move Handles from state to values

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darkf 2014-02-12 01:33:50 -08:00
parent 13b1671662
commit d180116931
1 changed files with 43 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ instance Ord BIF where compare a b = if a == b then EQ else LT
data Value = IntV Integer
| StrV String
| BoolV Bool
| StreamV Int
| StreamV Handle
| TupleV [Value]
| ListV [Value]
| DictV (M.Map Value Value)
@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ instance Ord Value where
compare (BoolV a) (BoolV b) = compare a b
compare (TupleV a) (TupleV b) = compare a b
compare (ListV a) (ListV b) = compare a b
compare (StreamV a) (StreamV b) = compare a b
compare (StreamV a) (StreamV b) = if a == b then EQ else LT
compare (Builtin a) (Builtin b) = compare a b
compare (FnV a b) (FnV x y) = if a == x && b == y then EQ else LT
compare (DictV a) (DictV b) = compare a b
compare _ _ = error "compare: not valid"
type Env = [M.Map String Value] -- lexical environment (linked list)
type InterpState = StateT ([Handle], Env) IO -- interpreter state (open handles, global env)
type InterpState = StateT Env IO -- interpreter state (open handles, global env)
emptyEnv = [M.empty]
unitv = TupleV []
@ -111,69 +111,52 @@ fromDict m =
-- some built-in functions
_fputbytes (TupleV [StreamV h, StrV str]) = do
(handles,_) <- get
let handle = handles !! h
_fputbytes (TupleV [StreamV handle, StrV str]) = do
io <- liftIO $ hPutStr handle str
return unitv
_fputstr (TupleV [StreamV h, StrV str]) = do
(handles,_) <- get
let handle = handles !! h
_fputstr (TupleV [StreamV handle, StrV str]) = do
io <- liftIO $ hPutStr handle str
return unitv
_fgetline (StreamV h) = do
(handles,_) <- get
let handle = handles !! h
_fgetline (StreamV handle) = do
str <- liftIO $ hGetLine handle
if last str == '\r' then -- remove trailing CR
return . StrV $ init str
else return $ StrV str
_freadbytes (TupleV [StreamV h, IntV n]) = do
(handles,_) <- get
let handle = handles !! h
_freadbytes (TupleV [StreamV handle, IntV n]) = do
str <- liftIO $ BSC.hGet handle (fromIntegral n :: Int)
return . StrV $ BSC.unpack str
_fopen (TupleV [StrV path, StrV mode]) = do
(handles,env) <- get
let mode' = case mode of
"r" -> ReadMode
"w" -> WriteMode
"rw" -> ReadWriteMode
handle <- liftIO $ openBinaryFile path mode'
put (handles ++ [handle], env)
return . StreamV $ length handles
return $ StreamV handle
_feof (StreamV h) = do
(handles,_) <- get
let handle = handles !! h
_feof (StreamV handle) = do
isEof <- liftIO $ hIsEOF handle
return $ BoolV isEof
_fclose handle@(StreamV h) = do
(handles,_) <- get
let handle = handles !! h
_fclose (StreamV handle) = do
liftIO $ hClose handle
return unitv
_sockopen (TupleV [StrV host, IntV port]) = do
(handles,env) <- get
handle <- liftIO $ SO.withSocketsDo $ do
liftIO $ SO.withSocketsDo $ do
addr:_ <- SO.getAddrInfo Nothing (Just host) (Just $ show port)
sock <- SO.socket (SO.addrFamily addr) SO.Stream SO.defaultProtocol
SO.connect sock (SO.addrAddress addr)
handle <- SO.socketToHandle sock ReadWriteMode
hSetBuffering handle NoBuffering
return handle
put (handles ++ [handle], env)
return . StreamV $ length handles
return $ StreamV handle
_putstr str@(StrV _) = _fputstr $ TupleV [StreamV 0, str]
_putbytes str@(StrV _) = _fputbytes $ TupleV [StreamV 0, str]
_getline (TupleV []) = _fgetline (StreamV 1)
_putstr str@(StrV _) = _fputstr $ TupleV [StreamV stdout, str]
_putbytes str@(StrV _) = _fputbytes $ TupleV [StreamV stdout, str]
_getline (TupleV []) = _fgetline (StreamV stdin)
_print v = _putbytes $ StrV $ show v ++ "\n"
_repr v = return . StrV $ show v
@ -190,7 +173,7 @@ _loop args@(TupleV [fn@(FnV _ _), arg]) = do
_eval (TupleV [StrV code, DictV env]) = do
let trySome :: IO a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
trySome = try
state = ([stdout, stdin], [fromDict env])
state = [fromDict env]
ret <- liftIO. trySome $ evalStateT (evalString code) state
case ret of
Left err -> return $ TupleV [StrV "err", StrV (show err)]
