Have logger as its own thread

This commit is contained in:
Juhani Haverinen 2017-09-05 14:11:15 +03:00
parent abb579bc88
commit 164cede500

View file

@ -11,6 +11,46 @@ import line_handling
Server = namedtuple('Server', ['host', 'port', 'nick', 'realname', 'channels'])
class LoggerThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, logging_channel, dead_notify_channel):
self.logging_channel = logging_channel
self.dead_notify_channel = dead_notify_channel
def run(self):
while True:
message_type, *message_data = self.logging_channel.recv()
# Lines that were sent between server and client
if message_type == logmessage_types.sent:
assert len(message_data) == 1
print('>' + message_data[0])
elif message_type == logmessage_types.received:
assert len(message_data) == 1
print('<' + message_data[0])
# Messages that are from internal components
elif message_type == logmessage_types.internal:
if message_data[0] == internal_submessage_types.quit:
assert len(message_data) == 1
print('--- Quit')
# TODO: don't quit, restart
elif message_data[0] == internal_submessage_types.error:
assert len(message_data) == 2
print('--- Error', message_data[1])
print('--- ???', message_data)
print('???', message_type, message_data)
# API(serverthread_object)
# Create a new API object corresponding to given ServerThread object
class API:
@ -162,46 +202,36 @@ class ServerThread(threading.Thread):
# Tell controller we're quiting
self.logging_channel.send((logmessage_types.internal, internal_submessage_types.quit))
# spawn_serverthread(server) → control_channel, logging_channel
# Creates a ServerThread for given server and returns the channels for controlling and monitoring it
def spawn_serverthread(server):
# spawn_serverthread(server, logging_channel) → control_channel
# Creates a ServerThread for given server and returns the channel for controlling it
def spawn_serverthread(server, logging_channel):
thread_control_socket, spawner_control_socket = socket.socketpair()
control_channel = channel.Channel()
logging_channel = channel.Channel()
ServerThread(server, control_channel, logging_channel).start()
return (control_channel, logging_channel)
return control_channel
# spawn_loggerthread() → logging_channel, dead_notify_channel
# Spawn logger thread and returns the channel it logs and the channel it uses to notify about quiting
def spawn_loggerthread():
logging_channel = channel.Channel()
dead_notify_channel = channel.Channel()
LoggerThread(logging_channel, dead_notify_channel).start()
return logging_channel, dead_notify_channel
if __name__ == '__main__':
server = Server(host = 'irc.freenode.net', port = 6667, nick = 'HynneFlip', realname = 'HynneFlip IRC bot', channels = ['##ingsoc'])
control_channel, logging_channel = spawn_serverthread(server)
logging_channel, dead_notify_channel = spawn_loggerthread()
control_channel = spawn_serverthread(server, logging_channel)
while True:
cmd = input(': ')
if cmd == '':
while True:
data = logging_channel.recv(blocking = False)
if data == None:
message_type, *message_data = data
if message_type == logmessage_types.sent:
assert len(message_data) == 1
print('>' + message_data[0])
elif message_type == logmessage_types.received:
assert len(message_data) == 1
print('<' + message_data[0])
elif message_type == logmessage_types.internal:
if message_data[0] == internal_submessage_types.quit:
assert len(message_data) == 1
print('--- Quit')
elif message_data[0] == internal_submessage_types.error:
assert len(message_data) == 2
print('--- Error', message_data[1])
print('--- ???', message_data)
print('???', message_type, message_data)
message = dead_notify_channel.recv(blocking = False)
if message is not None:
if message[0] == controlmessage_types.quit:
elif cmd == 'q':
cmd = input('')
if cmd == 'q':