The Story of Beginning

In the beginning there was chaos. Two gods came across it and could not decide what they should do with the chaos. One wanted to form order out of it but the other wanted to get rid of the chaos and start afresh from emptiness. They agreed to wrestle to settle the issue. They wrestled for a while, and the one favoring order won.

The other god agreed that they should therefore make order out of the chaos, and they got to work. However, the disagreement had created a crack in their relationship and they often bickered about the direction to take. In the end, the two gods agreed that each would get one side of the world to work on: The one favoring making order from chaos got the light side, and was known as Omunnod which means 'the greatest light'. And the one favoring going first to nothing got the dark side, and was known as Emelled 'the greatest darkness'.

From that day onward the two gods still continue their work, but each staying out of the other's area. We are a creation of Omunnod, and so we too ought to stay away when the darkness of Emelled comes.