Fork 0

Remove cards from removed deck, add !origins

This commit is contained in:
Juhani Krekelä 2019-05-06 19:37:29 +03:00
parent 6113dae84c
commit 9bdc8fdf8c
2 changed files with 100 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -256,6 +256,10 @@ def parse_command(message, nick, irc):
if args(0) is not None:
send_event((events.cards, nick))
elif c == '!origins':
if args(0) is not None:
send_event((events.origins, nick))
elif c == '!help':
arg = args([0, 1, 2])
if arg is not None:
@ -264,10 +268,10 @@ def parse_command(message, nick, irc):
arg[0] = arg[0][1:]
if len(arg) == 0:
send('!status !start !ready !unready !kill !join !leave !players !deck !limit !card !cards')
send('!status !start !ready !unready !kill !join !leave !players !deck !limit !card !cards !origins')
elif len(arg) == 1:
if arg[0] in ('status', 'ready', 'unready', 'kill', 'join', 'leave', 'players', 'cards'):
if arg[0] in ('status', 'ready', 'unready', 'kill', 'join', 'leave', 'players', 'cards', 'origins'):
send('Usage: !%s' % (arg[0]))
elif arg[0] == 'start':
send('Usage: !start [preset]')

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import cardcast_api
# TODO: keep track of where cards come from purge from hand when deck remove
class events(enum.Enum):
quit, nick_change, status, start, ready, unready, kill, join, leave, players, deck_add, deck_add_random, deck_remove, deck_list, limit, card, cards = range(17)
quit, nick_change, status, start, ready, unready, kill, join, leave, players, deck_add, deck_add_random, deck_remove, deck_list, limit, card, cards, origins = range(18)
class limit_types(enum.Enum):
points, rounds = range(2)
@ -134,7 +134,16 @@ def game(send, notice, voice, devoice, get_event):
return code
def remove_deck(code):
nonlocal decks
nonlocal players, decks, round_call_card
# Purge all the cards from the deck from the game
for player in players.values():
for index, card in enumerate(player.hand):
if card is not None and card.deck.code == code:
player.hand[index] = None
if round_call_card is not None and round_call_card.deck.code == code:
round_call_card = None
del decks[code]
@ -181,6 +190,17 @@ def game(send, notice, voice, devoice, get_event):
send('That was weird, got %s randomly but it was already added' % code)
errwrapper('Failure adding deck: %s (%%s)' % code, add_deck, code)
def get_hand_origins(player):
hand_origins = []
for card in player.hand:
if card is None:
return ', '.join('%i: %s' % (index, i) for index, i in enumerate(hand_origins))
def common_handler(event, args):
nonlocal players, decks, limit
@ -245,6 +265,14 @@ def game(send, notice, voice, devoice, get_event):
limit_type = {limit_types.rounds: 'rounds', limit_types.points: 'points'}[limit.type]
send('Limit set to %i %s' % (limit.number, limit_type))
elif event == events.origins:
nick, = args
if nick in players:
origins = get_hand_origins(players[nick])
if origins != '':
notice(nick, origins)
elif event == events.card or event == events.cards:
# Ignore selecting and listing cards if it's not available
@ -613,6 +641,38 @@ def game(send, notice, voice, devoice, get_event):
notice(nick, 'You can\'t choose now')
elif event == events.origins:
nick, = args
if nick not in players:
notice(nick, 'call: %s' % round_call_card.deck.code)
notice(nick, 'call: %s, %s' % (round_call_card.deck.code, get_hand_origins(players[nick])))
elif event == events.deck_remove:
common_handler(event, args)
# Did we lose our call card?
if round_call_card is None:
# Yes, restart round
return setup_round
# Did it remove a card from someone voting this round?
for player in choosers:
if None in player.hand:
# Yes, restart round
return setup_round
for player in card_choices:
# We are checking all cards here, not
# just the ones chosen. This is because
# a player may change their selection,
# in which case we might hit a None
if None in player.hand:
# Yes, restart round
return setup_round
r = common_handler(event, args)
if r is not None: return r
@ -676,6 +736,35 @@ def game(send, notice, voice, devoice, get_event):
notice(nick, '%i not in range' % choice)
elif event == events.origins:
nick, = args
if nick not in players:
notice(nick, 'call: %s' % round_call_card.deck.code)
answers_origins = []
for index, player in enumerate(choosers):
answer_origins = [player.hand[i].deck.code for i in card_choices[player]]
answers_origins.append('%i: %s' % (index, ', '.join(answer_origins)))
notice(nick, 'call: %s; %s' % (round_call_card.deck.code, '; '.join(answers_origins)))
elif event == events.deck_remove:
common_handler(event, args)
# Did we lose our call card?
if round_call_card is None:
# Yes, restart round
return setup_round
# Did it affect any response cards on this round?
for player in card_choices:
for index in card_choices[player]:
if player.hand[index] is None:
# Yes, restart round
return setup_round
r = common_handler(event, args)
if r is not None: return r
@ -801,6 +890,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
elif t == 'cards':
nick = input('nick> ')
return (events.cards, nick)
elif t == 'origins':
nick = input('nick> ')
return (events.origins, nick)