generalize getline and putstr to fgetline and fputstr

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darkf 2013-10-23 20:01:48 -07:00
parent 30aaf4ed80
commit 1702ee554a
1 changed files with 19 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -81,20 +81,25 @@ l >$ r = error $ "cannot > " ++ show l ++ " and " ++ show r
l ==$ r = BoolV (l == r)
l !=$ r = BoolV (l /= r)
_putstr (StrV str) = do
-- some built-in functions
_fputstr (TupleV [StreamV h, StrV str]) = do
(handles,_) <- get
let stdout_s = head handles
io <- lift $ hPutStr stdout_s str >> hFlush stdout_s
let handle = handles !! h
io <- lift $ hPutStr handle str >> hFlush handle
return UnitV
_print v = _putstr $ StrV $ show v ++ "\n"
_getline UnitV = do
_fgetline (StreamV h) = do
(handles,_) <- get
let stdin_s = handles !! 1
str <- lift $ hGetLine stdin_s
let handle = handles !! h
str <- lift $ hGetLine handle
return $ StrV str
_putstr str@(StrV _) = _fputstr $ TupleV [StreamV 0, str]
_getline UnitV = _fgetline (StreamV 1)
_print v = _putstr $ StrV $ show v ++ "\n"
_itos (IntV i) = return $ StrV $ show i
_itos v = error $ "itos: not an int: " ++ show v
@ -109,11 +114,14 @@ initialState = ([stdout, stdin],
[M.fromList [("id", FnV emptyEnv [(VarP "x", Var "x")]),
("loop", Builtin $ BIF _loop),
("stdout", StreamV 0),
("stdin", StreamV 1),
("print", Builtin $ BIF _print),
("putstr", Builtin $ BIF _putstr),
("putstrln", Builtin $ BIF (\x -> _putstr $ x +$ StrV "\n")),
("print", Builtin $ BIF _print),
("itos", Builtin $ BIF _itos),
("getline", Builtin $ BIF _getline)]])
("getline", Builtin $ BIF _getline),
("fgetline", Builtin $ BIF _fgetline),
("fputstr", Builtin $ BIF _fputstr),
("itos", Builtin $ BIF _itos)]])
eval :: AST -> InterpState Value