
167 lines
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2022-07-23 20:05:32 +00:00
program Emulator;
uses Crt;
IO = $ffff;
Halt: boolean; //Halt flag
Op: 0 .. $f; //Opcode
X, Y: 0 .. 3; //Register arguments
Addr, IP, RP: word; //Address argument and instruction and return pointers
R: array [0 .. 3] of byte; //General-purpose registers
Mem: array [0 .. $ffef] of byte; //Memory
Prog: file of byte; //Program file
Ch: ansichar; //Character for input and output
//Initialise the halt flag and the pointers
Halt := false;
IP := 0;
RP := $fff0;
//Read a program file and check for errors
if ParamCount <> 1 then begin
writeln ('Usage: emulator program');
assign (Prog, ParamStr (1));
reset (Prog);
if IOResult <> 0 then begin
writeln ('Usage: emulator program');
read (Prog, Mem [IP]);
IP := IP + 1;
until (eof (Prog)) or (IP = $fff0);
//Reinitialise the instruction pointer
IP := 0;
//Begin the main loop
while (Halt = false) do begin
//Fetch the instruction and increment the instruction pointer
Op := Mem [IP] and $f0 shr 4;
//Register arguments
X := Mem [IP] and $c shr 2;
Y := Mem [IP] and 3;
IP := IP + 1;
if IP > $ffef then break;
//Address argument
if Op >= $a then begin
//High byte
2022-07-23 20:05:32 +00:00
Addr := Mem [IP];
Addr := Addr shl 8;
IP := IP + 1;
if IP > $ffef then break;
//Low byte
2022-07-23 20:05:32 +00:00
Addr := Addr + Mem [IP];
IP := IP + 1;
if IP > $ffef then break;
//Decode and execute the instruction
if Op = 0 then Halt := true
else if Op = 1 then begin
//High byte of the return address
2022-07-23 20:05:32 +00:00
IP := Mem [RP];
IP := IP shl 8;
RP := RP + 1;
if RP > $fff0 then break;
//Low byte of the return address
IP := IP + Mem [RP];
2022-07-23 20:05:32 +00:00
RP := RP + 1;
if RP > $fff0 then break;
else if Op = 2 then R [X] := R [X] shl 1
else if Op = 3 then R [X] := R [X] shr 1
else if Op = 4 then R [X] := RolByte (R [X])
else if Op = 5 then R [X] := RorByte (R [X])
else if Op = 6 then R [X] := not (R [X] and R [Y])
else if Op = 7 then R [X] := R [X] and R [Y]
else if Op = 8 then R [X] := R [X] or R [Y]
else if Op = 9 then R [X] := R [X] xor R [Y]
else if Op = $a then begin
if Addr = IO then begin
Ch := ReadKey;
write (Ch);
R [X] := byte (Ch);
//Regular load
else R [X] := Mem [Addr];
else if Op = $b then begin
if Addr = IO then begin
Ch := ansichar (R [X]);
write (Ch);
//Regular store
else Mem [Addr] := R [X];
else if Op = $c then begin
if R [X] = R [Y] then IP := Addr;
else if Op = $d then begin
if R [X] <> R [Y] then IP := Addr;
else if Op = $e then begin
if R [X] = R [Y] then begin
//Low byte of the return address
RP := RP - 1;
if RP > $fff0 then break;
Mem [RP] := IP and $ff;
//High byte of the return address
2022-07-23 20:05:32 +00:00
RP := RP - 1;
if RP > $fff0 then break;
Mem [RP] := IP shr 8;
2022-07-23 20:05:32 +00:00
IP := Addr;
if IP > $ffef then break;
else if Op = $f then begin
if R [X] <> R [Y] then begin
//Low byte of the return address
RP := RP - 1;
if RP > $fff0 then break;
Mem [RP] := IP and $ff;
//High byte of the return address
2022-07-23 20:05:32 +00:00
RP := RP - 1;
if RP > $fff0 then break;
Mem [RP] := IP shr 8;
2022-07-23 20:05:32 +00:00
IP := Addr;
if IP > $ffef then break;
//End the main loop