Fork 0

Finish writing fileify, remove printch and readch since those have not proven useful, merge the code in byte2hex to keycode, and rename printnl back to newline because it was easy to confuse with println.

This commit is contained in:
CrazyEttin 2021-06-16 22:00:45 +03:00
parent a62a87970a
commit 45a11e601f
9 changed files with 89 additions and 128 deletions

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
;Converts a byte in AL to a hex string at DI.
;Store the initial registers in the stack
push si
push ax
push bx
push cx
;Move the byte to AH
mov ah, al
;Set a key for the hex digits
mov si, .key
;Set a counter for the two hex digits
mov cx, 0x2
;Read a nibble
rol ax, 0x1
rol ax, 0x1
rol ax, 0x1
rol ax, 0x1
mov bx, ax
;Convert the nibble to a hex digit
and bx, 0xf
mov bl, [si + bx]
;Store the hex digit
mov [di], bl
inc di
dec cx
jnz .loop
;Load the initial registers from the stack
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop si
.key db "0123456789abcdef"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
;Reads a string, checks if it is a valid 8.3 file name, converts it into FAT formatting, and prints it.
;To do: change the .test call to work with flags instead of direct jumps.
;Read a string
@ -23,39 +21,42 @@ sub di, 0xb
mov bl, 0x8
;Load a character
;Check for a period
cmp al, 0x2e
je .initext
call .test
;Check for everything else and convert to upper case
call .checkconv
jmp .nameloop
;Set DI and initialise the counter for the extension
;Set DI and initialise the length counter for the extension
mov bl, 0x3
mov di, .file+0x8
call .test
;Load a character
;Check for a period
push ax
cmp al, 0x2e
je .error
pop ax
;Check for everything else and convert to upper case
call .checkconv
jmp .extloop
pop ax
mov si, .errormsg
call println
jmp .done
mov si, .name
call printstr
mov si, .extension
call printstr
mov al, 0x7c
call printch
call printnl
pop ax
mov si, .file
call println
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ ret
.errormsg db "Invalid file name", 0x0
;Check for the string end
cmp al, 0x0
@ -103,13 +104,13 @@ je .error
;Find and convert lower case letters to upper case
;Check for lower case
cmp al, 0x61
jl .conttest
jl .storech
cmp al, 0x7a
jg .conttest
jg .storech
;Convert lower to upper case
sub al, 0x20
;Store the character

View File

@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ call printstr
;Convert the scancode to a hex string
mov al, [.scan]
mov di, .keycode
call byte2hex
call .byte2hex
;Convert the ascii value to a hex string
mov al, [.ascii]
mov di, .keycode
add di, 0x2
call byte2hex
call .byte2hex
;Print the keycode
mov si, .keycode
@ -37,3 +37,51 @@ ret
.ascii db 0x0
.keycode times 0x5 db 0x0
;Store the initial registers in the stack
push si
push ax
push bx
push cx
;Move the byte to AH
mov ah, al
;Set a key for the hex digits
mov si, .key
;Set a counter for the two hex digits
mov cx, 0x2
;Read a nibble
rol ax, 0x1
rol ax, 0x1
rol ax, 0x1
rol ax, 0x1
mov bx, ax
;Convert the nibble to a hex digit
and bx, 0xf
mov bl, [si + bx]
;Store the hex digit
mov [di], bl
inc di
dec cx
jnz .loop
;Load the initial registers from the stack
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop si
.key db "0123456789abcdef"

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
;Prints a newline
;Store the initial registers in the stack
push si
;Print the newline
mov si, .nl
mov si, .newline
call printstr
;Load the initial registers from the stack
@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ pop si
.nl db 0xd, 0xa, 0x0
.newline db 0xd, 0xa, 0x0

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
;Prints a character from AL
mov ah, 0xe
int 0x10

View File

@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ println:
call printstr
;Print a newline
call printnl
call newline

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
;Reads a character to AL
;Store the initial registers
push bx
push ax
;Read a keypress
mov ah, 0x0
int 0x16
;Check for non-printing characters
cmp al, 0x1f
jle readch
cmp al, 0x7f
je readch
;Print the character
mov ah, 0xe
int 0x10
;Load the initial registers
pop bx
mov ah, bh
pop bx

View File

@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ readln:
call readstr
;Print a newline
call printnl
call newline

View File

@ -4,19 +4,16 @@ ORG 0x500
jmp start
%include "BYTE2HEX.INC"
%include "CMPSTR.INC"
%include "PRINTNL.INC"
%include "PRINTCH.INC"
%include "PRINTSTR.INC"
%include "PRINTLN.INC"
%include "READCH.INC"
%include "READSTR.INC"
%include "NEWLINE.INC"
%include "PRINTLN.INC"
%include "READLN.INC"
%include "ECHO.INC"
;%include "FILEIFY.INC"
%include "FILEIFY.INC"
%include "HELLO.INC"
%include "HELP.INC"
%include "KEYCODE.INC"
@ -59,20 +56,20 @@ je loop
mov si, buffer
mov di, cmd.echo
call cmpstr
;jnc .fileify
jnc .hello
jnc .fileify
;jnc .hello
call echo
jmp loop
;mov si, buffer
;mov di, cmd.fileify
;call cmpstr
;jnc .hello
;call fileify
;jmp loop
mov si, buffer
mov di, cmd.fileify
call cmpstr
jnc .hello
call fileify
jmp loop
mov si, buffer