dirent_bytes)) assert len(directory) <= sector_bytes extend_padded(floppy, sector_bytes, directory) for file_contents in files: extend_padded(floppy, sector_bytes, file_contents) assert len(floppy) <= floppy_bytes output = bytearray() extend_padded(output, floppy_bytes, floppy) with open(output_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(output)