#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LENGTH_DIGITS 3 #define DEFAULT_PORT "6667" #define RECV_BUF_SIZE 1024 /* * 01 BUFFER * 03 MSG-LENGTH PIC 9(LENGTH_DIGITS) * 03 MSG-BODY PIC X(x) */ #define BODY(buf) (char *)(buf + LENGTH_DIGITS) // 01 CHANNEL-STATUS PIC 9(2) #define EBADDEST 10 #define EOPENFAIL 20 #define EHUP 30 #define ESERV 40 char *msg_length, *msg_body, *channel_status; int msg_body_len; int sockfd; char recv_buf[RECV_BUF_SIZE]; size_t recv_buf_pos = 0; int channel_message_length(void) { char c_length[LENGTH_DIGITS + 1]; memcpy(c_length, msg_length, LENGTH_DIGITS); c_length[LENGTH_DIGITS] = '\0'; return (int)strtol(c_length, NULL, 10) - 1; } void channel_set_status(int value) { char buf[9]; sprintf(buf, "%8u", value); memcpy(channel_status, buf + 6, 2); return; } void channel_from_cobol(void) { int message_length = channel_message_length(); memset(msg_body + message_length, 0, msg_body_len - message_length); return; } void channel_to_cobol(void) { char *c; for(c = msg_body; *c; c++); *c = toupper(*c); } memset(c, ' ', msg_body_len - strlen(msg_body)); return; } void channel_string_to_cobol(const char *s) { strncpy(msg_body, s, msg_body_len - 2); msg_body[msg_body_len - 1] = '\0'; channel_to_cobol(); return; } /* * MOVE LENGTH OF MSG-BODY OF BUFFER TO MSG-LENGTH OF BUFFER. * CALL "CHANNEL-INIT" USING BUFFER, STATE. */ void CHANNEL__INIT(char *buffer, char *state) { msg_length = buffer; msg_body = BODY(buffer); msg_body_len = channel_message_length(); channel_status = state; return; } /* * STRING "HOST[:PORT]" * INTO MSG-BODY * WITH POINTER MSG-LENGTH. * CALL "CHANNEL-OPEN". * * Sets channel_status */ void CHANNEL__OPEN(void) { channel_from_cobol(); if(!strlen(msg_body)) { channel_string_to_cobol("No host specified"); channel_set_status(EBADDEST); return; } char *port = strchr(msg_body, ':'); if(port) { *port = '\0'; port++; if(!strlen(port)) { channel_string_to_cobol("Port separator specified, but not port"); channel_set_status(EBADDEST); return; } } else { port = DEFAULT_PORT; } struct addrinfo hints, *res; int status; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG; if((status = getaddrinfo(msg_body, port, &hints, &res))) { channel_string_to_cobol(gai_strerror(status)); channel_set_status(EBADDEST); return; } struct addrinfo *curr_addr; for(curr_addr = res; curr_addr; curr_addr = curr_addr->ai_next) { sockfd = socket(curr_addr->ai_family, curr_addr->ai_socktype, curr_addr->ai_protocol); if(sockfd == -1) { perror("socket"); continue; } if(connect(sockfd, curr_addr->ai_addr, curr_addr->ai_addrlen) == -1) { perror("connect"); close(sockfd); continue; } break; } if(!curr_addr) { channel_string_to_cobol("Unable to connect to host"); channel_set_status(EOPENFAIL); return; } channel_set_status(0); return; } // Sets channel_status void CHANNEL__SEND(void) { char *msg; int sent, total; channel_from_cobol(); sent = 0; total = strlen(msg_body); msg_body[total++] = '\n'; while(sent < total) { int status = send(sockfd, msg_body + sent, total - sent, 0); if(status == -1) { perror("send"); close(sockfd); channel_string_to_cobol("Hung up"); set_channel_status(EHUP); return; } sent += status; } set_channel_status(0); return; } // Sets channel_status void CHANNEL__RECV(void) { char *message_end; get_buffered: message_end = memchr(recv_buf, '\n', recv_buf_pos); if(message_end) { size_t message_size = message_end - recv_buf; if (message_size > msg_body_len) { channel_string_to_cobol("Server sent too-long message"); set_channel_status(ESERV); return; } memcpy(msg_body, recv_buf, message_size); msg_body[message_size - 1] = '\0'; recv_buf_pos -= message_size + 1; message_end++; for(size_t i = 0; i < recv_buf_pos; i++) { recv_buf[i] = message_end[i]; } channel_to_cobol(); set_channel_status(0); return; } if(recv_buf_pos < RECV_BUF_SIZE - 1) { ssize_t received = recv(sockfd, recv_buf + recv_buf_pos, RECV_BUF_SIZE - recv_buf_pos, 0); if(received != -1) { recv_buf_pos += received; goto get_buffered; } perror("recv"); channel_string_to_cobol("Hung up"); set_channel_status(EHUP); return; } channel_string_to_cobol("Server failed to send newline"); set_channel_status(ESERV); return; } void CHANNEL__CLOSE(void) { close(sockfd); return; }