@ -203,29 +186,29 @@ _eval _ = error "eval: invalid args (want code and environment)"
-- returns a dictionary of a new environment with only the standard
-- default-imported functions
_newStdEnv (TupleV []) = do
let (_,[stdEnv]) = initialState
let [stdEnv] = initialState
return $ toDict stdEnv
_globals (TupleV []) = do
(_, env) <- get
env <- get
return $ toDict (last env)
_locals (TupleV []) = do
(_, locals:_) <- get
locals:_ <- get
return $ toDict locals
-- import a module name as a module
_Import (StrV modname) = do
(h,env) <- get -- save current state
env <- get -- save current state
put initialState
(path,modname) <- liftIO $ findModule modname -- find the module file
evalFile path -- evaluate the module file
(_,[modenv]) <- get -- get the module env
let (_, [initialEnv]) = initialState
[modenv] <- get -- get the module env
let [initialEnv] = initialState
let modenv' = M.difference modenv initialEnv -- subtract prelude stuff
let mod = toDict modenv'
let env' = bind env modname mod -- bind it
put (h,env') -- restore state
put env' -- restore state
return mod -- return module value
@ -241,12 +224,11 @@ _Import (StrV modname) = do
if exists then return (path, takeBaseName path)
else findModuleIn xs
initialState = ([stdout, stdin],
[M.fromList [("id", FnV emptyEnv [(VarP "x", Var "x")]),
initialState = ( [M.fromList [("id", FnV emptyEnv [(VarP "x", Var "x")]),
("loop", Builtin $ BIF _loop),
("repr", Builtin $ BIF _repr),
("stdout", StreamV 0),
("stdin", StreamV 1),
("stdout", StreamV stdout),
("stdin", StreamV stdin),
("print", Builtin $ BIF _print),
("putstr", Builtin $ BIF _putstr),
("putstrln", Builtin $ BIF (\x -> _putstr $ x +$ StrV "\n")),
@ -291,35 +273,35 @@ eval (IfExpr c t e) = eval c >>= \cond ->
BoolV False -> eval e
_ -> error "if: condition must be a boolean"
eval (Var var) = get >>= \(_,env) ->
eval (Var var) = get >>= \env ->
maybe (error $ "unbound variable " ++ var) return (lookup env var)
eval (Defun name fn) = do
(s,env) <- get
env <- get
case lookup env name of
Nothing -> -- bind new fn
eval fn >>= \fn' ->
put (s, bind env name fn') >> return fn'
put (bind env name fn') >> return fn'
Just oldfn -> -- add pattern to old fn
let FnV cls oldpats = oldfn
Lambda [(pat, body)] = fn
newfn = FnV cls (oldpats ++ [(pat, body)]) in
put (s, bind env name newfn) >> return newfn
put (bind env name newfn) >> return newfn
eval (Def pat v') = do
v <- eval v'
(s,locals:xs) <- get
locals:xs <- get
case patternBindings pat v of
Nothing -> error $ "pattern binding doesn't satisfy: " ++ show v ++ " with " ++ show pat
Just bindings ->
put (s, (M.union bindings locals):xs) >> -- update our local bindings
Just bindings -> do
put $ (M.union bindings locals):xs -- update our local bindings
return v
eval (Lambda pats) =
get >>= \(_,env) ->
if length env == 1 then -- if in global env just use [], denoting the current global scope
return $ FnV [] pats
else return $ FnV env pats
eval (Lambda pats) = do
env <- get
if length env == 1 then -- if in global env just use [], denoting the current global scope
return $ FnV [] pats
else return $ FnV env pats
eval (Add l r) = do { l <- eval l; r <- eval r; return $ l +$ r }
eval (Sub l r) = do { l <- eval l; r <- eval r; return $ l -$ r }
@ -347,15 +329,15 @@ eval (Access left (Var right)) = do
eval (Access _ _) = error "op/: RHS must be an identifier"
eval (Call lhs arg) = do
(h,env) <- get
env <- get
v <- eval lhs
case v of
fn@(FnV cls _) -> do
arg' <- eval arg
let cls' = if cls == [] then [last env] else cls -- if [], use current global env
put (h,cls') -- enter closure env
put cls' -- enter closure env
v <- apply fn arg'
put (h,env) -- restore env
put env -- restore env
return v
fn@(Builtin _) -> eval arg >>= apply fn
_ -> error $ "call: " ++ show v ++ " is not a function"
@ -434,9 +416,9 @@ apply (FnV _ pats) arg =
case patternBindings pat arg of
Just bindings -> -- satisfies
(s,env) <- get
env <- get
let newenv = bindings:env
put (s, newenv)
put newenv
eval body
Nothing -> -- doesn't satisfy this pattern
apply' xs