Allow also loading EttinOS with the bootloader

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Juhani Krekelä 2021-07-04 20:49:15 +03:00
parent b17a416bc6
commit 1c61708c85
1 changed files with 82 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -134,19 +134,34 @@ search_root:
jmp .entry jmp .entry
.isfile: .isfile:
mov cx, 11 .nor86:
mov bx, kernel_name cmp word [si + 8], 'KR'
jne .ettinos
cmp byte [si + 10], 'N'
jne .ettinos
.compare: mov ax, [si + 26] ; First cluster
lodsb mov [kernel_cluster], ax
cmp al, [bx]
jne .nomatch
inc bx
loop .compare
jmp found jmp .skipentry
.nomatch: .ettinos:
mov cx, 11
mov bx, ettinos_kernel_name
cmp al, [bx]
jne .nextentry
inc bx
loop .compare
; SI points to 11 bytes after the start of the
; entry, so adjust offset
mov ax, [si - 11 + 26] ; First cluster
mov [ettinos_kernel_cluster], ax
; Each entry is 32 bytes long ; Each entry is 32 bytes long
; During each iteration of the compare loop, si is ; During each iteration of the compare loop, si is
; incremented and cx is decremented ; incremented and cx is decremented
@ -160,14 +175,47 @@ search_root:
.end: .end:
mov bx, [kernel_cluster]
mov cx, [ettinos_kernel_cluster]
test bx, bx
jz .no_nor86
test cx, cx
jz found
mov si, choose_msg
test al, al
jz .end
mov ah, 0xe
int 0x10
jmp .loop
xor ax, ax
int 0x16
cmp ah, 0x12 ; E-key
je found_cx
jmp found
test cx, cx
jnz found_cx
notfound: notfound:
mov si, notfound_msg mov si, notfound_msg
jmp fatal_error jmp fatal_error
mov bx, cx
found: found:
; SI points to 11 bytes after the start of the entry, so adjust all mov ax, bx
; offsets
mov ax, [si - 11 + 26] ; First cluster
push ax push ax
; Load OS at the start of the memory ; Load OS at the start of the memory
@ -178,7 +226,8 @@ found:
.tosector: .tosector:
; Adjust the cluster number to account for first two ; Adjust the cluster number to account for first two
; "clusters" in the FAT being used for metadata ; "clusters" in the FAT being used for metadata
sub ax, 2 dec ax
dec ax
; Scale by number of sectors per cluster ; Scale by number of sectors per cluster
xor bx, bx xor bx, bx
@ -217,11 +266,7 @@ found:
; ^ where we start reading on odd cluster numbers ; ^ where we start reading on odd cluster numbers
; ^^^^^ loading word: 0xXYZA ; ^^^^^ loading word: 0xXYZA
test ax, 1 test ax, 1
jnz .odd jz .even
and dx, 0x0fff
jmp .check_cluster
.odd: .odd:
shr dx, 1 shr dx, 1
@ -229,6 +274,9 @@ found:
shr dx, 1 shr dx, 1
shr dx, 1 shr dx, 1
and dx, 0x0fff
.check_cluster: .check_cluster:
mov ax, dx mov ax, dx
@ -245,14 +293,12 @@ execute_kernel:
jmp 0:0x500 jmp 0:0x500
; Note: bx will point to after the read data ; Note: bx will point to after the read data
; Note: ax, cx, and di will be clobbered
loadsectors: loadsectors:
push ax
push cx
push dx push dx
push di
.loop: .loop:
mov di, 3 ; Retry thrice mov di, 3 + 1 ; Retry thrice, + 1 is since we dec first
.retry: .retry:
@ -283,17 +329,15 @@ loadsectors:
; cylinder (track) ; cylinder (track)
mov ch, al mov ch, al
shr ax, 1 ;shr ax, 1
shr ax, 1 ;shr ax, 1
and al, 0xC0 ;and al, 0xC0
or cl, al ;or cl, al
mov ah, 2 mov ax, 0x0201
mov al, 1
mov dl, [drivenumber] mov dl, [drivenumber]
int 0x13 int 0x13
; TODO: Handle reset & retry
jc .error jc .error
pop cx pop cx
@ -304,18 +348,14 @@ loadsectors:
loop .loop loop .loop
pop di
pop dx pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
ret ret
.error: .error:
; Do we still have retries remaining? ; Do we still have retries remaining?
mov si, diskerror_msg mov si, diskerror_msg
test di, di
jz fatal_error ; No, fail
dec di dec di
jz fatal_error ; No, fail
; Yes, reset disk ; Yes, reset disk
xor ah, ah xor ah, ah
@ -339,10 +379,14 @@ hang:
jmp hang jmp hang
kernel_name: db "NOR86 KRN" kernel_cluster dw 0
ettinos_kernel_cluster dw 0
notfound_msg: db "Kernel not found", 0 ettinos_kernel_name db "SYSTEM BIN"
diskerror_msg: db "Disk error", 0
notfound_msg db "No kernel", 0
diskerror_msg db "Disk error", 0
choose_msg db "(E)ttinOS/Nor86?", 0
times 510-($-$$) db 0 times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 0x55, 0xaa db 0x55, 0xaa